school girl dies after getting sick at school (no nurse)

A 12-year-old girl got sick late last month while she was at her Philadelphia school — a school without a full-time nurse. She died later that day. Here’s a piece on what happened to Laporshia Massey from the website of the nonprofit Parents United for Public Education in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia school district has been in a state of crisis for years in large part because of under-funding by the state. Drastic budget cuts this year led to what was referred to as a “grim new normal” that included the closure of two dozens schools, layoffs of more than 3,800 personnel and other cuts that left some schools without money for paper and new books.

Here’s the post from Parents United:

Our hearts are breaking over the death of beautiful 12 year old Bryant Elementary student Laporshia Massey, who died following an asthma attack that apparently started at school. We grieve for her entire family and the Bryant community.

According to the City Paper, Laporshia became ill during the school day. No nurse was scheduled. Laporshia called a family member, telling her repeatedly, “I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.” A staff person drove the sixth grader home.

Is there a point? School nurse couldn't have done anything. If anything, I blame the parents. Proper asthma management includes doing peak flows and documenting them every day. You will always be able to tell when a patient is in trouble before they have an attack , unless it is allegiance induced.

Any caring parent would have properly managed their kids asthma.

True tragedy
The governor of the state, who authorized the budget cuts, should be charged with murder, and executed.

Fingers crossed, he's going to lose the next election in a landslide. For a doofus like him it's a fate worse than death.

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania — It's the comparison to eight years ago that nags at some Republicans.

Then-U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum was deemed unworthy of re-election by 47 percent of voters surveyed in an independent poll 14 months before he lost to Bob Casey in a landslide that shook Pennsylvania politics.

Now many Republicans are watching with growing unease as Gov. Tom Corbett's poll numbers deteriorate. In late August — 14 months before voters decide on their next governor — the same pollster, Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, said 69 percent of registered voters did not believe Corbett deserves a second term.
Corrupt cronyism rules in the Corbett administration.

"If politics is one big circus, then Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett is one of its clowns, according to a political watchdog group.

In a report released last week titled "The Worst Governors in America," the nonpartisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington ranks Corbett among America's lousiest legislators.

Corbett is a Republican in his first term as governor. The report slams Corbett for accepting gifts from law firms, lobbyists and others with business before the state; "concealing" the awarding of a state contract to a campaign contributor; an investigation into his handling of the Penn State sexual abuse scandal while Corbett was state attorney general; and for advocating for new voter-identification restrictions.

"Gov. Corbett has accepted thousand of dollars in gifts from executives, lobbyists, law firms and others, who, in many instances, had business before the state. In most cases, the governor received campaign contributions (from these parties) as well," according to the report, which notes that public officials in Pennsylvania can accept gifts, but not from anyone doing business regulated by the state.

Of the 18 governors on the list, all but two are Republicans."
Corrupt cronyism rules in the Corbett administration.

"If politics is one big circus, then Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett is one of its clowns, according to a political watchdog group.

In a report released last week titled "The Worst Governors in America," the nonpartisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington ranks Corbett among America's lousiest legislators.

Corbett is a Republican in his first term as governor. The report slams Corbett for accepting gifts from law firms, lobbyists and others with business before the state; "concealing" the awarding of a state contract to a campaign contributor; an investigation into his handling of the Penn State sexual abuse scandal while Corbett was state attorney general; and for advocating for new voter-identification restrictions.

"Gov. Corbett has accepted thousand of dollars in gifts from executives, lobbyists, law firms and others, who, in many instances, had business before the state. In most cases, the governor received campaign contributions (from these parties) as well," according to the report, which notes that public officials in Pennsylvania can accept gifts, but not from anyone doing business regulated by the state.

Of the 18 governors on the list, all but two are Republicans."

He sounds like a democrat
LOL. He got warnings before the roll-out? Cite.

Major insurers, state health-care officials and Democratic allies repeatedly warned the Obama administration in recent months that the new federal health-insurance exchange had significant problems, according to people familiar with the conversations.

Despite those warnings, the White House proceeded with an Oct. 1 launch.

Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-N.J.), who played a key role in passing the health-care law and has worked on its implementation, said he told White House officials early this summer he had been hearing from insurers that the online system had flaws.

Anyway it has nothing to do with ethics.

Due diligence...

Next excuse, please.
Major insurers, state health-care officials and Democratic allies repeatedly warned the Obama administration in recent months that the new federal health-insurance exchange had significant problems, according to people familiar with the conversations.

Despite those warnings, the White House proceeded with an Oct. 1 launch.

Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-N.J.), who played a key role in passing the health-care law and has worked on its implementation, said he told White House officials early this summer he had been hearing from insurers that the online system had flaws.

Due diligence...

Next excuse, please.

The article says there were too many last-minute changes leading to the pre-rollout tests not running smoothly. Then the system couldn't handle the number of hits it got since opening day. Those are fair points. I think it's too soon to call it all a mammoth failure, though.
The article says there were too many last-minute changes leading to the pre-rollout tests not running smoothly. Then the system couldn't handle the number of hits it got since opening day. Those are fair points. I think it's too soon to call it all a mammoth failure, though.

Did you know the administration was warned the system could only handle a fraction of the traffic they forecast and went ahead anyway?

Did you know that the traffic excuse doesn't explain many of the other issues?

Did you know that Baghdad Kathy Sibelius needs some help with damage control, and you're obviously a strong candidate for the job?
Yeah, that'll bring that little girl back.

What compassion!

Who's callous and unconcerned about education in PA, hmm?

"Corbett proposed reducing state funding for state-owned and -related colleges by 50% in the 2011-2012 budget; he signed into law a budget that cut 18%. He proposed a 20% to 30% cut for 2012-2013, and proposed flat-funding them in 2013-2014. Ultimately cuts amounting to about 18% were enacted in 2011 and higher education has been flat-funded since."
Did you know the administration was warned the system could only handle a fraction of the traffic they forecast and went ahead anyway?

Did you know that the traffic excuse doesn't explain many of the other issues?

Did you know that Baghdad Kathy Sibelius needs some help with damage control, and you're obviously a strong candidate for the job?

Testy. If it soothes your poor heart to think healthcare implementation is going to be a massive failure, I won't try to persuade you otherwise.

But if you're still around in a few months and it's found to be a roaring success, make no mistake, I will taunt you mercilessly. :pke:
Testy. If it soothes your poor heart to think healthcare implementation is going to be a massive failure, I won't try to persuade you otherwise. But if you're still around in a few months and it's found to be a roaring success, make no mistake, I will taunt you mercilessly. :pke:

I look forward to it, girlfriend.