Scaring the Life out of an Old Lady

While checking out the last link I came across the mention of Ann Barnhardt so I did a Google. Wow! She is one whipper-snapper, that gal! And H-O-T. She said she burnt her Koran but before doing so placed 7 strips of raw bacon between the pages containg various passages she found offensive. That's takes ingenuity seldom seen today! I mean, who would have thought?

Here is a video of her titled, "Ann Barnhardt "Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil" (Part 1 of 4.)
There's nothing quite so exhilarating as listening to a spunky gal talk about sex! She definately has my attention regardless of how she cooks her bacon.

EDIT: I just finished watching the 4 segments. Be warned segment 3 is a tough one to watch. It's both vile and nauseating.

On that note I'm outta here! I need some fresh air.
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I have no doubt that you think you have proof that Obama is pro-Islam. That is not the point. Unless he amends the US Constitution and replaces the majority of Supreme Court justices, the US will not be ruled by Sharia Law.

That is one of the fundamental differences between the US and most other nations. We have safeguards against a theocracy.
Here is a thought, why would anyone want to change the subject away from scary e-mails which may be a factor in the death of some of our seniors? Let me expand by saying that my Aunt was a life long Republican who wasn't likely to vote any other way as are most of the seniors who believe these e-mails. Progressive seniors are either ignoring such e-mails or debunking them. What I am saying is that by trying to motivate people to vote Republican through these e-mails what is really being done is to help remove a number of Republicans from the voting roles because they are now or soon will be dead. Fear is a great short term motivator but in the long term it will come back and bite you on the butt!
I like your video...

Well from what you're saying they fail all the way around...we'll give them another Darwin award!!

BTW I've only received one of those emails which I answered and sent everyone on the email list. I never got another one!
I like your video...

Well from what you're saying they fail all the way around...we'll give them another Darwin award!!

BTW I've only received one of those emails which I answered and sent everyone on the email list. I never got another one!
They stopped sending them to me too, I think because I did the little research which it took to debunk the lies. One was that the President was putting out a new dollar coin which would not have "In God We Trust" on it. Well, I googled it and at the top of the list was one from Snoops which showed the coin with the words on it, what was more, the coin was started by Bush not Obama. With the exception of my Aunt no one else was sending me those emails and she finally stopped forwarding them to me because she didn't want to ruin our relationship. It really bothers me, that she let the lies scare her so. Don't get me wrong, Obama hasn't been the President that I had hoped he would be, but thank God we have him instead of Romney. I do miss talking to her, too many of my family are now on the other side.

Did you read the article? What Obama has pushed for is not a 'Death Panel'.

"But on Dec. 3, the Obama administration seemingly flouted the will of Congress by issuing a new Medicare regulation detailing "voluntary advance care planning" that is to be included during patients' annual checkups. The regulation aimed at the aged "may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment," The New York Times reported."

In other words, it allows the patient to detail their wishes concerning life sustaining efforts. Like a living will. Why would you be worried about that? Are you afraid the senior citizens would opt to not have heroic measures used to keep them alive?
This ties in nicely with the OP...Rightwing talking points used to scare people that have no relation to reality or fact. Good job of debunking this crap Winterborn.