Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
You're going to chafe, Sybil.I'M PSYCHO SYBIL
You're going to chafe, Sybil.I'M PSYCHO SYBIL
Scientism: Unlike the use of the scientific method as only one mode of reaching knowledge, scientism claims that science alone can render truth about the world and reality. Scientism's single-minded adherence to only the empirical, or testable, makes it a strictly scientifc worldview. Scientism sees it necessary to do away with most, if not all, metaphysical, philosophical, and religious claims, as the truths they proclaim cannot be apprehended by the scientific method. In essence, scientism sees science as the absolute and only justifiable access to the truth.
Scientism is the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality.
https://www.pbs.org/faithandreason/...ke the use of the,about the world and reality.
And they freak out when you ask them to explain how "acupuncture" works without using the originators methodology.![]()
Agreed. Some like it, but it's definitely not my choice of livelihood. I watched my brother follow such a career path. He made a ton of money, over 3 times the best I ever made, but he couldn't wait to retire. I, OTOH, loved my career path.
We need enough money to be reasonably comfortable, but it's more important to enjoy one's job and the people one works with.
Dedication to the pursuit of material possession and extravagant affluence is shallow and without meaning or value
He sneers not because it's state, but because I, like you, completed a degree of higher education. Perry is clearly jealous of anyone who went further than he was able. Not his fault, like goat, that his own body turned against him. However, also like goat, he has chosen to be angry and resentful about it seeking to blame others for his personal problems.
Any education from an accredited college or university is a step in good direction.I encourage people to take advantage of community colleges and public state colleges, if it suits them.
It is extremely rare to run across someone so elitist they will sneer down their nose at a State university education.
Any education from an accredited college or university is a step in good direction.
A college degree opens a lot of doors. Results count. IMO, Perry is angry because his efforts failed and his life didn't turn out the way he wanted it to go. If so, it was most likely due to his mental illness, not a lack of trying. His mindset now indicates a person who is in need of help but not getting it.
I like the war zone threads.An obsessive compulsive personality. I don't think he hardly does anything here except read my threads and compose war zone threads about you.
I never sneered the education of my peers who were graduates of Sacramento State and Long Beach State.
It is extremely rare to run across someone so elitist they will sneer down their nose at a State university education.
An obsessive compulsive personality. I don't think he hardly does anything here except read my threads and compose war zone threads about you.
I never sneered the education of my peers who were graduates of Sacramento State and Long Beach State.
An ...
An obsessive compulsive personality.
^^^It is extremely common to have fake intellectuals insult those who have actual education because they are jealous and unable to achieve it on their own.
Oh great now we have TWO armchair psychologists on the board. Greaaaaaat.
You wouldn't know a YBOCS from your anus. Just like Doc.
I like the war zone threads.If nothing else, it gives him a safe space to act out for observation. LOL He likes to attack you because you're one of the very few intellectuals on JPP. He's jealous and his obsessiveness ensures he can't quit you.
Anyone who completes an accredited degree should be respected. I worked in airline recruiting for 6 weeks once while my wife had medical issues. It was very interesting to see the process from the other side of the table. In flying, the degree was a door opener. Nobody gave a shit what the degree was. STEM was more respected than French literature, but there was no score for one over the other. A lot went to mindset; a STEM degree requires a studious and methodical approach. French Lit, from what I understand, is a little more "lofty" and more philosophical. IMO, the degree helps make the person, but the person has to have a certain mentality to be drawn to a degree. Regardless, if they had the proper flight certificates, flight time and a college degree from an accredited college, along with a few other requirements, they were interviewed. OTOH, it didn't matter if they had a rocket science degree from MIT or a French Lit degree from Podunk U., if they couldn't fly the simulator, they weren't hired.
I was part of the Captain (pilot) interview. They also had an HR interview. Again, being an MIT grad with a 4.0GPA didn't matter if they were assholes to the HR person. A Navy friend failed an interview because he became a little to casual with the receptionist. It was her black mark that shot him down. Applicants don't always seem to understand being on their best behavior at all times, even at the hotel they stay at for the interview. I can see how an OCD and/or bipolar personality would have difficulty getting a job.
^^^I wonder if the name COREY means anything.
Perry defines himself. Good job, Perry!
Someone has been Googling again. LOL
Did you learn about Corey in grade school, Perry?
Elias James Corey, (born July 12, 1928, Methuen, Mass., U.S.), American chemist, director of a research group that developed syntheses of scores of complicated organic molecules and winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his original contributions to the theory and methods of organic synthesis.