sceince yet again proves the bible is wrong

Yes, I understand that it can be allegory. But what parts? Frankly, you'd have to be half insane to insist on incorporating any of the first five books into your view of the natural history of the world. Most of the rest of the Old Testament is just myth or pure fiction.

You can believe as you wish.
It doesn't mean that I have to accept it as part of what I believe.

Once again:
I've never seen so many people try to denigrate the beliefs of others, when the other people aren't trying to change your beliefs.
Why did you avoid the question, chickenshit? He had not "lived" until he was outside of the garden of Eden?

marking the time from birth to death as, not in the sense we do today.....prior to Genesis 3 human beings had a different existence than they did after......

now, why do you continue to avoid admitting that the Bible doesn't say when this supposed 130 years began, or how much time passed after the creation of the universe......