Science says liberal women aren’t attracted to liberal men


Oderint dum metuant

A study published by political scientist Rolfe Daus Peterson found that conservatives of both genders are generally more attractive than their liberal counterparts.

As expected, the left-leaning researchers concluded the politics stem from the looks: attractive people feel good about themselves and, as a result, are less inclined to social programs that help the needy.

Despite the talk by pussy hat-wearing women calling right-wing men “patriarchal fascists,” there’s a discrepancy between what they say they want and what they really want.

What constitutes attractiveness? Apparently, not liberalism.

Liberal men find themselves in a strange predicament: they’re less enticing to even the die-hard feminists they’re constantly trying to please.

The real reason conservative men are more highly sought-after comes down to masculinity.

Leftists can deny innate biological differences between the sexes all they want, but even they can’t resist the attraction to femininity or masculinity hardwired into us by nature.

Right-wing men are stronger and more masculine, according to a study by Danish researchers. Thus, they’re more appealing to women–whatever their political inclinations might be.

Liberal men are gamma males. Not even betas, certainly not alphas. As gammas, they never feel comfortable in their own skin, forever living obediently under the thumb of their feminist dominatrices.

How could they have manly confidence? After all, they’ve been indoctrinated with the progressive dogma that manliness is an evil to be purged.

Sadly, their reward for faithfully living the progressive lifestyle is to be undesirable, while the “patriarchal” conservative men are the objects of female lust.

It’s a tragic life, and one not many left-wing men will escape unless they start attending Trump rallies.

A study published by political scientist Rolfe Daus Peterson found that conservatives of both genders are generally more attractive than their liberal counterparts.

As expected, the left-leaning researchers concluded the politics stem from the looks: attractive people feel good about themselves and, as a result, are less inclined to social programs that help the needy.

Despite the talk by pussy hat-wearing women calling right-wing men “patriarchal fascists,” there’s a discrepancy between what they say they want and what they really want.

What constitutes attractiveness? Apparently, not liberalism.

Liberal men find themselves in a strange predicament: they’re less enticing to even the die-hard feminists they’re constantly trying to please.

The real reason conservative men are more highly sought-after comes down to masculinity.

Leftists can deny innate biological differences between the sexes all they want, but even they can’t resist the attraction to femininity or masculinity hardwired into us by nature.

Right-wing men are stronger and more masculine, according to a study by Danish researchers. Thus, they’re more appealing to women–whatever their political inclinations might be.

Liberal men are gamma males. Not even betas, certainly not alphas. As gammas, they never feel comfortable in their own skin, forever living obediently under the thumb of their feminist dominatrices.

How could they have manly confidence? After all, they’ve been indoctrinated with the progressive dogma that manliness is an evil to be purged.

Sadly, their reward for faithfully living the progressive lifestyle is to be undesirable, while the “patriarchal” conservative men are the objects of female lust.

It’s a tragic life, and one not many left-wing men will escape unless they start attending Trump rallies.

I imagine that particular women are attracted to particular men, and the other way around, and that politics (particularly in America where it has been emptied of class content) is not normally a major part of the attraction.

A study published by political scientist Rolfe Daus Peterson found that conservatives of both genders are generally more attractive than their liberal counterparts.

As expected, the left-leaning researchers concluded the politics stem from the looks: attractive people feel good about themselves and, as a result, are less inclined to social programs that help the needy.

Despite the talk by pussy hat-wearing women calling right-wing men “patriarchal fascists,” there’s a discrepancy between what they say they want and what they really want.

What constitutes attractiveness? Apparently, not liberalism.

Liberal men find themselves in a strange predicament: they’re less enticing to even the die-hard feminists they’re constantly trying to please.

The real reason conservative men are more highly sought-after comes down to masculinity.

Leftists can deny innate biological differences between the sexes all they want, but even they can’t resist the attraction to femininity or masculinity hardwired into us by nature.

Right-wing men are stronger and more masculine, according to a study by Danish researchers. Thus, they’re more appealing to women–whatever their political inclinations might be.

Liberal men are gamma males. Not even betas, certainly not alphas. As gammas, they never feel comfortable in their own skin, forever living obediently under the thumb of their feminist dominatrices.

How could they have manly confidence? After all, they’ve been indoctrinated with the progressive dogma that manliness is an evil to be purged.

Sadly, their reward for faithfully living the progressive lifestyle is to be undesirable, while the “patriarchal” conservative men are the objects of female lust.

It’s a tragic life, and one not many left-wing men will escape unless they start attending Trump rallies.

Look no further than Rancid and KKKhristiefan

Rancid talks like a leftist but lives like a righty. Talk about self loathing.

A study published by political scientist Rolfe Daus Peterson found that conservatives of both genders are generally more attractive than their liberal counterparts.

As expected, the left-leaning researchers concluded the politics stem from the looks: attractive people feel good about themselves and, as a result, are less inclined to social programs that help the needy.

Despite the talk by pussy hat-wearing women calling right-wing men “patriarchal fascists,” there’s a discrepancy between what they say they want and what they really want.

What constitutes attractiveness? Apparently, not liberalism.

Liberal men find themselves in a strange predicament: they’re less enticing to even the die-hard feminists they’re constantly trying to please.

The real reason conservative men are more highly sought-after comes down to masculinity.

Leftists can deny innate biological differences between the sexes all they want, but even they can’t resist the attraction to femininity or masculinity hardwired into us by nature.

Right-wing men are stronger and more masculine, according to a study by Danish researchers. Thus, they’re more appealing to women–whatever their political inclinations might be.

Liberal men are gamma males. Not even betas, certainly not alphas. As gammas, they never feel comfortable in their own skin, forever living obediently under the thumb of their feminist dominatrices.

How could they have manly confidence? After all, they’ve been indoctrinated with the progressive dogma that manliness is an evil to be purged.

Sadly, their reward for faithfully living the progressive lifestyle is to be undesirable, while the “patriarchal” conservative men are the objects of female lust.

It’s a tragic life, and one not many left-wing men will escape unless they start attending Trump rallies.


Political science isn’t actually science, dumbfuck.
I imagine that particular women are attracted to particular men, and the other way around, and that politics (particularly in America where it has been emptied of class content) is not normally a major part of the attraction.

Did you copy this from a fortune found inside a chinese fortune cookie?