Selfish people suck....

You cannot end selfishness because you cannot cure humanity.

You can't end it...but you can outlaw we're going to try to outlaw greed at the bottom(abortion), why shouldn't we try to outlaw greed at the top, which is far more damaging as a whole?
Self interest can be selfish when other people are suffering because of it.

Most people don't covet much of nothing other than to have a decent, sustainable life.

That is the disparity between right and left. When I talk about greed at the top end of the spectrum.....I am in no way, shape or form talking about LITERAL income inequality. That is a Conservative talking point...that liberals think that everyone from a ditch digger to a brain surgeon should be making the same income.

What most liberals are saying is that if a person is working a full time job, they should be able to eke out a decent, sustainable living....if a married couple are both working full time jobs....they should be thriving. They are taking personal responsibility for their lives, they are doing their part, but society is failing them.

On the other hand, at the bottom end of the spectrum, you have generations of people who can play the system like a violin.

At either end of the selfishness.

If Americans didn't covet their neighbors' possessions, we wouldn't have an economy to speak of.
Oh abortion equals greed now? LOL

Male anti-abortion fanatics are privileged, clueless, white, arrogant.

With their every comment they demonstrate their complete cluelessness about women's lives. They have created the woman who has an abortion in their minds: She is middle to high on the socio-economic scale, she is single, she has no other children, she likes to fuck a lot of men, she spends all of her money on herself and having a child would cut into her shoe budget. So she laughs while she makes the appointment and thinks about all of the men she will be fucking next week, and oh, there's that shoe sale at Bloomies tomorrow, better make that abortion for Friday. She could miss a great pair of Manolo's 25% off.

Isn't she fun to hate? Doesn't that feel good?

Does it have anything to do with reproductive choices, women's health, real women who have abortions, and women's actual lives?

Of course not. But it's still feels so good.
Oh abortion equals greed now? LOL

Male anti-abortion fanatics are privileged, clueless, white, arrogant.

With their every comment they demonstrate their complete cluelessness about women's lives. They have created the woman who has an abortion in their minds: She is middle to high on the socio-economic scale, she is single, she has no other children, she likes to fuck a lot of men, she spends all of her money on herself and having a child would cut into her shoe budget. So she laughs while she makes the appointment and thinks about all of the men she will be fucking next week, and oh, there's that shoe sale at Bloomies tomorrow, better make that abortion for Friday. She could miss a great pair of Manolo's 25% off.

Isn't she fun to hate? Doesn't that feel good?

Does it have anything to do with reproductive choices, women's health, real women who have abortions, and women's actual lives?

Of course not. But it's still feels so good.

Calm down a second Darla. I was going with the right wing mantra to make a point. You know that I am pro-choice and anti-abortion. I believe that you and all women are smart enough and aware enough to make your own decisions. I wish it weren't a necessary option, but socioeconomics and lack of support once the child is born are huge factors.

I am not some knuckle dragger. I was merely saying that if abortion is an act of selfishness, then so is greed and selfishness at the top....the funny thing is....the greed and selfishness at the top causes more pain, suffering and death that abortion ever have people without adequate healthcare who don't see a doctor and die from preventable illnesses, you have the inner city poor who have to rely on the drug trade and gang membership because there are no sustainable jobs to be found. You have the poor in the North who freeze in winter and the poor in the south who roast in the Summer....all because some fat cat desires a new super yacht...or a Beach house in the Hamptons.
Selfish: The engine of democracy.

the thoughts of a sociopath huh?

the engine of democracy is innovation NOT selfishness.

convoluting it into selfishness is what the republicans have tried to do.

only 4 in 100 innovators think of a new idea out of NOTHING but shelfishness.

Most are non sociopaths who have a good idea and find a way to make a real product that they can make money on and fill a need.
Oh abortion equals greed now? LOL

Male anti-abortion fanatics are privileged, clueless, white, arrogant.

With their every comment they demonstrate their complete cluelessness about women's lives. They have created the woman who has an abortion in their minds: She is middle to high on the socio-economic scale, she is single, she has no other children, she likes to fuck a lot of men, she spends all of her money on herself and having a child would cut into her shoe budget. So she laughs while she makes the appointment and thinks about all of the men she will be fucking next week, and oh, there's that shoe sale at Bloomies tomorrow, better make that abortion for Friday. She could miss a great pair of Manolo's 25% off.

Isn't she fun to hate? Doesn't that feel good?

Does it have anything to do with reproductive choices, women's health, real women who have abortions, and women's actual lives?

Of course not. But it's still feels so good.

She sounds like lots of fun.