Scientific facts do not exist

I could sit here in my easy chair and quote scientific facts all day!

Here is one I think you'll like....

Never fry bacon in the nude! As proven by scientific fact! LOL!


You are retarded, fact of that matter is that if you fry bacon naked then you have greater risk of exposing your skin to being burned. Not scientific at all, just a fact that you subject more of your body surface to potentially being burned than you would with clothes on little boy.
Gosh...I'd go bullet point on you but it's just easier to say you haven't a clue what you're talking about. Have you even ever studied science? Ya know formally that is. Not the Mormon School of Faith Based science.

Well then what are you waiting for, share one valid example of scientific fact sick and pathetic liar. You are religious and that is what religion teaches you to do, lie compulsively and obsessively.





Well then what are you waiting for, share one valid example of scientific fact sick and pathetic liar. You are religious and that is what religion teaches you to do, lie compulsively and obsessively.






Sure you witless, scientifically illiterate boob.

If I drop an object it will accelerate towards the center of the Earth at the rate of 9.806 m/s/s. This is an empirical observation which has been repeatedly verified independently via experimentation and has an extremely high probability of being correct and would thus be classified as a "scientific fact".

Now please spare me your illiterate ranting on how you believe in something that is other than science.
Lies have been fabricated as truth for hundreds of years
That they have. Circular arguments have been used as a proof for hundreds and even thousands of years also. Such use is a fallacy known as the circular argument fallacy.
and proof of this is religion
Religions are all based on some initial circular argument, with arguments extending from that. A circular argument can neither be proved True or False. A proof of any circular argument is a fallacy, including your claim that religion is a 'proof'.
and that the foundation of every religion (the ridiculous story of how we / everything came to be in existence) is factually proven to be based upon lies.
No. It is based on circular arguments. The other word for the circular argument is 'faith'.

There are two popular theories for how life came to Earth: the Theory of Creation and the Theory of Abiogenesis.

The Theory of Creation states that life came here through the actions of some kind of intelligence. Nothing about the theory states that the intelligence must be a god or gods. For all we know, we might be the results of a horrible lab accident and they dumped it on Earth to get rid of it.
The Theory of Abiogenesis states that life originated here through a series of random unspecified events. Oddly enough, NOTHING about that theory precludes a god, gods, or aliens that may have produced the conditions of randomization. The random events may be of the type randR, randN, or randU. We simply don't know.
It stands to reason that the religious created the word truth
No, philosophy created the word 'truth', and actually defined its meaning. Philosophy also defines the word 'real' and 'reality'. Logic, however, defines the word True and the word False.
because they couldn't pass off their lies as fact.
Definitions of these words is by philosophical reasoning. They are not lies. They are reasoning. Nothing about that reasoning requires any god or gods, or even the use of a circular argument.
Let's say for example, some bumbling idiot screams in the mountains and see's it causes an avalanche.
Hope he survives! :D I assume he does, considering your next predicate.
So they use this information to have people gather around a wall and hum until the wall weakened from the sound over time.
I suggest 'Bottles of Beer on the Wall'. :D
Then you got some filthy religious low life scum bag instead of sharing the fact that they noticed an avalanche because of screaming, claim the lie that it is their truth that something, now factually proven not exist beyond any shadow of doubt, gave them the information to assist the selfish and the greedy in taking advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many.
Such a proof is a circular argument fallacy. Attempting to use that fallacy as a proof of the opposite circular argument is also a fallacy.

It is not possible to prove the existence of any god, gods, or demons. It is not possible to prove there is no god, gods, or demons.
You never said computer models do not exist because it is not mere belief they exist, it's a non contestable fact and proof of that it's a fact is that they factually exist.
Proof by Identity. We agree on this point.
I get the feeling you never learned to even tie your shoes
and someone must take you by the hand for you to use a washroom to this day.
How many times per day do you walk into the same brick wall while trying to claim there is no wall there ...
Again without scientific process,
Science isn't a 'process', a 'method', or a 'procedure'. Science is simply a set of falsifiable theories.
there would be no successful formula
The formalization of a theory of science into a closed system such as mathematics creates an equation. This equation is called a 'law'. If a theory is falsified, the 'law' goes with it.
thus no computers at all.
Computers are the result of engineering, not science.
And obviously if formulas weren't successful instead of computers all you'd have is a heap of scrap.
Computers are the result of engineering, not science.
When did I ever once claim there was scientific fact liar?

What a deliberately ignorant fool who stated.

and so I responded:

What a deliberately ignorant fool with the mentality equivalence of a 2 year old who makes up lies of what I say then tries to base an argument off of their lies of trying to put words in my mouth. This is because thy have no validity, which is obviously why they lie. Likely so deliberately ignorant out of jealousy for someone who actually has a brain unlike pathetic scientists who go around lying claiming that there ever was scientific fact.

Here this is very clear and yes it might look familiar

It is either a fact or a science of which science is a process that determines recognition of fact. Once verified or falsified as fact, it's no longer a science.

"The harnessing of electricity was a science until harnessing electricity became a successful formula thus a fact we harnessed electricity thus no longer a science but a fact. From there what to do with the electricity developed successful formulas which became fact such as the light bulb, radio, television was no longer a science because it became fact. Each new design for each new tv, radio or light bulb for example became fact through a successful formula. You want to create a new television, the science is making a successful formula and once the formula is successful, it is no longer a science but a fact that from that point that the tv exists."


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Last edited by David Jeffrey Spetch

Irrational post. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
1) science is facts
2) science is not facts

Which is it, dude?
You sound like a leftist basket case,
Phenomenology has no politics. It is a branch of philosophy concerned with how the world is perceived. It defines words like 'real', 'reality', and 'truth'. It also helps to define 'science' and 'religion', though it does not define them by itself.
for example ignore the fact that the only thing that makes a male a male is that he is born with a penis,
Where does this come from? I never brought up definitions of gender. Since you want to go there for some reason, fine.

It is generally understood that males have something like a penis, and females have something like a vagina, depending on the species you discussing. Some species do not require a mate of any kind. They simply self reproduce. Others have no gender in the traditional sense, since they have BOTH male and female parts, yet still require another of their species to mate with.

I assume you are speaking of human beings. Yes, males have penises, at least in most cases (there are such things as birth defects, where no or defective reproductive organs occur. This can sometimes be fixed with surgery (as long as there is SOMETHING the surgeon can work with!). The same thing can happen with females. Surgical corrections to female organs is much more difficult.

make up the lie that it is what you believe or how you feel that determines one's sex
It is not what a person feels. Gender does, however, govern how the hip is constructed, how the placement of body fat occurs, the placement (or loss of!) hair, the development pattern of the breasts (yes, males develop them too, they just don't provide milk). It also has been shown to govern strengths and weaknesses in various though processes. Males tend to be able to concentrate on single tasks quite deeply, but are weak at handling multiple tasks. Females, on the other hand, tend to be better at handling multiple tasks, but are weak at concentrating on any one task (great for watching children going every which way!).

I do not subscribe to gender by how one 'feels'. I am actually a very conservative conservative. I am a constitutionalist. My view of the self mutilation that liberals do to themselves by what they 'feel' only destroys their ability to reproduce. A horrible sacrifice for vanity.
You are retarded, fact of that matter is that if you fry bacon naked then you have greater risk of exposing your skin to being burned.
Not scientific at all, just a fact that you subject more of your body surface to potentially being burned than you would with clothes on little boy.

Nudists fry bacon all the time. Also eggs, burgers, sausage, etc. They just learn to stand back from the stove and keep a lid on the pot. One good grease splash usually teaches 'em pretty quickly! :D
Uhhhm.... he’s crazy.

that's the angle with crazy people. I get it now. it's a zen koani hiding in plain sight.

I came to share I enjoy letting you stew from time to time and when I came I noticed on page 14 here, two lies in the form of vacant un backed claims about me to try and hide these mentally redundant imbeciles are not able to provide one valid example of scientific fact. This is because there is no such thing as scientific fact, and scientists are among the most blubbering and whiney censerors on the planet always to try and hide how easily the lot of these idiots are easily bested with simple demonstrations of fact time and time again over the years.

Go right ahead and ooze in your jealousy in wake of my intellectual machismo boys otherwise feel free to share one valid example of scientific fact. Oh you can keep calling me crazy all you like but I know you lie about me to try and hide you have no validity as you yourslves have so eagerly already revealed.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Last edited:
I came to share I enjoy letting you stew from time to time and when I came I noticed on page 14 here, two lies in the form of vacant un backed claims about me to try and hide these mentally redundant imbeciles are not able to provide one valid example of scientific fact. This is because there is no such thing as scientific fact, and scientists are among the most blubbering and whiney censerors on the planet always to try and hide how easily the lot of these idiots are easily bested with simple demonstrations of fact time and time again over the years.

Go right ahead and ooze in your jealousy in wake of my intellectual machismo boys otherwise feel free to share one valid example of scientific fact. Oh you can keep calling me crazy all you like but I know you lie about me to try and hide you have no validity as you yourslves have so eagerly already revealed.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

I love you man, regardless of all this. god is guiding me too. and his plan is something I just live within. let go and let god.
I love you man, regardless of all this. god is guiding me too. and his plan is something I just live within. let go and let god.

Ah so you bring another sick factually proven foundation of lies into it to try and hide there is no such thing as scientific fact. Secondly, you couldn't give a rats ass if your sick and filthy low life scum bag religious lies get us all killed?! ... It's no secret that after thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day over sick and filthy factually proven foundations of religious lies reveals the religious value lies more than human life and proof of that is after thousands of years of such sick garage going on they stoop and are stupid enough to be claiming themselves religious. The religious are about the most selfish, greedy and ignorant group of liars and pathetic dummies on the planet.






Feel free to take your pick 1, 2 or 3 / even all whatever.


