Science Says Leftists Are the Most Unattractive

"Gateway Pundit"....


No wonder Rockabilly87 is such a TrumpTard moron. He lives in the far right wing media bubble with his Proud Boys, Qanon, 3Percenters, KKK, Arian Nation cult.

Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
Detailed Report

Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA (44/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


The Gateway Pundit publishes extremely right-biased news and commentary that promotes conspiracy theories and the routine publication of falsehoods (see analysis). The website was founded by Jim Hoft in 2004 to “speak the truth” and to “expose the wickedness of the left.”

According to their about page, “The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation, and several international news organizations.”

On 6/6/2021, The Gateway Pundit was moved to Very-Low factual reporting based on failed facts on a near-daily basis.

lolol you are again projecting.
Again like the op notes- leftists are the subhumans that believe up is down, left is right, good is bad, men are women, love is hate, success is failure and absolutely abhor honest hard work and meritocracy. You hate everything good- that is what makes you a good leftist :)
The further left you go, the dumber and uglier you tend to become - that is a fact of life which you inevitably ironically proved :)
Even your stereotype fail cause you are a proud leftist- you have to deny objective reality for your feelings :)

Again- leftists like yourself believe shit is art and art is shit... you literally call pieces of shit and toilet and gutter filth as being art. i only have to ever throw back your own words and actions and your proud virtue signaling moments in your face to highlight such obvious facts

Cuntfart is a 1-up liar.

Whatever you say, he 1-ups it.
Jealous much? Listen, a n*gga on a bike with one good tooth has a better chance to snag one your white mops, than a blonde blue eyed corn fed Harvard grad in a for black women yeah, we rough looking but we keep making the black men, your mops so desire over your sorry white ass and and and your white whores love us because they want to be us so bad.......just saying!!

Close but no cigar Tigerred59 impersonation.

Feels like Jitler.

Idk, pretty close though. :laugh:

Most Tigerred59 threads start out like she's cramping, just ran out of weed, and is triggered AF.

Most likely the dumbest poster on a certain forum.

Not here, because we have katzgar, and he's thpecial!
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Anyone want to take a guess who rocketliberty is? I've learned that people can't help themselves on forums and will bump discussions of their former selves. So who has Rocket bumped? Several Jakemax troll discussions and one dug up from March 2020 written by ILA's canceled account. So is he Jakemax? They are both the lamest kind of trolls. Is he ILA here trolling after his flounce of shame? Are all of them the same?


i am a human being unlike you - see how leftists such as jade dragon FAIL the Turing test consistently
No wonder Rockabilly87 is such a TrumpTard moron. He lives in the far right wing media bubble with his Proud Boys, Qanon, 3Percenters, KKK, Arian Nation cult.

Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
Detailed Report

Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA (44/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


The Gateway Pundit publishes extremely right-biased news and commentary that promotes conspiracy theories and the routine publication of falsehoods (see analysis). The website was founded by Jim Hoft in 2004 to “speak the truth” and to “expose the wickedness of the left.”

According to their about page, “The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation, and several international news organizations.”

On 6/6/2021, The Gateway Pundit was moved to Very-Low factual reporting based on failed facts on a near-daily basis.


wow- democrats admit how SUBHUMAN they are! see how leftists proudly make such nonsensical genetic fallacies and argument from identity fallacies. You can not refute a dang thing nor any of the stats cause again- you are not human. you are anti- human, anti-science and anti-math :)

ONLY subhuman leftists are DUMB ENOUGH to make degenerate fallacies like the genetic fallacy- and they believe defamatory smears constitute as arguments - leftists make excuses for their laziness and willful stupidity. No one is even half as dumb and willfully illiterate as leftists. And they CLAIM to be 'educated'? lol
1 HUNDRED dollars says leftists do not know what education even means
The further left you go, the dumber and uglier you tend to become - and the more mental issues you develop.
Science already shows how the weakest and most pathetic men tend to become leftists & socialists - the same is true for women.
The craziest and most vile, obese and ugly landwhales tend to be leftists - especially those with the craziest hairdos and piercings.

Remember leftists are the degenerate inhuman meat bags dumb enough to promote their degenerate 'fat acceptance movement' and the like.
Hecht- they even have to try and SHAME & BULLY folks into dating them and their issues- that is how 'attractive' leftists are.
No human ever wants to even be anywhere near a leftist - Leftists do not even like themselves nor each other.

"They looked at the 1972-74-76 American National Elections Studies panel study and the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.
To the authors’ credit, they specified a caveat in their study by speculating that this may be different in today’s political climate, and that the data might only be representative of the time."
"They looked at the 1972-74-76 American National Elections Studies panel study and the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.
To the authors’ credit, they specified a caveat in their study by speculating that this may be different in today’s political climate, and that the data might only be representative of the time."

lol it is still true - the MOST unattractive people are leftists. im sorry- didn't mean to misgender you snowflake there. don't want to assume your species. what are you today? a dog? rat? deer?
Leftists even find other leftists intolerable to deal with. lol see how great antifa always get along with your beloved feminists (1st, 2nd and 3rd wave) and BLM. ROFL
Don't you love how tolerant leftists are- that they have to indoctrinate and shame and bully you into even thinking about dating them? and somehow not sleeping with a leftist make you what? 'discriminatory' or 'sexist'? lol
Remember this numbskull mental case riley whatever ITS name is?

The ONLY asset a democrat or leftist MAY have is a couple of b00b pics to sell on Only Fans - and when that goes down, they have to go to p***hub. lol They are something to be pumped and dumped on the side - not something to be taken seriously especially trying to start a family. why? well leftists treat themselves like utter degenerates and have no respect for themselves nor reality - making them intolerable to deal with. They are petulant overgrown 3 year olds at best. And dealing with 3 year old toddlers is a pain - especially even if it is ones own. Having to deal with them in society is just unattractive if not totally repulsive. Have you even seen how great and sexy those democrats are with their crazy green and blue unwashed hair and whale sized bellies?
lol it is still true - the MOST unattractive people are leftists. im sorry- didn't mean to misgender you snowflake there. don't want to assume your species. what are you today? a dog? rat? deer?
Leftists even find other leftists intolerable to deal with. lol see how great antifa always get along with your beloved feminists (1st, 2nd and 3rd wave) and BLM. ROFL
Don't you love how tolerant leftists are- that they have to indoctrinate and shame and bully you into even thinking about dating them? and somehow not sleeping with a leftist make you what? 'discriminatory' or 'sexist'? lol
Remember this numbskull mental case riley whatever ITS name is?

The ONLY asset a democrat or leftist MAY have is a couple of b00b pics to sell on Only Fans - and when that goes down, they have to go to p***hub. lol They are something to be pumped and dumped on the side - not something to be taken seriously especially trying to start a family. why? well leftists treat themselves like utter degenerates and have no respect for themselves nor reality - making them intolerable to deal with. They are petulant overgrown 3 year olds at best. And dealing with 3 year old toddlers is a pain - especially even if it is ones own. Having to deal with them in society is just unattractive if not totally repulsive. Have you even seen how great and sexy those democrats are with their crazy green and blue unwashed hair and whale sized bellies?

So, conservatives have to substitute looks for brains?
So, conservatives have to substitute looks for brains?

Democrats hardly even have looks and definitely have no brains nor character. Republicans and libertarians have this thing called standards and SELF RESPECT which democrats absolutely HATE. Just look at the shit that democrats proudly wore to their haughty pretentious and disgusting Met gala - lol. Men wearing dresses and nonsensical hypocritical slogans - yeah no human being is attracted to it though it is good leftist virtue signaling. And that is the height of leftist sensibilities - but they have no character, no merit and nothing which would make them socially attractive or good to be around. And all leftists deep down know this fact. lol
Like i said- the ONLY asset a democrat or leftist MAY have is a couple of b00b pics to sell on Only Fans. Men do not want to look at their leftist faces which oftentimes look like they just shat on it and never even bothered to wash it off. And women do not even like looking at leftist men given how weak and pathetic they are. Again weak men tend to be leftists on average cause leftists have no merit- and HATE meritocracy and personal responsibility (aka freedom aka acting like an adult human)democrat piercing.jpg

There are very good FUNDAMENTAL SOCIOEVOLUTIONARY reasons why Democrats and leftists are the most ugly and highly avoided - it has to do with character which leftists do not have- things like self respect, personal responsibility, ability to plan and exhibit temperance etc. Even the Chinese know for example that men are men; and women are women and serve distinct complimentary roles in society - but not Democrats and leftists! The democrat and leftists literally claim to want to destroy the nuclear family and "gender roles"- why? cause leftists are reckless, stupid, lazy and without character.
BTW if you walk around so called 3rd world countries like Thailand and Indonesia etc looking like your average leftist with crazy piercings, and tatoos strewn across the face and unwashed and unmaintained hair, especially as a woman you would be CORRECTLY judged as a slut and derided for it.
Today, 10:30 AM
Flinging bullshit from his piehole
This message is hidden because Rockabilly87 is on your ignore list.

Revealing post. You have created a monolithic boogeyman, and you believe anyone who disagrees with you is part of that group.
You are projecting again. Inversion fallacy. You keep describing yourself using the word 'you'.
Lots of people on the left are full of themselves and focus on unimportant things.
Such as YOU are doing right now!
Assessing the physical attractiveness of people who disagree with you is about as unimportant as anything can possibly be.
Oh? You must not be very attractive.
And that's what your 'team' has. That's it. There are important issues facing the country, and your focus is on being better looking than 'the libs'.
He can focus on whatever he wants.
You don't care about healthcare, the pandemic, the debt, the wage/wealth gap, abortion, guns, none of that.
Healthcare...fucked up by Democrats. The 'pandemic'...a scaremongering hoax by Democrats. The debt...something the Democrats want to increase. The 'wage/health gap'...a buzzword created by Democrats. Abortion...murder for convenience supported by Democrats. Gun control...unconstitutional laws pushed by Democrats.

DEMOCRATS caused all of these problems.
The further left you go, the dumber and uglier you tend to become - and the more mental issues you develop.
Science already shows how the weakest and most pathetic men tend to become leftists & socialists - the same is true for women.
The craziest and most vile, obese and ugly landwhales tend to be leftists - especially those with the craziest hairdos and piercings.

Remember leftists are the degenerate inhuman meat bags dumb enough to promote their degenerate 'fat acceptance movement' and the like.
Hecht- they even have to try and SHAME & BULLY folks into dating them and their issues- that is how 'attractive' leftists are.
No human ever wants to even be anywhere near a leftist - Leftists do not even like themselves nor each other.

Unattractive, what I hear of them I find repulsive as well infuriating and they usually look like a skid mark or a dirt bag which over time after lying so much it kinds of shapes their face into this hideous raisin like puke. The one's who aren't bad to look at usually run from the left once they realize the idiocracy they got themselves into ...

Not one heterosexual male on the planet knowingly wants to be with some dirt bag male with his penis surgically mutilated and stuffed inside a cut next to his asshole.

there is only one kind of heterosexual (follow link)


Unattractive is the all time understatement of the new millennium when it comes to leftists

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