Not So Junior Member
Have we crossed paths before Onion?
Tis possible! Watch the breath!
Have we crossed paths before Onion?
Damon, you've no idea just how ironic that statement is in any thread in which Dixie has been participating.Oh I can stand a few nasties, but Maineman seems a bit over the top with slamming anyone who disagrees with him. For someone that appears to put himself above others, he's sure quick to categorize with very limited information.
Damon, you've no idea just how ironic that statement is in any thread in which Dixie has been participating.![]()
Okay, it would be even funnier had Toby chimed in. Can't have everything though.
It is amazing to me how low a rascal these scurvy scriveners take me for. Do they think me so uneducated, such an illiterate rube, that I might fail to recognize so obvious a reference as "Runyon?"Damon? Is this like claiming others are Dixie or something? I really hate when users can make multiple id's. I promise, this is my one and only here.
That's the stiff. Always writes in the present tense. It's quite annoying, really, but what can you do? He's got the swells in his pocket.
That's the stiff. Always writes in the present tense. It's quite annoying, really, but what can you do? He's got the swells in his pocket.
So, not Damon Runyon, eh? Okay. We'll just have to work on the code some more.
Ok Coon I thought this would be a better way for you to scool me, keep it in one thread as I noticed you like to jump around and get your quotes confused.
So Here goes, please school me in the following:
The Iraq Issue
Seeing as this has been the crying call of damn near the entire democratic party and more, school me on a few of these issues:
1 - How many resolutions were dealt with on Iraq?
2 - How long was Iraq an issue within the U.N?
3 - Would diplomacy been the ultimate answer?
4 - At the given time of the Iraq invasion and given the fact that we saw up close what terrorism was all about, was their a better way of handling Iraq?
And was there another country that was obviously more of an issue at that time?
5 - Now we are in the middle of a possible civil war within Iraq, and I never said the situation was ideal! What do we do next? and why?
I'll start it at that, answer whichever way you want, whenever you want, but just school me as you claim to be able to do so easily!![]()
Ok Coonie, right of the bat we have some shitbrick answers! Israel is an ally, they have yet to show any signs of invading anyone just for the hell of it, or drop bombs for the sake of having the power. We are talking about tyranical regimes, would you say that Sharon has shown symptoms of being a madman?1. Nowhere near as many as have dealt with Israel, yet Bush did not feel compelled to invade, conquer, and occupy the Holy Land because of UN resolutions. This war was sold to America as a logical response to 9/11....not because we decided to invade the country with the most UN resolutions against it.
2. Again...nowhere near as long as Israel has been an issue...see #1 above.
So, you think that there was no need to deal with Iraq at al or what?3. The answer to what? To dealing with the wahabbist islamic extremists that attacked us on 9/11? NO. But, neither was invading, conquering, and occupying Iraq.
Holy shitbricks batman, George W actually had the blessings of Coonie!!!4. Invading Iraq in response to 9/11 was about as appropriate as invading Korea in response to Pearl Harbor. Iraq posed no threat to us. Colin Powell said as much, explicitly, months before 9/11. I was fully supportive of our invasion of Afghanistan, and Bush had my support for his aggressive foreign policy initiatives there up until we outsourced the capture of OBL at Tora Bora to a bunch of Afghan warlords who went into the hills and came back empty handed except for the bribe money spilling from their pockets. He lost me there and has never gotten me back. I do not think that our enemy should be viewed as a "country", but as a "philosophy" that does not reside in any one country and as a "condition" that is primarily caused by the socio-economic inequities that exist in the region and that the residents of that region rightly or wrongly ascribe, in large measure, to the actions of the west..
5. What do we do in regards to Iraq, or in regards to the war against Islamic extremism?
Fair enough! but what happens if the Iraqi government fails to secure itself? We will wind up with a bigger problem thanks to the extremists!With regards to Iraq, we give the Iraqi government a date in the near future that we will leave their country and let them decide amongst themselves how they should be governed. I, for one, think that an Iraqi shiite dominated theocracy with close ties to Iran is infinitely worse than a baathist secular Iraq acting as a regional foil to Iranian hegemony, but we have already screwed that pooch and the current mess in Lebanon is a by-product of our misplaced aggession against Iraq and the resulting shift in the middle eastern house of cards.
With regards to the war against Islamic extremism, until we deal with the causes of it instead of simply attempting to stomp on it, we will not solve the problem. Simply killing muslims as a strategy for getting muslims to stop wanting to kill us is a strategy doomed for failure.
Chickenhawk bluster from someone who's unwilling to serve or die in an unnecessary war he helped start.
ChickenHawk update, August 19, 2006:
-22,000 dead, wounded and maimed american soldiers
-50-100,000 dead iraqi civilians
-350,000,000,000 Taxpayer dollars
-Final estimated cost for your war: 1 - 1.5 Trillion taxpayer $$$
bluster from someone who's unwilling to serve
You know what... you are right, we shouldn't have a voice if we aren't willing to serve, so you will back an immediate Constituional measure to only allow those currently serving in the military, the right to vote? If not, shut your bluster hole!
Bluster from "Living Legend", that's rich.
I'm trying to reason if you are insinuating that only those who have served should be able to speak? Or those that haven't can only speak if they agree with you? Or you agree that all should be able to voice their opinions?
Welcome Runyon!
ok, here's the scoop.... Maineman was in the Navy, a lifer, I believe...
Dixie did not serve in the military, because of some medical disability I believe is what he said....
So Maineman and Dixie have a LONG standing fight going on regarding this...
Thus, Dixie is being SARCASTIC and humorous in his response that you are questioning!
hope that helps!
Bluster from "Living Legend", that's rich.
I'm trying to reason if you are insinuating that only those who have served should be able to speak? Or those that haven't can only speak if they agree with you? Or you agree that all should be able to voice their opinions?
Welcome Runyon!
ok, here's the scoop.... Maineman was in the Navy, a lifer, I believe...
Dixie did not serve in the military, because of some medical disability I believe is what he said....
So Maineman and Dixie have a LONG standing fight going on regarding this...
Thus, Dixie is being SARCASTIC and humorous in his response that you are questioning!
hope that helps!