Science and Newsom Win

Your story is rather distorted.

I'm honestly curious. What do you think is distorted or unclear? Having lived through this and even having a family member who voted for Newsom but was pissed he didn't follow the science and let her kids back in school I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
What have you been drinking????????????????

do you not even know about your dear fauci? and the HOT MESS he caused with the AIDS pandemic? lol. and all the fear mongering he stirred? of course not- it is a fact that all democrats and commies are low information and low IQ brainless meat bags.
I'm honestly curious. What do you think is distorted or unclear? Having lived through this and even having a family member who voted for Newsom but was pissed he didn't follow the science and let her kids back in school I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

Apparently, the kids were allowed to go back to school prematurely, seeing that there' no vaccine for the kids, and now the virus is spreading to the kids.
do you not even know about your dear fauci? and the HOT MESS he caused with the AIDS pandemic? lol. and all the fear mongering he stirred? of course not- it is a fact that all democrats and commies are low information and low IQ brainless meat bags.

Who let you out of the asylum??????????????????
Apparently, the kids were allowed to go back to school prematurely, seeing that there' no vaccine for the kids, and now the virus is spreading to the kids.

Is that an argument to not follow the science (of the moment) because it could change in the future?
What science are you using????????????????

At the time the science said, with proper precautions, that it was safe to return to in person learning. (As stated, private schools in the state were already doing it - including the private school where Newsom sent his kids.) But instead of "believing or following the science" he supported public school teachers not coming back to the class room.

So when people say "we believe in science" and then choose politics (donors) over science what does that say?
At the time the science said, with proper precautions, that it was safe to return to in person learning. (As stated, private schools in the state were already doing it - including the private school where Newsom sent his kids.) But instead of "believing or following the science" he supported public school teachers not coming back to the class room.

So when people say "we believe in science" and then choose politics (donors) over science what does that say?

This sounds like more trumpian half baked finger pointing.
This sounds like more trumpian half baked finger pointing.

LOL. As partisans we all greatly enjoy pointing out hypocrisy when committed by the other side. Not as much fun when our side does it. And your response here shows partisanship trumps principle. The whole "believe science" gets thrown out the window real quick when politics are involved.
leftists are anti science. leftists hate science and the scientific process- you believe in cultish dogmatic ideology. that is the opposite of science :)

Remember- leftists such as the subhuman @katzgar believes that math is racist, men are women, up is down, and deny economics and biology and any concept of scarcity

Your merh is making you delusional
do you not even know about your dear fauci? and the HOT MESS he caused with the AIDS pandemic? lol. and all the fear mongering he stirred? of course not- it is a fact that all democrats and commies are low information and low IQ brainless meat bags.

Your meth is making you delusional
And here we see further evidence how leftists are not human beings at all. As the NPC katzgar here demonstrates, all leftists are braindead meatbags without a face, a brain, cardio system and no immune system to speak of.
They are degenerate npcs
And here we see further evidence how leftists are not human beings at all. As the NPC katzgar here demonstrates, all leftists are braindead meatbags without a face, a brain, cardio system and no immune system to speak of.
They are degenerate npcs

Your meth is making you delusional
leftists are anti science.
leftists hate science
Also true.
and the scientific process-
Science isn't a 'process'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
you believe in cultish dogmatic ideology.
True. I call them the Church of Green, the Church of Global Warming, and the Church of Covid. They all stem from the Church of Karl Marx.
that is the opposite of science
No, religion is not the opposite of science.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
All religions (and the best definition of 'religion') are based on some initial circular argument, with arguments extending from that. The circular argument by itself is not a fallacy. It is also known as the argument of faith. Trying to prove a circular argument True or False, however, results in the circular argument fallacy. This is what a fundamentalist does.

The Church of Green, the Church of Global Warming, and the Church of Covid are all fundamentalist style religions, just like the Church of Karl Marx.

The Church of Green's initial circular argument is that the Earth is being 'polluted'. Note that this 'pollution' is never defined.
The Church of Global Warming is that the Earth is somehow 'warming'. Not that this 'warming' is never defined. Neither is the phrase 'climate change'.
The Church of Covid uses the initial circular argument that Covid is destroying humanity and somehow able to be stopped through economic shutdowns, masks, and vaccinations. It is literally an attempt to keep the 'Covid Fear' going as long as possible, to justify continuous injections, pills, economic shutdowns, use of masks, etc. It is pushed by those that sell masks, vaccinations, etc. it takes a similar form and cause of the Church of the Ozone Layer, itself pushed by DuPont.

Notice that you don't have to define the thing you worship in order to worship it.

Remember- leftists such as the subhuman @katzgar believes that math is racist, men are women, up is down, and deny economics and biology and any concept of scarcity
You are seeing the effects of people that do not know English. The only language they know is Liberal. This looks like English, but words have no definitions or shifting definitions, depending on whim. They also have no mind. They cannot think for themselves. They are only spewing what the Democrat leaders tell them to say. All they can do is cut and paste.

They also deny science. The ozone layer, for example, cannot be destroyed. As long as there is sunlight and oxygen, there will be ozone. We couldn't destroy the ozone layer even if we wanted to. They routinely discard the Chapman Cycle (a photo-chemical cycle).

The Church of Global Warming routinely discards the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

The Church of Covid routinely discards the N95 specification, the nature of a virus, most of virology, and human anatomy and biology. They simply do not understand the first thing of how the immune system functions.

They also deny mathematics.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. We simply don't have enough thermometers, the ones we do have are not uniformly spaced, and they are not read at the same time by the same authority, producing biased raw data. The margin of error value is never calculated nor published.

It is not possible to measure the atmospheric content of CO2. There are not enough stations, and CO2 is not uniformly distributed in the atmosphere.

Since everything from pneumonia to heart disease to cancer to falling off a ladder is considered a 'covid death', the numbers are completely useless. Covid19 does not kill at all. NONE of the Covid/SARS viruses so far discovered kill. They can induce pneumonia though, but it can be treated if caught early and treated aggressively.

It must suck to be so illiterate. All these idiots know is the fear mongering in the propaganda service (aka The News).
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