Schwarzenegger signs bill banning texting by motorists

Also, I'll take that as a big fat "NO" that you do not even drive.

I'm sorry for ignoring your ad hominem argument at face and going on and discussing the relevant topics, but yes I do have a drivers license and a car, Mr. condescending.

And I shall pre-empt you on your next condescension by stating, no, I did not buy it with "welfare checks", or "daddy's money".
Well this is the guy that said a little mercury never hurt no one.
That is correct, it likely does not. Again, besides Minamoto, can you name another incident of mercury poisoning affecting people's health?

and dano that study is 5 years old.
I'd love to see anything more recent you have. But let me guess you don't have anything more recent, you just quickly glanced at it, luckily noticed that it was from 2003 and thought "Hmm, well I may as well mention the date because I don't really have any other argument and that looks like my best/easiest option."

The problem with the left on these issues is that they are not capable of contrasting it to anything similar to put it in context of how often it would really happen. Instead, hearing texting and driving just sounds dangerous.
Here's a better compromise, if a cop sees someone going really fast and not noticing much as they text, then arrest them for dangerous driving, otherwise trust in common sense and give people their freedom.
I'm sorry for ignoring your ad hominem argument at face and going on and discussing the relevant topics, but yes I do have a drivers license and a car, Mr. condescending.

And I shall pre-empt you on your next condescension by stating, no, I did not buy it with "welfare checks", or "daddy's money".

It wasn't condescending, I realized it might sound like that so I came out and said it was a serious question (look back in the post). That's pretty good if you bought it with your minimum wage job you have, you must be a decent saver. Good for you. :)

I have stats to back up what I argue, so if you throw bombs calling me out for BS, don't complain when you get disproven and I throw the shit back.
"Only" five percent of tens of thousands of deaths are caused by cell phones. That's an acceptable ration to Dano.
This is false, the article makes no mention of deaths, just accidents. Read more carefully.
And yes there is always an acceptable ration in exchange for any freedom, would you ban changing the radio while driving? You would save more lives than banning cell phones statiscally. But you wouldn't because you consider that freedom more important. Well I do for cell phones and texting as well.

I always feel like those on the left are on the hunt for new things they can ban and freedoms to take away. Just leave people alone, why is that so hard to do?
That is correct, it likely does not. Again, besides Minamoto, can you name another incident of mercury poisoning affecting people's health?


* The first emperor of unified China, Qin Shi Huang Di, was driven insane and killed by mercury pills intended to give him eternal life.[citation needed]
* The phrase mad as a hatter is likely a reference to mercury poisoning, as mercury-based compounds were once used in the manufacture of felt hats in the 18th and 19th century. (The Mad Hatter character of Alice in Wonderland was almost certainly inspired by an eccentric furniture dealer, not by a victim of mercury poisoning.)[30]
* An early scientific study of mercury poisoning was in 1923-6 by the German inorganic chemist, Alfred Stock, who himself became poisoned, together with his colleagues, by breathing mercury vapour that was being released by his laboratory equipment — diffusion pumps, float valves, and manometers — all of which contained mercury, and also from mercury that had been accidentally spilt and remained in cracks in the linoleum floor covering. He published a number of papers on mercury poisoning, founded a committee in Berlin to study cases of possible mercury poisoning, and introduced the term micromercurialism.[31]
* The term Hunter-Russell syndrome derives from a study of mercury poisoning among workers in a seed packing factory in Norwich, England in the late 1930s who breathed methylmercury that was being used as a seed disinfectant and preservative.[32]
* From 1932 to 1968 methyl mercury was released into the sea around the city of Minamata in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. The toxin bioaccumulated in fish, which when eaten by the local population caused the largest case of mercury poisoning known[citation needed]. Minamata disease and a second outbreak Niigata Minamata disease caused the deaths of over 1000 people and permanently disabled a great many more.
* Widespread mercury poisoning occurred in rural Iraq in 1971-1972, when grain treated with a methyl mercury-based fungicide that was intended for planting only was used by the rural population to make bread, causing at least 6530 cases of mercury poisoning and at least 459 deaths (see Basra poison grain disaster).[33]
* On August 14, 1996, Karen Wetterhahn, a chemistry professor working at Dartmouth College, spilled a small amount of dimethylmercury on her latex glove. She began experiencing the symptoms of mercury poisoning five months later and, despite aggressive chelation therapy, died a few months later from brain malfunction due to mercury intoxication.[17][18]
* In April 2000, Alan Chmurny attempted to kill a former employee, Marta Bradley, by pouring mercury into the ventilation system of her car.[34]
* On March 19, 2008, Tony Winnett, 55, inhaled mercury vapors while trying to extract gold from computer parts, and died ten days later. His Oklahoma residence became so contaminated that it would have to be gutted.[35][36]

Just the first thing I came accross. You are not worth much research to disprove since I always assume you are incorrect anyway.

* The first emperor of unified China, Qin Shi Huang Di, was driven insane and killed by mercury pills intended to give him eternal life.[citation needed]
* The phrase mad as a hatter is likely a reference to mercury poisoning, as mercury-based compounds were once used in the manufacture of felt hats in the 18th and 19th century. (The Mad Hatter character of Alice in Wonderland was almost certainly inspired by an eccentric furniture dealer, not by a victim of mercury poisoning.)[30]
* An early scientific study of mercury poisoning was in 1923-6 by the German inorganic chemist, Alfred Stock, who himself became poisoned, together with his colleagues, by breathing mercury vapour that was being released by his laboratory equipment — diffusion pumps, float valves, and manometers — all of which contained mercury, and also from mercury that had been accidentally spilt and remained in cracks in the linoleum floor covering. He published a number of papers on mercury poisoning, founded a committee in Berlin to study cases of possible mercury poisoning, and introduced the term micromercurialism.[31]
* The term Hunter-Russell syndrome derives from a study of mercury poisoning among workers in a seed packing factory in Norwich, England in the late 1930s who breathed methylmercury that was being used as a seed disinfectant and preservative.[32]
* From 1932 to 1968 methyl mercury was released into the sea around the city of Minamata in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. The toxin bioaccumulated in fish, which when eaten by the local population caused the largest case of mercury poisoning known[citation needed]. Minamata disease and a second outbreak Niigata Minamata disease caused the deaths of over 1000 people and permanently disabled a great many more.
* Widespread mercury poisoning occurred in rural Iraq in 1971-1972, when grain treated with a methyl mercury-based fungicide that was intended for planting only was used by the rural population to make bread, causing at least 6530 cases of mercury poisoning and at least 459 deaths (see Basra poison grain disaster).[33]
* On August 14, 1996, Karen Wetterhahn, a chemistry professor working at Dartmouth College, spilled a small amount of dimethylmercury on her latex glove. She began experiencing the symptoms of mercury poisoning five months later and, despite aggressive chelation therapy, died a few months later from brain malfunction due to mercury intoxication.[17][18]
* In April 2000, Alan Chmurny attempted to kill a former employee, Marta Bradley, by pouring mercury into the ventilation system of her car.[34]
* On March 19, 2008, Tony Winnett, 55, inhaled mercury vapors while trying to extract gold from computer parts, and died ten days later. His Oklahoma residence became so contaminated that it would have to be gutted.[35][36]

Just the first thing I came accross. You are not worth much research to disprove since I always assume you are incorrect anyway.

Ok I assumed you remembered that original discussion. Jeepers (and possibly another lefty) were talking about mercury accumulation in fish and saying it was a health risk. Then I said the same thing I just said to you:
"A little mercury likely does not hurt you. Besides Minamoto, can you name another incident of mercury poisoning affecting people's health?"
I was speaking about fish and assumed you knew that as you pulled that quote of mine from that discussion.
Yes mercury in many other ways has hurt people, no question.

But good job doing some research for the first time, too bad it didn't work out this time around but who knows the next time you do it in another 40000 posts from now you may get lucky.
Ok I assumed you remembered that original discussion. Jeepers (and possibly another lefty) were talking about mercury accumulation in fish and saying it was a health risk. Then I said the same thing I just said to you:
"A little mercury likely does not hurt you. Besides Minamoto, can you name another incident of mercury poisoning affecting people's health?"
I was speaking about fish and assumed you knew that as you pulled that quote of mine from that discussion.
Yes mercury in many other ways has hurt people, no question.

But good job doing some research for the first time, too bad it didn't work out this time around but who knows the next time you do it in another 40000 posts from now you may get lucky.

you assumed Wrong. None of my posts on mercury in the thread spoke of fish except in the above link I think speaks of fish.
you assumed Wrong. None of my posts on mercury in the thread spoke of fish except in the above link I think speaks of fish.
Your opening post, was referring to a quote from me awhile back talking about how a little mercury in fish was not a health risk. Which it is not as Minamata tragedy is the only instance to date of that.
Yes I assumed wrong.
To me there is a big difference here. I understand that trans-fat oils are bad for you. But they only harm the one consuming them.

Texting while driving means you aren't paying attention to the road. And that has the potential to harm lots of other people.

there's this judicial concept called lawsuit. It used to work wonders until Liberals decided they didn't want to be held responsible and accountable for their actions and did away with it by bankruptcy laws and powerful insurance companies.
People always forget that driving is a priviledge and not a right.

the right to travel, by any means whatsoever, has been turned in to a privilege by nanny stater liberals who need to be told how, when, where, what, and why to do things.

I've got a right to drive and it will not be infringed upon.
Yep I have the right to jump in an airplane and fly it if I want to without any certification. Sounds good to me.

speed limits and traffic lights infringe on my right to travel, they need to go.
And who needs a Drivers liscence anyway.

Let junor drive with a booster seat.
Yep I have the right to jump in an airplane and fly it if I want to without any certification. Sounds good to me.
if you want to take your life in to your hands by flying without knowing how, so be it.

speed limits and traffic lights infringe on my right to travel, they need to go.
these do not stop you from driving. they only regulate traffic for ease and flow. these are not infringements.
if you want to take your life in to your hands by flying without knowing how, so be it.

these do not stop you from driving. they only regulate traffic for ease and flow. these are not infringements.

banning cell phone texting while driving does not infringe on your right to travel either.

there is no right to use a cell phone device in the constitution.
Free speech yes, but not necessarially over a phone.
banning cell phone texting while driving does not infringe on your right to travel either.
agreed. I'm not now nor have i ever denied that. This is just one of those stupid laws that only do two things. It makes people 'feel good' about making roads safe but doesn't work(because people will ignore it if they want to anyway) and it will create revenue for a state legislature who can't manage their budget anyway. it's like gun control laws. it only affects one body of people.
This is false, the article makes no mention of deaths, just accidents. Read more carefully.
And yes there is always an acceptable ration in exchange for any freedom, would you ban changing the radio while driving? You would save more lives than banning cell phones statiscally. But you wouldn't because you consider that freedom more important. Well I do for cell phones and texting as well.

I always feel like those on the left are on the hunt for new things they can ban and freedoms to take away. Just leave people alone, why is that so hard to do?

Just leave people alone? Yeah, lets just leave them alone. Let'em drive drunk, let'em pay attention to phone calls instead of the road and even more.

Sure, lets leave people alone to kill people. Sure, thats a great idea.

Look, if you have to make a phone call just pull the hell over. I would be willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of these phone calls are no more important than trivial chit-chat.
the right to travel, by any means whatsoever, has been turned in to a privilege by nanny stater liberals who need to be told how, when, where, what, and why to do things.

I've got a right to drive and it will not be infringed upon.

You certainly do. You have a right to drive YOUR car on YOUR property. The minute you pull out onto a public road, you have the RIGHT to follow the laws that have been put into place or suffer the consequences.
"Rights" and "freedom" are concepts that few people understand anymore. They have pretty much lost all meaning, and are just another platitude to throw out there to emotionally support your bogus political point.
agreed. I'm not now nor have i ever denied that. This is just one of those stupid laws that only do two things. It makes people 'feel good' about making roads safe but doesn't work(because people will ignore it if they want to anyway) and it will create revenue for a state legislature who can't manage their budget anyway. it's like gun control laws. it only affects one body of people.

Ohh but if it is illegal and you are doing it and in an accident your ins can refuse to pay ? Or can the accident automatically be declared your fault ?
You certainly do. You have a right to drive YOUR car on YOUR property. The minute you pull out onto a public road, you have the RIGHT to follow the laws that have been put into place or suffer the consequences.

Yep as long as you keep paying your property taxes.