I put this thread here instead of What Ever Goes because I believe it is worthy of a Current Event discussion. With the Da vinci Code still in heavy discussion on Cable TV.. it has inspired several offspring documentaries centering around the Judeo/Christian Scriptures. My discussion here is not intended to debate whether or not the Scriptures are an inspired text..but whether or not they have been corrupted or are now being corrupted. By this I mean ... given the new exposure of the Lost Texts ..i.e. Old Testament works such as The Book of Jubilee, The Book of Enoch, both of which are included in the Bible's of different sects around the World ...i.e. Ethiopian Christianity.., The Gnostic Texts.., The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Judas.. it begs me to ask this question …
Did the corruption take place back in the days when the scribes of the second and third centuries were ordered to keep certain texts out of the Bible … in effect sanitizing it to the ways of the Church? Or is the corruption now taking place … by bringing these rejected volumes to the forefront…and questioning the motives of the early church scribes?
Did the Church have the right to keep certain Texts out and on what authority? Interesting that these texts were often found buried as if the Monks one day knew that someone would stumble upon them and bring them back to the table of discussion… as they have been.