APP - Scientists Answer the Questions of the Flat Earth Society...

I've been waiting for like 6 months for you dudes to provide one, single, solitary reputable peer reviewed scientific report, institution, or body of peer reivewed research that supports your contentions on climate change.

Any idea why you can't provide any?

Because, as my post to Tinfoil shows, I've wasted tons of time dealing with assertions and questions that aren't backed up by anything of scientific substance. Routinely and frequently wasted time on it. Since I can't be on here all day like you, I am not about to waste more time on stuff that you dudes read on a rightwing blog, and parrot here without any substantiation, or supporting links

Give me some actual reputable scientific links to look at, and I'll give it a look.
Yeah, we know. The University if Delaware is an "entirely unknown right-wing" blog, blah, blah... Won't answer the questions, because I don't want to learn anything.

You can repeat the same thing, but it has nothing to do with the actual questions asked.
Yeah, we know. The University if Delaware is an "entirely unknown right-wing" blog, blah, blah... Won't answer the questions, because I don't want to learn anything.

You can repeat the same thing, but it has nothing to do with the actual questions asked.

So your position is that any question can be tossed out there, and the premise and merit of the question must be accepted, regardless if it's backed by any substantiation, support, or credible links?

So, when did you stop having gay bathroom sex?

Man, if the judges in that Mott contest are fair, you all are going to lose, and badly, in that debate thingy. Ha!

Get back to me when you have credible science, or when you can substantiate the basis of your questions. Given y'alls track record of being wrong - horribly wrong - on Climate Gate, Amazon Gate, and Global Warming, any questions you ask are totally suspect, and I'm not accepting the premise of any Flat Earther questions unless it's basis is substantiated.

I gave y;all mountains of links, conclusions, reports from the worlds most reputable science organizations. I notice nobody even tried to touch the OP. I assume you think the Hadley Center is wrong, but oddly you provide nothing credible to retort Hadley with.

Ball's in your court.
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Yeah, we know. The University if Delaware is an "entirely unknown right-wing" blog, blah, blah... Won't answer the questions, because I don't want to learn anything.

You can repeat the same thing, but it has nothing to do with the actual questions asked.

Here. Let me give you guys something way more productive to do, k?

So your position is that any question can be tossed out there, and the premise and merit of the question must be accepted, regardless if it's backed by any substantiation, support, or credible links?


1) I ask.... 'WHO COMPRISED THE PANELS FOR THE INDEPENDENT REVIEWS'.... it does not require a link to be a legitimate question. If someone is doing a review that fear mongers CLAIM exonerates the people at East Anglia and Mann at Penn State... it is absolutely legitimate to ask you WHO it is that worked on the panel that CLEARED them.

2) I ask.... 'IF JONES, WHO YOU SAY IS UNIMPEACHABLE, STATES THE DEBATE IS NOT OVER'.... then how do YOU justify stating the debate is over?

This too is legitimate because your own expert disagrees with what you stated. Asking for an explanation is legit.

Do you see how this is working? Do you see why your assertion that these are somehow questions that need links is laughable at best?

As for your independent reviews Cypress...

1) who ran those 'independent reviews? (ie... was it Penn State, East Anglia etc...)

2) who made up the panels doing the reviews? (ie... did it include skeptics as well as proponents of global warming? Or did they just include those who already agreed with global warming?)

3) Do you contend that all of the questions/complaints were answered by the 'independent' reviews?

As for your chart showing the temperatures Cypress:

1) No one is arguing with the fact that the earth warmed during the 1970-1995 time frame. Nor is anyone arguing that it has stayed warm since. But do tell us... if MAN is causing global warming... then why has there been no significant warming over the past 15 years? A FACT stated directly by your unimpeachable Jones.

2) Does your chart demonstrate how the changes in temperature are a result of man?

3) Do you think it is scientifically valid that Jones states the reason he thinks man is responsible is due to: "The fact that we can't explain the warming from the 1950s by solar and volcanic forcing"? Because it would seem that he is saying it has to be man because he can't figure out another reason. That hardly seems sound scientifically.

As for the question you never answer Cypress....

WHY is it that the global warming fear mongers have now switched to calling it 'climate change'? If MAN is causing WARMING... and it is 'unequivocal scientific fact'... WHY the change?

still waiting for the fear mongers responses....
So your position is that any question can be tossed out there, and the premise and merit of the question must be accepted, regardless if it's backed by any substantiation, support, or credible links?

So, when did you stop having gay bathroom sex?

Man, if the judges in that Mott contest are fair, you all are going to lose, and badly, in that debate thingy. Ha!

Get back to me when you have credible science, or when you can substantiate the basis of your questions. Given y'alls track record of being wrong - horribly wrong - on Climate Gate, Amazon Gate, and Global Warming, any questions you ask are totally suspect, and I'm not accepting the premise of any Flat Earther questions unless it's basis is substantiated.

I gave y;all mountains of links, conclusions, reports from the worlds most reputable science organizations. I notice nobody even tried to touch the OP. I assume you think the Hadley Center is wrong, but oddly you provide nothing credible to retort Hadley with.

Ball's in your court.
My position is: Somebody is asking you to show a minimum of knowledge on the subject you continue to pretend to be an expert in, I would like to see your answers to his questions. The more you flee from answering, the more I realize that you don't know anything about the subject other than people you want to believe tell you things you want them to say.
textbook appeal to authority

unrelated side note:
It's really interesting to see the reaction on ClimateAudit to the recent Guadian sponsored debate (took place wed night) when Steve stated that he would indeed take the recommendations of climate scientists if he were to be tasked with the decision as a government official. He stated that he has no problem with government taking action even with large amounts of uncertainty. He only insisted that the science be able to withstand scrutiny and that the scientists make their data and methods available for others to replicate. I think a great many people expected Steve to be some oil stooge deadset against any regulations, but it's simply not the case. He's a lifelong liberal and actually harbors socialist tendicies from his native land of Canada. He's admitted such in the past. He related how strained many of his relationships had become due to his being championed as some sort of denier hero, a label he rejects vehemently.

Fred Pearce put it best:

They're no so much deniers as they are "data libertarians"
“It was like really HOT, like 60 million years ago! Isn’t the climate always changing?”

Yes. There is natural variability in Earth’s climate but the current climate change is very unusual as it is not exclusively part of a natural cycle.

Natural factors include volcanic eruptions, aerosols and phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña (which cause warming and cooling of the Pacific Ocean surface). Natural climate variations can lead to periods with little or no warming, both globally and regionally, and other periods with very rapid warming. However, there is an underlying trend of warming that is almost certainly caused by man’s activities.
Right, we're supposed to just accept the claim that this is not a naturally cause trend. Where is the supporting data? Still basing this claim on a narrow set of data limited to analysis of fluctuations of the current ice age? Why is pre-ice age data not included. Paleobotanical analysis of both MGT and atmospheric is equally valid to ice core data (in fact indications are that botanical analysis is more accurate than ice cores.) There is plenty of such data covering the periods prior to the current ice age. Why is that data excluded when supporting the "unnatural" conclusions?

”Aren’t all these changes down to the Sun and natural factors?”
No. Many factors contribute to climate change. Only when all the factors are considered can we explain the size and patterns of climate change over the last century.

Although some people claim that the Sun and cosmic rays are responsible for climate change, measured solar activity shows no significant change in the last few decades, while global temperatures have increased significantly. Since the Industrial Revolution, additional greenhouse gases have had about ten times the effect on climate as changes in the Sun’s output.
Much of the relatively small climate variability over the last 1,000 years, but before industrialisation, can be explained by changes in solar output and occasional cooling due to major volcanic eruptions. Since industrialisation, CO2 has increased significantly. We now know that man-made CO2 is the likely cause of most of the warming over the last 50 years.
Why do these claims ignore studies which indicate CO2 concentrations below 1000 ppmv do not significantly increase atmospheric heat retention? Why do they continue to ignore the well-known fact that in ALL prior cycles CO2 increases followed temperature increases, supporting a cause/effect relationship the exact opposite of the AGW conclusions?

”Right wing blogs tell me Climate scientists are LYING! Do climate scientists really agree about climate change? “

No. Many factors contribute to climate change. Only when all the factors are considered can we explain the size and patterns of climate change over the last century.

Although some people claim that the Sun and cosmic rays are responsible for climate change, measured solar activity shows no significant change in the last few decades, while global temperatures have increased significantly. Since the Industrial Revolution, additional greenhouse gases have had about ten times the effect on climate as changes in the Sun’s output.

Much of the relatively small climate variability over the last 1,000 years, but before industrialisation, can be explained by changes in solar output and occasional cooling due to major volcanic eruptions. Since industrialisation, CO2 has increased significantly. We now know that man-made CO2 is the likely cause of most of the warming over the last 50 years.
Repeating the same biased and unsupported bullshit for two completely different questions doesn't do any good.

Using your own OP bullshit as a reference? The only thing bigger than your ego is your continual obeisance to the mandated opinions of your political masters.

"I listen to the Glenn Beck show, and surely, the impact of human activity is small? !!”

No. Greenhouse gases are produced naturally and commercially. Both types influence climate change.
OR are influenced by climatic change. The cause-effect relationship has not been established. Only a correlation has been established, and that correlation is based on deliberately truncating available data to a specific time period.

All the greenhouse gases combined (the main ones being water vapour, CO2, methane and nitrous oxide) are only a tiny part of the atmosphere, making up less than 0.5%. Yet it is scientifically proven that these gases trap heat, keeping the planet 30 °C warmer than it would be otherwise and able to sustain life. Any changes in the levels of these gases, such as those recently brought about by human activity, will have a significant effect on global temperatures.
Water vapor is the biggest by far. Again, studies clearly show CO2 at low concentrations has negligible effect.

Keeping the climate stable is important for the well-being of the Earth.
LOL This after admitting that the climate is anything BUT stable? See, this is where we start seeing the socio-political aspect of AGW. It's not about the science, it's about a political agenda.

But there is now very strong evidence that man-made greenhouse gases are causing climate change.
Evidence which deliberately excludes paleo data that does not support the conclusion.

”I read on a rightwing blog that global warming has stopped! Has global warming now stopped?

No. The rise in global surface temperature has averaged more than 0.15 °C per decade since the mid-1970s. The 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1997. Global warming does not mean that each year will necessarily be warmer than the last because of natural variability, but the long-term trend is for rising temperatures. The warmth of the last half century is unprecedented in, at least, the previous 1,300 years.
Unprecedented in the last 1300 years? And prior to that 1300 years? It's doubtful we were industrialized enough 1300 years ago to cause any global climate change, yet in your own words admit that the so-called "unprecedented" definition is compromised as recently as 1300 years? What about data from 850,000 years ago? 1000,000 years? Why does AGW ignore any data coming from climatic conditions outside their preconceive definition of normal - a definition based on an ICE AGE as opposed to the true global norrm of Earth's entire history?

And here you expose how you deliberately slant the Q&As with your own brain dead bias. Why did you feel the need to change the wording of the questions?

”Didn’t the International Panel on Climate Change LIE?!!! Isn’t the IPCC 2007 assesment TOTAL crap?!!

No. The IPCC findings in 2007, have subsequently been independently validated and corroborated my the United State’s premier scientific institutions, the Dutch government, and by preeminent British scientific institutions
Yes, the foxes defended the foxes guarding the hen house. No bias there. Data sets are still missing, or at best, unpublished. But, even setting aside the accusations of cooking their data sets, the question remains why they exclude data sets from periods earlier than 600,000 years. What is the justification for excluding data from earlier periods of time?

And again using your own OP as a reference. Ego knows no bounds.

”I think five investigations on Climate Gate(!) which vindicated the scientists are wrong! These five investigations are clearly LYING and COVERING UP for the scientists!”

Sadly, no one can help you, or prevent you from being a conspiracy theory nutjob, or a misinformed boob.
So, where is the data, the studies done by these panels? What methods did they use to repeat the studies being examined? Where are the publications of the studies done which verifies the IPCC data? All that has been released is assurances from these so-called investigative panels that the IPCC's data and conclusions are valid. How were these so-called investigations conducted? Did they gather years worth of data and make their own studies from it (ie: did they REPEAT the studies as is a legitimate part of scientific research)? OR did they read the IPCC written records and come to the conclusion that they agree with it all? ("uh, gee, Clem, looks good to me. So what if data sets are missing. The conclusions are what we're looking for.")

Is it a case of the foxes clearing the foxes that were guarding the hen house? Or was there actual scientific inquiry involved? The time frame does not allow for actual scientific inquiry to have taken place.(repeated years worth of study in a couple months?) So if it was not scientific inquiry that lead to these "panels" clearing IPCC, what DID they do besides simply agree IPCC?
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Sorry Cypress.... that is not how it works....


As for your independent reviews Cypress...

1) who ran those 'independent reviews? (ie... was it Penn State, East Anglia etc...)

2) who made up the panels doing the reviews? (ie... did it include skeptics as well as proponents of global warming? Or did they just include those who already agreed with global warming?)

3) Do you contend that all of the questions/complaints were answered by the 'independent' reviews?

As for your chart showing the temperatures Cypress:

1) No one is arguing with the fact that the earth warmed during the 1970-1995 time frame. Nor is anyone arguing that it has stayed warm since. But do tell us... if MAN is causing global warming... then why has there been no significant warming over the past 15 years? A FACT stated directly by your unimpeachable Jones.

2) Does your chart demonstrate how the changes in temperature are a result of man?

3) Do you think it is scientifically valid that Jones states the reason he thinks man is responsible is due to: "The fact that we can't explain the warming from the 1950s by solar and volcanic forcing"? Because it would seem that he is saying it has to be man because he can't figure out another reason. That hardly seems sound scientifically.

As for the question you never answer Cypress....

WHY is it that the global warming fear mongers have now switched to calling it 'climate change'? If MAN is causing WARMING... and it is 'unequivocal scientific fact'... WHY the change?

please don't hurt cypress with facts or hard questions, i fear for his sanity and those around him
Q: How many climate sceptics does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: None. It's too early to say if the lightbulb needs changing.

A: None. It's more cost-effective to live in the dark.

A: None. We only know how to screw the planet.

A: None. Eventually the lightbulbs will right themselves.
Q: How many climate fear mongers does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: None. It's too late, the earth is DOOMED, DOOMED I tell you.

A: None. It's better for the environment if we live without electricity. Oh and could everyone stop breathing as well please?

A: None. We only know how to screw the people for our own political power.

A: None. Eventually the lightbulbs will join our consensus and fix themselves.

since your post was so full of FAIL.... I edited it for you.
Q: How many climate sceptics does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: None. It's too early to say if the lightbulb needs changing.

A: None. It's more cost-effective to live in the dark.

A: None. We only know how to screw the planet.

A: None. Eventually the lightbulbs will right themselves.
C. None. They can't afford the HAZMAT team to help them throw away the newfangled squiggly bulb they were forced by legislation to buy.
Q: How many climate sceptics does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: None. It's too early to say if the lightbulb needs changing.

A: None. It's more cost-effective to live in the dark.

A: None. We only know how to screw the planet.

A: None. Eventually the lightbulbs will right themselves.

What is wrong with the first one? Are you in favor of throwing billions of dollars (trillions world wide) addressing the cause of a problem only to find out it wasn't the cause? There is little use in changing the bulb in a lamp whose switch is burned out.

That said I have NO problem with the idea of making strong moves to get the U.S. energy independent, which by necessity would include vastly reducing our use of fossil oil as an energy source. But many of the ideas out there stemming from AGW/ACC scare tactics I oppose, such as getting rid of coal as well as oil (we have VAST reserves of coal) and classifying CO2 as a "pollutant", mandating use of "green" technologies - which are turning out to have their own environmental problems - etc.

And TAXING energy sources which are not carbon neutral is the biggest objection I have to what is coming out of the AGW/ACC scare. All that does is hurt the middle class who cannot afford a big bump in energy and transportation costs. Also, have the brain dead fools supporting carbon taxes understand the general inflation this would cause? Fuel cost increases to the transport industry will be passed on to what is transported (meaning pretty much everything in our economy.)

What so many seemingly fail to recognize is that 90+ percent of the proposed "solutions" to "combat global warming/climate change" have the net result of allowing governments more intrusive control and power. That alone makes the popularity of governmental support of AGW research suspect, as well as the conclusions of the agencies receiving all that government money. The fact is there are a number of very legitimate scientific questions being ignored by AGW theory and its proponents, let alone the political questions derived from the way governments are reacting.

In short, we do NOT know enough about the issue to be blindly changing bulbs at great expense and effort, when it may not be the bulb that is the problem.
What is wrong with the first one? Are you in favor of throwing billions of dollars (trillions world wide) addressing the cause of a problem only to find out it wasn't the cause? There is little use in changing the bulb in a lamp whose switch is burned out.

That said I have NO problem with the idea of making strong moves to get the U.S. energy independent, which by necessity would include vastly reducing our use of fossil oil as an energy source. But many of the ideas out there stemming from AGW/ACC scare tactics I oppose, such as getting rid of coal as well as oil (we have VAST reserves of coal) and classifying CO2 as a "pollutant", mandating use of "green" technologies - which are turning out to have their own environmental problems - etc.

And TAXING energy sources which are not carbon neutral is the biggest objection I have to what is coming out of the AGW/ACC scare. All that does is hurt the middle class who cannot afford a big bump in energy and transportation costs. Also, have the brain dead fools supporting carbon taxes understand the general inflation this would cause? Fuel cost increases to the transport industry will be passed on to what is transported (meaning pretty much everything in our economy.)

What so many seemingly fail to recognize is that 90+ percent of the proposed "solutions" to "combat global warming/climate change" have the net result of allowing governments more intrusive control and power. That alone makes the popularity of governmental support of AGW research suspect, as well as the conclusions of the agencies receiving all that government money. The fact is there are a number of very legitimate scientific questions being ignored by AGW theory and its proponents, let alone the political questions derived from the way governments are reacting.

In short, we do NOT know enough about the issue to be blindly changing bulbs at great expense and effort, when it may not be the bulb that is the problem.
Ahhh an honest comment, at least in part, from the right about climate change. Yes indeed. That is the true controversy of the issue and, indeed, the real source of opposition from the right. With current state of evidence available only a babbling idiot denies the factual basis of ACC. The real controversy is how will the fact of ACC impact public policy, particularly energy policy and that is indeed controversial given how energy policy can't help but impact many millions of lives.

BTW, what are the legitimate scientific questions being ignored by Climate researchers? Please don't give me this liberal conspiracy crap either. Anyone who believes that has got to be ignorant of science and scientist. One of the big problems that climate deniers have is that they don't address the actual scientific questions of climate change but argue the same contrived dualism that fails the religious right when they argue against evolutionary biology. That's a logical fallacy and I would reject that point of view if I were you.
Ahhh an honest comment, at least in part, from the right about climate change. Yes indeed. That is the true controversy of the issue and, indeed, the real source of opposition from the right. With current state of evidence available only a babbling idiot denies the factual basis of ACC. The real controversy is how will the fact of ACC impact public policy, particularly energy policy and that is indeed controversial given how energy policy can't help but impact many millions of lives.

BTW, what are the legitimate scientific questions being ignored by Climate researchers? Please don't give me this liberal conspiracy crap either. Anyone who believes that has got to be ignorant of science and scientist. One of the big problems that climate deniers have is that they don't address the actual scientific questions of climate change but argue the same contrived dualism that fails the religious right when they argue against evolutionary biology. That's a logical fallacy and I would reject that point of view if I were you.

WHAT questions are not being addressed by those who question your religious beliefs?

Do provide us with a list of what isn't being addressed. Then we can discuss the questions not being addressed by the fear mongering AGW crowd.
You don't need a Hazmat team for that. Light bulbs are exempted from hazmat regs under the universal waste rule. :-P
Yet there are specific lists of what you have to do if you even break one of the bulbs accidentally. Taking that and exaggerating it slightly makes it a "decent" joke.

The reality is, they made a product that sucks to use then made a law that will force you to use it. They force you to purchase a product that if it isn't handled properly will actually create pollution.

There is a way to get people to use "green" products, make them an improvement rather than full of suck. People like to buy things that are cool, if you have to make a law to force people to buy something then you are going in the wrong direction.
Due to overwhelming demand from the members of the Flat Earth Society....

The UK Met Hadley Center – the UK’s preeminent scientific institution on climate science -, and other highly reputable scientific institutions, answer the questions of the Flat Earth Society….



For the benefit of the Flat Earth Socity, I used to post long, extensive posts that were literally dissertations, chock full of graphs, links to all of the most reputable scientific organizations on the planet, citations to the world’s leading climate scientists, and my own technical contributions where I felt knowledgeable and capable.

What I’ve learned is what that gets you is responses full of assertions, guesswork, speculation, insults, and yelped out “questions” who’s premise is either flawed or completely fabricated. None of this ever backed by a credible scientific link, body of peer reviewed scientific research, or the backing of any recognizable and credible international scientific institution. Or, I might get a response like:

”I don’t CARE how many highly reputable scientists and science organizations say humans are changing the climate. I think climate scientists LIED! That’s my story and I’m sticking with it!

Obviously, we in a realm beyond reason and science here.

But, my take away lesson is that dissertations chock full of the world’s best scientists and science institutions just doesn’t cut it with the Flat Earth cabal. Even the FAQs I posted above from U.K’s most reputable climate science organization, appears to be a little to verbose and lucid for the Sarah Palin-esque reading comprehension of climate science-deniers and evolution-deniers……

Therefore, I’m going to dumb it down to simple one sentence answers.

For highly reputable references to legitimate scientific sources substantiating all my answers, refer to any thread I posted on climate science in the last 6 months.

Simple Answers to Simple Questions....

FAQs on Climate Science

”There’s no consensus!”

About 98% of actual climate scientists agree humans are causing global warming; the tiny handful that don’t agree are subpar scientists with lower levels of expertise and research records.

”It was freaking cold in Walla Walla last January!"

A local cold day has nothing to do with long term global warming trends.

”Climate’s changed before!”

The climate changes in response to whatever forces it to change at the time, which now is dominated by humans.

”It’s the Sun!”

The sun’s output has barely changed in thirty years and has nothing to do with recent warming.

”Scientists predicted an ice age in the 1970s!”

No, there were a few stories in the popular media that fueled that, and a few speculations; the scientific community in the 1970s made no such prediction.

”It hasn’t warmed since 1998!”.

Wrong, 2005 was the hottest year on record, 2009 was the second hottest, and 2010 is trending towards being the hottest year on record.

”Al Gore got it wrong!”

The facts Al Gore presents are very accurate, and far more accurate than the stuff Climate Gate Clown routinely get wrong.

"Al Gore is fat!”


”Climate scientists LIED, and Climate Gate proved it!”

Multiple independent investigations of the CRU scientists completely exonerated them, and concluded that their “integrity as scientists was beyond doubt”.

”There hasn’t been statistically significant warming since 1995".

There has been warming since 1995, please take a statistics class to understand what statistical significance means.

”IPCC LIED and used non-scientific data!"

IPCC summarizes the research of thousands of the world’s top climate scientists.

”IPCC is full of lies, and errors”

There were a couple of minor errors in a thousand page report, none of which affected IPCC’s summary conclusions, which have been independently corroborated by prestigious scientific bodies across the planet.

”I saw some list signed by HUNDREDS of scientists who refute human caused global warming!”

Anyone with a science degree from some college can sign anything they want, those “lists” had very few, if any, actual reputable climatologists.

”IPCC was wrong about Himalayan glaciers!”

Glaciers are in retreat worldwide, despite one error in a one thousand page report.

”IPCC used non-scientific sources and LIED about the Amazon!”

The IPCC statements on the Amazon were correct, were backed by peer-reviewed science, and was misreported in the media.

"Why did sneaky liberals switch using the word “global warming” and switch it to “climate change”?!

No one switched anything, it’s been called “climate change”- due to global warming - at the highest levels of science and government since the 1980s.

”I saw huge freaking snow storms last winter that PROVE global warming is a liberal lie!”

Global warming causes more snowstorms, because of increased evaporation and precipitations, as climate scientists have predicted for decades.

Solar radiation and cosmic rays are causing it!”

Solar irradiance is at a minimum, and the trend in output of cosmic rays hasn’t change appreciably in decades.

”1934 was the hottest year!”

1934 was the hottest year in the United States, not on the planet.

”Its just a natural cycle!”

Natural cycles in the ancient past are irrelevant to explaining the current warming trend, who’s rate of increase and magnitude can only be scientifically explained by human GHG emissions.

”Tree rings temperature record diverge after 1960, and liberals hid the data!”

This is a complex scientific topic that has been addressed by the world’s leading climate scientists, and is irrelevant to the current warming trend.

”Volcanoes cause it!”

Volcanic eruptions can have localized temporal affects on temperature, but are irrelevant to the current global warming trend.

”Cypress is a moron, and I’m sure that climate scientists LIED!”

Having an emotional breakdown is irrelevant to the science; it is unequivocal that the earth is warming, and it is known with a very high degree of scientific certainty and confidence. that most of the warming is due to humans.
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