Yes, there are none so blind as they that will not see.
What do you say now??
While checking out the last link I came across the mention of Ann Barnhardt so I did a Google. Wow! She is one whipper-snapper, that gal! And H-O-T. She said she burnt her Koran but before doing so placed 7 strips of raw bacon between the pages containg various passages she found offensive. That's takes ingenuity seldom seen today! I mean, who would have thought?
Here is a video of her titled, "Ann Barnhardt "Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil" (Part 1 of 4.)
EDIT: I just finished watching the 4 segments. Be warned segment 3 is a tough one to watch. It's both vile and nauseating.
On that note I'm outta here! I need some fresh air.
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