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Not jack, wrong again liberal.Jack (yes, I figured out who you are...), it's hard to understand anything you try to say...
It is easy to understand.
Requires the ability to read, there lies your difficulty.
Not jack, wrong again liberal.Jack (yes, I figured out who you are...), it's hard to understand anything you try to say...
No investments in private prisons.I'm thinking maybe 007 has some investments tied up in the private prison system, like most of the radical right politicians here in AZ.
Do you make money from people being put in jail?
either that or you need some mental help.
Yep, some good old fashioned psychotherapy wouldn't hurt him a bit.
This 1.75-million-year-old skull from the republic of Georgia might have belonged to one of the first humans to leave Africa. And it doesn’t look anything like what scientists thought it would.
This is the face that’s changing a thousand minds. It could be the face of the first human to leave Africa. And it’s not what anyone expected. This 1.75-million-year-old pioneer, found last year beneath the ruins of a medieval town called Dmanisi in the republic of Georgia, had a tiny brain—not nearly the size scientists thought our ancestors needed to migrate into a new land. And its huge canine teeth and thin brow look too apelike for an advanced hominid, the group that includes modern humans and their ancestors. Along with other fossils and tools found at the site, this skull reopens so many questions about our ancestry that one scientist muttered: “They ought to put it back in the ground.”
I took the image and photoshopped a Cleveland Browns helmet tattoo on his shoulder because this is how Steeler fans see us Browns fans. And it's meant as a message to the radical right... adapt or die. Can't find image online, maybe I scanned it some 15 yrs ago, cant remember. I got it from national geographic mag I think.
Pedophiles need to be put in prison and never come back out until they are ashes. The recidivism rate is intense and it is foolish to ever let these monstrous things back into normal society under any conditions. Let them spend a lifetime dreaming about it someplace else where no kids will ever be.
There are alternatives. Would you and 007 want to lock away the 17 year old kid who had sex with his 16 year old girlfriend forever?
Obsessively releasing sex offenders and putting our children at risk!
good lord, you don't even understand the definition of pedophilia
Until his sentence is up, no early release .There are alternatives. Would you and 007 want to lock away the 17 year old kid who had sex with his 16 year old girlfriend forever?
I think Steeler fans now hate the Cravens more than the Browns. At least I do.
William Spangler.
Released early by liberal parole board.
No.Did you send him a Christmas card?
No you didn't, thinking is not a liberal trait.I thought 007 left the building?
Dumbass immigrantUntil his sentence is up, no early release .
But preferably a life sentence .
He is still a paedophile and highly likely to re offend.
Dumbass immigrant
Ha Ha!Give up the conservatard war on drugs and you will have room in jail.
It's conservatards fault these asshole are still preaching!
I cheer for 3 teams, the Browns and whoever is playing the Steelers and the Crows. LOL