Speaking of British possessions, I believe Toppy wants to visit the Isle of Man so that he can get his ass toured by the locals.
He would not be permitted to import livestock.
Speaking of British possessions, I believe Toppy wants to visit the Isle of Man so that he can get his ass toured by the locals.
One of the reasons I treat you with such civility, Tom, is that you are the only person I have ever met who reads the Mail. Even the journos treat it with scant regard and that atrocious woman, Ann Lesley, does her best to distance herself and she was their foreign correspondent for years. Perhaps she still is. She was made a Dame in 2006 and I cannot see her without imagining her as Dame in pantomime screeching, 'Has anyone seen our Jack?'
Imagine waking in the morning and finding that beside you! All you would be able to think would be, 'Jeez, how many bottles did I drink?'
I used to think like you about the Daily Mail but then I started to read it and found that there are many good things about it. It is one of the few investigative papers left and that is because it makes money and can afford to do it. Did you know that they were vehemently against the 2003 Iraq War?
Ann Lesley became my heroine the other night on Question Time when she flat out accused Alistair Campbell of lying about the Iraq War and sending David Kelly to his death. The bastard has been trying to become a media personality and anyone who pricks his bubble is OK in my book. No, I wouldn't want to sleep with her and then again I wouldn't want to sleep with that bitch Polly Toynbee either. At least Ann Lesley is a proper foreign journalist whereas Toynbee is just a Harriet Harperson aka Harman clone. At the end of the day, it is what it is, a middle market tabloid with redeeming features. By the way, I buy the Guardian, Times, Telegraph sometimes but they can be incredibly turgid especially the Guardian.
The Mail has had many campaigns down the years and has been especially vehement about mixed race adoption and the incredibly PC approach of local authorities which has resulted in the lowest number of adoptions ever.
Some guys at work were discussing Sean Penn. Apparently, in the comments section of an article, a reader asked "when is Sean Penn going to give his Malibu estate back to Mexico?"
The Mail is interesting only when it is wrapped round three penn'th of chips and a bob's worth of cod. Jeez! That's going back a bit!
I guess you are one of the many that believe equality can only be achieved by reducing everyones standard of living towards zero. I happen to believe that everyone is entitled to a level playing field and that socialism is the betterment of all. I came to HK, although at the time I was not fully aware of it, to avoid the final years of thatcher and to work to increase the exports of the UK to a place that had intrigued me since childhood.You're a good chap Low but you have a very rigid mindset at times. You profess to be socialist yet you choose to live in, red in tooth and claw, capitalistic HK, I have a friend like that, he lives in Switzerland yet espouses socialistic mumbo jumbo as if he was still an agitprop student.
I guess you are one of the many that believe equality can only be achieved by reducing everyones standard of living towards zero. I happen to believe that everyone is entitled to a level playing field and that socialism is the betterment of all. I came to HK, although at the time I was not fully aware of it, to avoid the final years of thatcher and to work to increase the exports of the UK to a place that had intrigued me since childhood.
I can help my country, economically, more in HK than ever I could by staying home. The same can be said for the thousands of people employed in thousands of offices round the world, whose job it is to produce export revenue and keep the factories (or factory) in the UK open and employing people.
I get pissed off when people label us 'non-doms' and undeserving. It just illustrates how little people really understand about how their own country exists. I sold millions of pounds worth of 100% British products and since I retired I have helped forge links between HK companies and UK (and US) companies by teaching business communications and business culture to the Chinese as well as being a 'Creative Consultant' (honestly I don't know why I have that honour) to a substantial HK exporter.
Before 1997 I was a regular speaker at the consulate to groups of British business men who honestly thought that all they had to do was appear in HK for the little yellow chaps to open their bank accounts to them. Hence my first question to them was always: 'How much money are you prepared to lose?'
So there you are. Too much information but no dishonesty, no turning my back upon the poor, no selling my soul to the Tory devil.
The Mail is interesting only when it is wrapped round three penn'th of chips and a bob's worth of cod. Jeez! That's going back a bit!
In many ways you are an old fashioned class warrior but instead of living in a council house on a sink estate, smoking rollups and drinking Carlsberg Special Brew you choose to eke out a miserable existence in HK instead.
FYI, Low is a Non-Dom.