Science says liberal women aren’t attracted to liberal men

Bet this is the only time these Republican morons claim to believe science. Global warming is fake, cigs cause cancer fake, bacon cheeseburgers cause heart attack fake. Lib chicks don't dig lib men - REAL AS FUCK!!!!
So how do new libs get made if libs chicks don't do lib guys and not con guys either?

For real! They also deny that homosexuality is natural. Science is a liberal conspiracy, until some Incel cuck writes an article they like and calls it "science."
Is that so? Let's see your evidence for those assertions.

Only 31% of white men voted for Hillary and only about half of these are actually liberal. On the other hand, minorities which are not 38% of the population are about 75% democratic. So we probably are going to see a lot more male minorities than male whites. The democratic party has lost most white men.

A study published by political scientist Rolfe Daus Peterson found that conservatives of both genders are generally more attractive than their liberal counterparts.

As expected, the left-leaning researchers concluded the politics stem from the looks: attractive people feel good about themselves and, as a result, are less inclined to social programs that help the needy.[/SIZE][/I]

That's pretty funny, "biz pac review," "copy and paste" must really be desperate, he's gone from Drudge to made up websites
Bet this is the only time these Republican morons claim to believe science. Global warming is fake, cigs cause cancer fake, bacon cheeseburgers cause heart attack fake. Lib chicks don't dig lib men - REAL AS FUCK!!!!
So how do new libs get made if libs chicks don't do lib guys and not con guys either?

Liberal "chicks" usually believe in getting an education , equal pay, civil rights.. nothing too extreme. The men who seem to blather on about liberal women all seem to be losers who don't really like or respect women...
Women like men who are emotionally steady and know how to manage shit when it happens. This does not describe a liberal guy...

Most men want to protect and provide even when they are married to a highly competent woman.. and they aren't threatened by her competency.

Do you date a lot of liberal men? I am wondering how you know what you claim.
Most men want to protect and provide even when they are married to a highly competent woman.. and they aren't threatened by her competency.

Do you date a lot of liberal men? I am wondering how you know what you claim.

You must date a lot of liberal men to have developed this theory. I'm sure they want to provide and protect but lack the wherewithal.

My darling wife of 32 years is very competent in what she does: her brilliant career, child rearing, cooking and laundry. But she depends on me for the manly chores: discipline of the children, home maintenance and repairs, landscaping chores, choosing and maintaining the automobile fleet, and cleaning the shit out of anything with shit in it.
You'll never know. But I'd be willing to bet you've had more than your share. Your ass probably looks like the mouth of a cave.

Your interest in my ass is noted. Sorry, boy, but I don't swing that way.
You might check out Grumpy though, he's open for everything if you get my drift. ;)
Liberal "chicks" usually believe in getting an education , equal pay, civil rights.. nothing too extreme. The men who seem to blather on about liberal women all seem to be losers who don't really like or respect women...

That's good. What happens is righty boys are brought up to believe that lib chicks are all loose morals, drop trow at the shake of a dick etc. Then they try to tap that and get turned down so then all lib chicks are lessies and can't handle real men. Which they think they are.
That's how it works!
That's good. What happens is righty boys are brought up to believe that lib chicks are all loose morals, drop trow at the shake of a dick etc. Then they try to tap that and get turned down so then all lib chicks are lessies and can't handle real men. Which they think they are.
That's how it works!

LOL.. Right. If they don't like me, they must be lesbians.
Most men want to protect and provide even when they are married to a highly competent woman.. and they aren't threatened by her competency.

So you say.

Once largely limited to poor women and minorities, single motherhood is now becoming the new “norm”.

About 4 out 10 children are born to unwed mothers.

Nearly two-thirds were born to mothers under the age of 30.

Today 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 are being raised without a father.

Of all single-parent families in the U.S., single mothers make up the majority.Of all single-parent families in the U.S., single mothers make up the majority. According to 2017 U.S. Census Bureau,4 out of about 12 million single parent families with children under the age of 18, more than 80% were headed by single mothers.

You have zero credibility.
That's pretty funny, "biz pac review," "copy and paste" must really be desperate, he's gone from Drudge to made up websites

Even Zappacrite knows that attacking the source without refuting the substance is a foolish fallacy.

Facts are facts. Numbers don't change depending on which website they happen to come from. But here you are, attacking the source once more. If you had anything more substantial, you'd post it.