Seattle parking lot fight background

Desh says she owns two properties and I actually hope Las Vegas decides that they need that land and take it by imminent domain; because she'll finally learn how the government deals with the public, when the government wants something.

And to add insult to injury, Deshy chased off the economic activity and taxes being paid by the drug dealers with her racist spitting unto an innocent black mans face. Soon the tar that envelops her will free us all

In 2005, she agreed to make a $3.2 million donation to re-create some public gardens in Spokane's Pioneer Park. But she subsequently decided not to complete the payments because the city had not cut down a dozen view-blocking trees in the park that were near her home.

she was BORN of money and likes to get what she wants with the money daddy left her

this makes it even worse. now it's starting to look like the council took the parking lot out of spite.

your city comes to you and says

we will give you market compensation for your property and you will help all the other businesses in the city survive and make money so they can pay taxes and the city can grow and function much better.

what does she do?

try to force her will on the city so SHE can keep one of her many investments that is bringing her more money than she can spend with the years she has left.

maybe they got tired of her DEMANDS that the city do her bidding ?

it's HER property you asshole. she can do whatever she wants with it. your posts seeth with jealously, you just want to punish someone who is rich.
Government at all levels has been doing this for decades.

government has been doing lots of things for decades, that doesn't make it right.

government has been fighting wars for decades, banning drugs for decades, banning gay marriage for decades, curbing civil rights for decades. who the fuck cares how long government has been doing something? it speaks nothing to the fact if something is right or wrong.

They did it in case after case in building the interstate highway system in the 1950s. George W. Bush did it to build the Rangers a baseball stadium in Texas.

again, that shouldn't matter, it doesn't make it right.. but at least in those cases there was an actual public good being served. A stadium brings in revenue to all the surrounding areas and helps the city. In THIS situation they are seizing a parking lot and then keeping it as is. They aren't going to develop on it or do anything special with it.

The Supreme Court already ruled such action is perfectly and completely legal!

I'm going to remember this the next time you inevitably want to bitch about something like citizens united.
Desh says she owns two properties and I actually hope Las Vegas decides that they need that land and take it by imminent domain; because she'll finally learn how the government deals with the public, when the government wants something.

my new goal in life is now to move to las vegas, slowly climb the ranks of city/state government, and i WILL take deshes property. She's like what, 50? I've got time.
it's HER property you asshole. she can do whatever she wants with it. your posts seeth with jealously, you just want to punish someone who is rich.

The irony of course is that Desh is a capitalist, owns property and is rich yet evidently envy's this woman who has more than her.
government has been doing lots of things for decades, that doesn't make it right.

government has been fighting wars for decades, banning drugs for decades, banning gay marriage for decades, curbing civil rights for decades. who the fuck cares how long government has been doing something? it speaks nothing to the fact if something is right or wrong.

again, that shouldn't matter, it doesn't make it right.. but at least in those cases there was an actual public good being served. A stadium brings in revenue to all the surrounding areas and helps the city. In THIS situation they are seizing a parking lot and then keeping it as is. They aren't going to develop on it or do anything special with it.

I'm going to remember this the next time you inevitably want to bitch about something like citizens united.

Clearly the thinking of a phony libertarian. Sports are not a public good and the argument that it benefits the economy is based on bad economics.
please tell the fake libertarian that right before I even said that I said "it doesn't make it right"

this is why I have that tool on ignore, for anyone that has ever wondered. he routinely takes things out of context. He really is nothing more than an advanced troll.
also since real estate totally collapsed in las vegas I bet fair market value will be pretty low. If I can become a state legislator in a decade maybe desh will even have to take a loss. this is going to be awesome.
no truth at all to that. Lot of people can make money without screwing people over. Poor people just don't want to hear it because they like the idea that they are poor because "they are a good person who could never stab someone in the back," and that is why they flip burgers, because "they are a righteous human being," rather than actually being a failure.
also since real estate totally collapsed in las vegas I bet fair market value will be pretty low. If I can become a state legislator in a decade maybe desh will even have to take a loss. this is going to be awesome.

Racist Deshs tenants will vote for you, I bet.
please tell the fake libertarian that right before I even said that I said "it doesn't make it right"

this is why I have that tool on ignore, for anyone that has ever wondered. he routinely takes things out of context. He really is nothing more than an advanced troll.

Sports are not a public good and you are embracing the economic arguments of statists.
This sounds like some bitter fantasy you've cooked up. WHat do you have to back it up?

And my previously discussed well-off family had land condemned by eminent domain. THey had bought an old building on property that they wanted to develop into commercial property and the state decided they wanted it....the 'well-off' family made a profit. How do you feel about that? Do you think they should have DONATED it to the state?
