Semi-Ethics Question - What if Gov gave checks to those that didn't have kids?

Then stop paying people $1500 per kid with the EIC tax credit! Stop allowing deductions on income tax! The "effect" would be the same, and instead of being stupidly illogical and costing us way more money, it would actually SAVE money! And by the way, YOU are the real drag on society, can we just get rid of YOU?

stop arguing a strawman. I clearly have not stated or implied that I am for paying people to have kids. So stop brining it up, it's not something I agree with.

Secondly, your premise is faulty because you actually believe the only reason people have kids is for the tax benefits. My solution is to not curb accidental pregnancies, but planned pregnancies.

Thirdly, I love how you are literally arguing against other people being taxed less, having the government take less income, and having one keep more of their own paycheck. That's the position you are staking yourself out on.
Well, that brings me to the next illogical point you make. So we have eliminated all credits and deductions for people with kids, and we are now paying people to not have kids... what happens in 50-60 years, when there is no younger generation to speak of? When all the old people become too old to have kids, and need someone to care for them in old age? No young people working anymore, because, well, there are no more young people! No one to pay tax anymore, because the old people are too old to work, and... there are no young people! So what's your idea for then? Grab some more money from the mythical pile and take care of the old people? At some point, perhaps your idiocy will catch up with you?

yes, I am being illogical, because a small rebate will lead to the extinction of our species.
I have apparently really struck a nerve with dixie. His jimmies are in fact ruffled quite thoroughly.

My jimmies are doing just fine and dandy. No nerve is struck. You, on the other hand, seem to be having some trouble answering a few simple questions about your logic and thinking. Let's not run away from your stupidity, and try to turn the thread into a Dixie-bash, mmk?
I believe that people should be rewarded for not bringing parasites into the world.

The people this would most work on are the poor, as they are often a drain on resources.

There really isn't much else to be said.
stop arguing a strawman. I clearly have not stated or implied that I am for paying people to have kids. So stop brining it up, it's not something I agree with.

Secondly, your premise is faulty because you actually believe the only reason people have kids is for the tax benefits. My solution is to not curb accidental pregnancies, but planned pregnancies.

Thirdly, I love how you are literally arguing against other people being taxed less, having the government take less income, and having one keep more of their own paycheck. That's the position you are staking yourself out on.

There is no straw man in anything I said. We currently give people money based on how many kids they have.... TRUE or FALSE? You are proposing we do the opposite, and give people money for how many kids they DON'T have! TRUE or FALSE? It's not a 'straw man' to point out the obvious illogical stupidity of this. Why not just eliminate the EIC and tax deductions for dependents? You get the same basic result, people with kids have to pay more to support the kids, and people who don't have kids, save that money.

What we need to STOP from happening, is the government "giving checks" to people. Any money the government (taxpayers) "give" to people, should be in exchange for some sort of work or effort on part of the recipient. THAT may solve a hell of a lot more problems than your idiotic and pointless idea.
There is no straw man in anything I said. We currently give people money based on how many kids they have.... TRUE or FALSE? You are proposing we do the opposite, and give people money for how many kids they DON'T have! TRUE or FALSE? It's not a 'straw man' to point out the obvious illogical stupidity of this. Why not just eliminate the EIC and tax deductions for dependents? You get the same basic result, people with kids have to pay more to support the kids, and people who don't have kids, save that money.

What we need to STOP from happening, is the government "giving checks" to people. Any money the government (taxpayers) "give" to people, should be in exchange for some sort of work or effort on part of the recipient. THAT may solve a hell of a lot more problems than your idiotic and pointless idea.

I only wish that you could fix it so that R"s ran on eliminating the EIC and deductions for dependents.

If wishes were horses we'd all ride, eh Dixie?
I believe that people should be rewarded for not bringing parasites into the world.

The people this would most work on are the poor, as they are often a drain on resources.

There really isn't much else to be said.

Parasites? So every child that has ever been born is a parasite now? Boy, when you go off the deep end, you really go!

For the record, your idiotic idea is just one step removed from what a King once tried in the Rhineland. You see, there were a lot of peasants, and the King got the brilliant notion (same as you) that things would be so much better if there weren't any poor people. So he began reducing the poor population by force, which resulted in my ancestors fleeing into the Black Forrest, and eventually escaping persecution by coming to America.

I'm going to ask you the question once again... in 50 years, who is going to be there to work and pay taxes, if people stop having kids? If we purposefully decline the number of people born, it stands to reason we also decline the number of people who will make up the next generation of workers and taxpayers. Because of the Baby Boomer generation, we already have a 'top-heavy' situation, and what you propose here, will make that situation much worse. Of course, in 50 years, you probably won't be around to argue it, but some equally moronic idiot will certainly suggest we start killing off the old people who we can't afford to support anymore.

In short, you are a fucking retard. You've not thought this plan through. Or maybe you have and you're not retarded, you are just plain EVIL?
I only wish that you could fix it so that R"s ran on eliminating the EIC and deductions for dependents.

If wishes were horses we'd all ride, eh Dixie?

But of course, I never advocated this, I am merely trying to help Grindola formulate an idea that makes some rational sense. Now go ahead and continue having your wet dreams over how Democrats can exploit class warfare and win more power, we see the results of how well that is working for us!
But of course, I never advocated this, I am merely trying to help Grindola formulate an idea that makes some rational sense. Now go ahead and continue having your wet dreams over how Democrats can exploit class warfare and win more power, we see the results of how well that is working for us!

Why are you so disgusting Dixie? Your father must be ashamed.
It could be argued that those without kids are already ahead of the game, because they don't have the added expense that comes w/child rearing.

And, the govt gives breaks to parents, because they need future soldiers.

Notice they cut back on education?

The govt. needs mindless masses. They're going to get them, one way or another.

You're statement is a massive contradiction. Why would they cut back on education, which is the primary means of socialization and is the primary tool used to create drones (based on our education model).
Then stop paying people $1500 per kid with the EIC tax credit! Stop allowing deductions on income tax! The "effect" would be the same, and instead of being stupidly illogical and costing us way more money, it would actually SAVE money! And by the way, YOU are the real drag on society, can we just get rid of YOU?

It would also target the poorer sections substantially. And it's $500 per child, which is pocket change after all things considered.
I think we should give checks to people who will hit themselves with hammers for our entertainment. At least it would be fun, and a bit of Darwinism at the same time.
Well, that brings me to the next illogical point you make. So we have eliminated all credits and deductions for people with kids, and we are now paying people to not have kids... what happens in 50-60 years, when there is no younger generation to speak of? When all the old people become too old to have kids, and need someone to care for them in old age? No young people working anymore, because, well, there are no more young people! No one to pay tax anymore, because the old people are too old to work, and... there are no young people! So what's your idea for then? Grab some more money from the mythical pile and take care of the old people? At some point, perhaps your idiocy will catch up with you?

Yes. I will stop having sex for a couple thousand dollars a year. Who wouldn't?
I think we should give checks to people who will hit themselves with hammers for our entertainment. At least it would be fun, and a bit of Darwinism at the same time.
How much per check? Because I can afford a hit to the thumb every now and then.
I believe that people should be rewarded for not bringing parasites into the world.

The people this would most work on are the poor, as they are often a drain on resources.

There really isn't much else to be said.

Do you now intend to sue your parents for allowing yourself to be born?
You could also sue to have the Government retroactively abort you.
Just make people pay for their own kids. Personal responsibility.
No tax deductions no public funded education. No vouchers. Get rid of the socialism.