School apologizes for putting fried chicken on Black History Month menu

we are way more racially diverse than your shitty country tom. we don't have metal detectors at schools tom. maybe a few here and there but not the vast majority. I know you probably think we just have military with assault rifles everywhere in america but we don't.

you live in a totalitarian society now. very sad.

You don't have a clue do you. If you actually left Boston and travelled you would see for yourself the absurdity of your statement. We have a policy of exporting our arseholes, like 007, to you. I also seem to recall the many threads about arming all teachers and having police based in schools.
You don't have a clue do you. If you actually left Boston and travelled you would see for yourself the absurdity of your statement. We have a policy of exporting our arseholes, like 007, to you. I also seem to recall the many threads about arming all teachers and having police based in schools.

ok dipshit, I just got back from traveling all over the internet. I went to many far away lands, including wikipedia.


86% white, 5% white(other), 1% irish white. so 92% white, and everyone else is just a bunch of rando 1%'s.

compared to america:


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like how were you even thinking you would debate this? how fucking clueless and dumb are you? you really think your 1984 stuffy society is more racially diverse than america? get real.
If this high school chooses to add bangers and mash to the lunch menu during the week of 3/17, will they have to apologize for that, as well?
You don't have a clue do you. If you actually left Boston and travelled you would see for yourself the absurdity of your statement. We have a policy of exporting our arseholes, like 007, to you. I also seem to recall the many threads about arming all teachers and having police based in schools.

Allowing teachers to be armed, if they choose, was a suggestion by someone on the right.
The idea of having police based in schools was a liberal idea, right along with having magnets in the ceilings to deflect fired lead bullets.
Allowing teachers to be armed, if they choose, was a suggestion by someone on the right.
The idea of having police based in schools was a liberal idea, right along with having magnets in the ceilings to deflect fired lead bullets.

Seeing how lead is non magnetic I can't see that idea taking off. :)
ok dipshit, I just got back from traveling all over the internet. I went to many far away lands, including wikipedia.


86% white, 5% white(other), 1% irish white. so 92% white, and everyone else is just a bunch of rando 1%'s.

compared to america:



Well clever clogs you are obviously unaware that good old Tony Blair allowed unlimited access to Britain in 2004 to Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. There are at least 1 million Poles living here now as well as up to another two million others. That doesn't count all the extra numbers from outside the EU from the Indian sub-continent, Asia and Africa, both legal and illegal. The EU has also seen fit to allow full rights to another 29 million Bulgarians and Romanians as well.

Your figures are from the 2001 census which are like you grossly out of date.