APP - Scary without the hype

I recall having a debate over a similar issue, not tree rings but actual weather station data. My point was that many of these sites have become urbanized over time, and in fact some are moved several miles. Urbanization is an obvious effect on temperatures at that discreet location. Intuition and facts back this up. My opponent stated that the "scientists" know all this so use "adjustment factors" to counter the urbanization effects. That's bullshit, of course, because these "scientists" don't know the details of what happened at or around a site over 110 years of data, and if they did could play with the adjustment constants to get any end result that they wanted.
They use "adjustment factors", that is true. However they will not and have not shown their work on the "adjustment factors", they use a software that automatically adjusts but they don't even give the criteria they use for the adjustment let alone let people look at the software (allowing access to data and factors for adjustment would be normal for any real scientific study of this type, but not here, nobody can see what they do...) to find problems with the "adjustments"...
Please provide a link to that interview, if possible. What you are saying here that based on the interviewer, you cand see how Gore might have gotten the wrong idea...yet you INSIST he's still a liar. Weird, you're a liar because you believe in the misleading info from the source. Seems you've just got it in for Gore.
I explained very clearly why he's a liar. He said the info was FRESH! FRESH SCIENCE!! It was not. That's the lie.

Google the scientist's name if you want to find the interview.
Fuckin' amazing how you can bend over backwards making excuses for Gore with this statement but could not begin to apply the same logic to Bush and Iraqi WMD even after hearing the infamous Dem quotes saying the same thing over about 7 years, with NIE confirmation, along with 15+ unanimous UN resolutions all agreeing....but then thats another thread....:pke:

What's "fucking amazing" is how you either ignore what you don't like or don't comprehend what you read. Here's what else I said, ".... However, I will concede that unless Al makes a public statement that he screwed up, the repetitive "liar" bullhorn by the neocons will become more plausible."

What's also "fucking amazing" is how incredibly proud you are of your willful ignorance and insipid stubborness. How many times do I have to dumb it down for you? The UN and Dem quotes all led up to the continuation of the no fly zones, economic sanctions, surveillence, strategic bombings AND WMD INSPECTORS ON SITE. The Shrub and company VIOLATED the UN rules and the agreement with Congress....the UN went ON RECORD stating so. The NIE report STATED THAT IT'S SOURCE MATERIAL WAS QUESTIONABLE AT BEST. A matter of fact, a matter of history.....grow up and deal with it.

What a hack you are... Oh boy, our intellectually impotent willfully ignorant neocon bullhorn is on again with the false bravado! This signifys he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about beyond the Rove inspired mantras he's been fed. Cognitive reasoning is NOT a neocon's strong point.

Personally, I don't think Gore consciously lied ..but he'll grab at anything and everything he can .....hes just in this hoax so deep he can't get out without looking like the fool and hypocrite we all know he is.....

So Gore didn't lie because he's already lying? God, you don't even realize how fucking stupid you sound, do ya bunky? :palm:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Please provide a link to that interview, if possible. What you are saying here that based on the interviewer, you cand see how Gore might have gotten the wrong idea...yet you INSIST he's still a liar. Weird, you're a liar because you believe in the misleading info from the source. Seems you've just got it in for Gore.

I explained very clearly why he's a liar. He said the info was FRESH! FRESH SCIENCE!! It was not. That's the lie.

Repeating yourself won't make your beliefs come true, nor will it erase EVERYTHING I've said in the previous response.

Google the scientist's name if you want to find the interview.

Translation: you don't have the information....which makes YOU a suspected liar. YOU made the statment, the burden of proof is on YOU. Put up or blow it out your ass. Or say something stupid followed by the faux condescending laugh.
Translation: you don't have the information....which makes YOU a suspected liar. YOU made the statment, the burden of proof is on YOU. Put up or blow it out your ass. Or say something stupid followed by the faux condescending laugh.

LOL whatever ching chong
I'm not wasting my time digging it up. If you want to find it it a google search away.

Oh what the hell

here's the link I listened to a couple days ago.
here's a link to the a BBC article with him

He does make the claim.

I wonder why he doesn't stand behind it?

Something about rats and a sinking ship, maybe
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LOL whatever ching chong :palm: Not only did this idiot do EXACTLY like I said he would, but he tops it off with a racial dig. How revealing!I'm not wasting my time digging it up. If you want to find it it a google search away.

Oh what the hell

And now the buffoon tries to puff himself up with with this pretense of a magnanimous gesture...which is just a fair and mannerly action during a debate...meeting a burden of proof.

here's the link I listened to a couple days ago.
here's a link to the a BBC article with him

He does make the claim.

I wonder why he doesn't stand behind it?

Something about rats and a sinking ship, maybe

:palm: First, here's the link to the transcript

There is NOTHING "leading" by the interviewer, since he states "correct me if I'm wrong" during his questions. When you look at this and what Maslowski said in my previous link, the ONE thing you can harp on is that Gore states the information is "fresh". That was Mslowki's point, as his interview didn't have him screaming Gore's a liar....he just said Gore got it ass backwards.

Like I said before, if Gore is questioned on this and he doesn't say, "yeah, I totally screwed up my facts on that one", then neocons will hoot and holler that he's a liar and all his material is lies, etc., etc. I'll wait and see, because Gore is no dummy and will probably take the heat for an honest mistake.

So why don't you write a letter to Limbaugh or Hannity or Crowley or Beck to make this a BIG issue....hound Gore for the truth. Then whatever the answer is you can just repeat your beliefs anyway.
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:palm: First, here's the link to the transcript

There is NOTHING "leading" by the interviewer, since he states "correct me if I'm wrong" during his questions. When you look at this and what Maslowski said in my previous link, the ONE thing you can harp on is that Gore states the information is "fresh". That was Mslowki's point, as his interview didn't have him screaming Gore's a liar....he just said Gore got it ass backwards.

Like I said before, if Gore is questioned on this and he doesn't say, "yeah, I totally screwed up my facts on that one", then neocons will hoot and holler that he's a liar and all his material is lies, etc., etc. I'll wait and see, because Gore is no dummy and will probably take the heat for an honest mistake.

So why don't you write a letter to Limbaugh or Hannity or Crowley or Beck to make this a BIG issue....hound Gore for the truth. Then whatever the answer is you can just repeat your beliefs anyway.

I don't listen to or watch either of those folks.
Gore lies
There was an interesting show on History last night about the Sahara Desert and how it changes every 10,000 years, with a geologic record of these changes going back millions of years. The cycle coincides exactly with the wobble of the Earth on its axis. 10,000 year cycles are what I remember from college as ice age cycles as well.

If you are referring to the precession of the equinoxes, that is a 26,000 year cycle.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
First, here's the link to the transcript

There is NOTHING "leading" by the interviewer, since he states "correct me if I'm wrong" during his questions. When you look at this and what Maslowski said in my previous link, the ONE thing you can harp on is that Gore states the information is "fresh". That was Mslowki's point, as his interview didn't have him screaming Gore's a liar....he just said Gore got it ass backwards.

Like I said before, if Gore is questioned on this and he doesn't say, "yeah, I totally screwed up my facts on that one", then neocons will hoot and holler that he's a liar and all his material is lies, etc., etc. I'll wait and see, because Gore is no dummy and will probably take the heat for an honest mistake.

So why don't you write a letter to Limbaugh or Hannity or Crowley or Beck to make this a BIG issue....hound Gore for the truth. Then whatever the answer is you can just repeat your beliefs anyway.

I don't listen to or watch either of those folks. Then you must be psychic, because you sure as hell channel their blatherings verbatim!
Gore lies

Yeah, you said that already.....proving it beyond your worthless opinion is something else entirely. Also, you cannot disprove what Maslowski corrects. Once again, you prove yourself to be nothing but a chuckling dishonest neocon clown.

This was covered on the local network stations, you buffoon. And of course, information STOLEN and routed through Russia by a "secret hacker" is suddenly "corroborated" by certain Russian officials, who have gone on record as being obstinate towards any international consensus to reduce air pollution via industrial modification.

Nothing suspicious about that. :rolleyes:

Right, because deforestation, urbanization and industrial pollution on an escalating scale for 200 years that DESTROYS the very system that exchanges oxygen for CO2 has NO effect on the natural cycles of the earth, right bunky? :palm:

And isn't it interesting how YOU suddenly kiss the ass of RUSSIAN HACKERS when they tell you what you want to here. Or did you forget how this mess got started?

And again, what are you defending? How is making the air we breath better so detrimental to the world? Don't give me that economic bullshit, because last year should have wised you up to the real culprit in that area.
Even the dude on the radio, the professor who hosts "Stump the Professor", had a show about this. Previously a supporter, he now talks about how they created the hockey-stick graph so that any data entered still creates the same result from 1902 on, how the data was manipulated....

It's freaky how each new revelation just makes it worse. Then hearing Tony Blair talking about how it is important to do it "even if it is false" just makes me laugh.