Seattle, Washington

Sounds like you had a great time.:)

Seattle & Portland are both beautiful cities IMHO but Portland has some serious gentrification going on, spilling over the river into Vancouver as well..

I dunno how much of what you describe is unique to Portland as we have our fair share down her in Calif as well....... I hear cowackO even dies his hair silver & black on weekends during football season.:awesome:

I guess there is a certain look they have in Oregon.. I was talking to a co-worker & he notices this couple near by & says they are from Oregon, I asked how he knew, he said he could just tell.. They had on clods/like hiking boots, dark blue jeans & of course PLAID.. Old basic primary color plaid.. Come to find out he was

I've been to LA and Venice Beach and yes, the look prevails there as well. Severe Libtards are like Harley guys in a way- they think of themselves as fiercely independent rebels, and they end up looking like they have a uniform.
I've talked to friends who've been to Portland and he said it was like jumping in the way back machine to 1992.

I'm sure that the great North West is very attractive but there's something about the gloominess of a maritime climate and it's grey sky and rain that turns me off.

I've been all over the U.S. east of Dallas, TX and I haven't been to a place yet that I thought was better than the Piedmont region of North Carolina. Great scenery, mild winters, 9 green months, doesn't get too hot or too cold, lots of economic opportunity and, in my experience, southern hospitality at it's finest.

For those of you who have never been to the Carolina's. Stay's a hell hole! ;)

The entire week that I was in Seattle the sky was blue and the weather dry. July is their best month. My host has seen it rain nearly constant for 6 months.

And yes, please stay away from the Carolinas. Absolute hell hole. Backwards people with no teeth, spitting tobacco juice into a Pepsi can, wearing overalls with no shirt and sporting a greasy hat woven from straw.

I hope you realize, Moot, that whenever you use an apostrophe to make a word plural, a puppy dies. Why do you like killing puppies?
I've been to LA and Venice Beach and yes, the look prevails there as well. Severe Libtards are like Harley guys in a way- they think of themselves as fiercely independent rebels, and they end up looking like they have a uniform.

It is the same everywhere for the most part..

I recall as a kid, growing up here & watching the news about red China & thinking how terrible it was they all had to wear the same clothes & then the nex day I went to school & notice we were voluntarily all pretty much wearing the same crap, which then was levy jeans & a levy jacket-pretty drab..
Glad you had a good time. Seattle is awesome!

Legion Trollop will never go away. He lives here. Oh and he doesn't just constantly delete posts, he deletes threads quite frequently now. Often he will create a thread and then it doesn't get attention, so he deletes it and creates it again. And he has deleted about a dozen threads about me and Yurt.

Poor Troll.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure he has.


He's doing it right NOW!!!!!

Few things currently bring more entertainment to the news for me than the Viaduct/Tunnel Project. Such an epic fail, and the idiocy just keeps going along.