Selfish people suck....

Define it the way you wish....for every definition that Conservatives come up with, I am sure that liberals will come up with another.

But OK... two definitions come to mind for me...

1. People who can do for themselves but choose not to.

2. People that have way more than they will ever need and still crave more.

Both are pariahs to our country.
I think it is worse to covet thy neighbors possessions.

Self interest is not selfish

Self interest can be selfish when other people are suffering because of it.

Most people don't covet much of nothing other than to have a decent, sustainable life.

That is the disparity between right and left. When I talk about greed at the top end of the spectrum.....I am in no way, shape or form talking about LITERAL income inequality. That is a Conservative talking point...that liberals think that everyone from a ditch digger to a brain surgeon should be making the same income.

What most liberals are saying is that if a person is working a full time job, they should be able to eke out a decent, sustainable living....if a married couple are both working full time jobs....they should be thriving. They are taking personal responsibility for their lives, they are doing their part, but society is failing them.

On the other hand, at the bottom end of the spectrum, you have generations of people who can play the system like a violin.

At either end of the selfishness.
Second line is false, Steel. Humans are greedy, selfish bastards, and that's nothing compared to some of our other shortcomings.

Not true....well it is true...I'll call it a half truth. For every greedy bastard out there, there is an unsung hero who dedicates their lives to helping others. The teachers who got into the field for reasons.other than to have Summers off. The overworked and underpaid Social Workers, who try to help troubled families. Volunteers, people who run youth groups in cities to try to keep kids off the street. Just a few examples of people who don't count in some people's eyes because they don't add to someone's bottom line.

Don't you think that this would be a better country...hell, a better world if we tried to ignore that greedy nature, or at least hold it at bay?
Don't you think that this would be a better country...hell, a better world if we tried to ignore that greedy nature, or at least hold it at bay?

Well, that's what civilization is all about, right? to get us to see beyond our greedy nature? to not indulge in purely selfish behavior? and to have laws to control those who can't control themselves?

Sometimes I wonder if we're splitting into two species - one that is "civilized", the other one that can murder babies and rape women and kill their neighbors. Then I remind myself no, we're all one species, and all of us are capable of inhumane behavior if we are in the wrong situation.

Thank goodness most of us are civilized.....
Well, that's what civilization is all about, right? to get us to see beyond our greedy nature? to not indulge in purely selfish behavior? and to have laws to control those who can't control themselves?

Sometimes I wonder if we're splitting into two species - one that is "civilized", the other one that can murder babies and rape women and kill their neighbors. Then I remind myself no, we're all one species, and all of us are capable of inhumane behavior if we are in the wrong situation.

Thank goodness most of us are civilized.....

I agree
Well, that's what civilization is all about, right? to get us to see beyond our greedy nature? to not indulge in purely selfish behavior? and to have laws to control those who can't control themselves?

Sometimes I wonder if we're splitting into two species - one that is "civilized", the other one that can murder babies and rape women and kill their neighbors. Then I remind myself no, we're all one species, and all of us are capable of inhumane behavior if we are in the wrong situation.

Thank goodness most of us are civilized.....

Our civilization presently sanctions one of those as part of the cult of convenience as a human sacrifice. Obviously, we're highly civilized. We're also highly dishonest, as we often can't even agree if rape is rape, and we love to blame the victim.
Well, not saying civilization is perfect - yes, we're hypocritical and celebrities get away with things poor people can't, etc etc etc. But it's better than NOT having any kind of civilization, having us all holed up in our caves wondering if this is the night our neighbor is going to come kill us or not.

We saw from the atrocities in Rwanda how easy it is to get neighbor to kill neighbor. Horrible. I hope the US doesn't ever do that; I do believe we have it in us with the right incitements though, sadly.

And PLEASE don't turn this into another anti-abortion threads, ok? Let's just leave that out of this one.
Why, it's a complete failure of our so-called civilization. It is also a manifestation of the greed and selfishness of which Steele mentioned.
Why, it's a complete failure of our so-called civilization. It is also a manifestation of the greed and selfishness of which Steele mentioned. would you feel if we took the wealthy's right to be greedy away?

EDIT: I mean, if there were.plenty for everyone....why would anyone have an abortion....why would there be so much crime? Greed at the top facilitates a lot of this stuff by hoarding for themselves.
Last edited: would you feel if we took the wealthy's right to be greedy away?

EDIT: I mean, if there were.plenty for everyone....why would anyone have an abortion....why would there be so much crime? Greed at the top facilitates a lot of this stuff by hoarding for themselves.

There's more to greed than wealth. People would still be evil selfish fucks without it, and would gladly have abortions.