See "Alice's" banned list is up to 43 now, too funny

He post some hilarity implying Obama was a Commie seeking fellow conservative recognition, beautiful, who says conservatives don't live in a bubble?

I swear the guy is a talk radio wannabe, auditioning in one way communication, no questions allowed

Cry little snowflakes. :rofl2:
lol, Trollop.....I remember when you used to use a ban list......

If you did it was in your own reality because I never banned anyone from any of my posts at any time

It's a forum, it is suppose to be an exchange, by its' nature it is not one way communication, that's talk radio
All the crying in the world can't match the tears you shed here every day shit-for-brains.

This one is a piece of work, when he has no content to contribute, which is often, he starts in with the personal crapola, why bother, it is an anonymous vehicle, it only makes you look silly, like the kid on the playground who brags to all his friends what he is going to do to the kid who just beat him up
This one is a piece of work, when he has no content to contribute, which is often, he starts in with the personal crapola, why bother, it is an anonymous vehicle, it only makes you look silly, like the kid on the playground who brags to all his friends what he is going to do to the kid who just beat him up

You think your moronic shtick is content shit-for-brains? :rofl2: