Sen. Clinton, God got me thru marital strife...

WTF ????

I guess the question is can she sell it ?

I'm so sick and tired of this being a country, where, in order to be President, you have to sell God. It's all a bunch of phony BS.

I'm not voting for her anyway. I don't know what will happen if she's the nominee, but I have my fingers crossed that she won't be, I'm not voting for her in the primary, so I guess I will cross that bridge if I ever come to it.

I want Al Gore! Remember Al, I don't care how fat you get, I still want to see you naked...but mostly, I want to see you in the oval office.
"I want Al Gore! Remember Al, I don't care how fat you get, I still want to see you naked...but mostly, I want to see you in the oval office."

Again... setting yourself up for juvenille male humor... will you EVER learn???
I'm so sick and tired of this being a country, where, in order to be President, you have to sell God. It's all a bunch of phony BS.

I'm not voting for her anyway. I don't know what will happen if she's the nominee, but I have my fingers crossed that she won't be, I'm not voting for her in the primary, so I guess I will cross that bridge if I ever come to it.

I want Al Gore! Remember Al, I don't care how fat you get, I still want to see you naked...but mostly, I want to see you in the oval office.
Al's fine with me. Mr. "No Controlling Authority" would be better than Clinton.
"I want Al Gore! Remember Al, I don't care how fat you get, I still want to see you naked...but mostly, I want to see you in the oval office."

Again... setting yourself up for juvenille male humor... will you EVER learn???

This is between me and Al. You never know, he's on the internet a lot I hear.

I'm so sick and tired of this being a country, where, in order to be President, you have to sell God. It's all a bunch of phony BS.

I'm not voting for her anyway. I don't know what will happen if she's the nominee, but I have my fingers crossed that she won't be, I'm not voting for her in the primary, so I guess I will cross that bridge if I ever come to it.

I want Al Gore! Remember Al, I don't care how fat you get, I still want to see you naked...but mostly, I want to see you in the oval office.

That annoys me as well. God this God that. Lets keep God out of politics please. The founders certainly were better about this even when appropriate they talked about a creator instead of God. They were much more inclusive.
I'm so sick and tired of this being a country, where, in order to be President, you have to sell God. It's all a bunch of phony BS.

I'm not voting for her anyway. I don't know what will happen if she's the nominee, but I have my fingers crossed that she won't be, I'm not voting for her in the primary, so I guess I will cross that bridge if I ever come to it.

I want Al Gore! Remember Al, I don't care how fat you get, I still want to see you naked...but mostly, I want to see you in the oval office.

That annoys me as well. God this God that. Lets keep God out of politics please. The founders certainly were better about this even when appropriate they talked about a creator instead of God. They were much more inclusive.
Don't let AHZ catch you talking about it that way. They were all Freemasons and thus are all eeeeeviillllll.
I'm so sick and tired of this being a country, where, in order to be President, you have to sell God. It's all a bunch of phony BS.

I'm not voting for her anyway. I don't know what will happen if she's the nominee, but I have my fingers crossed that she won't be, I'm not voting for her in the primary, so I guess I will cross that bridge if I ever come to it.

I want Al Gore! Remember Al, I don't care how fat you get, I still want to see you naked...but mostly, I want to see you in the oval office.

I'd vote for Hillary, but my first choice (among the ones running at this point) is Obama.

And if Al Gore jumps in, he's the one I'm voting for. I love Al Gore. It would be a nice change to have an intelligent President, wouldn't it?

I would like to See Gore as president. heck he already won once didn't he :D
He sure did.
I'm so sick and tired of this being a country, where, in order to be President, you have to sell God. It's all a bunch of phony BS.

I'm not voting for her anyway. I don't know what will happen if she's the nominee, but I have my fingers crossed that she won't be, I'm not voting for her in the primary, so I guess I will cross that bridge if I ever come to it.

I want Al Gore! Remember Al, I don't care how fat you get, I still want to see you naked...but mostly, I want to see you in the oval office.

Ahahaha, love this!

What if it was the good Lord who caused her marital strife, has anyone thought of that angle?
I'd vote for Hillary, but my first choice (among the ones running at this point) is Obama.

And if Al Gore jumps in, he's the one I'm voting for. I love Al Gore. It would be a nice change to have an intelligent President, wouldn't it?


I can't remember what it's like to have a rational, intelligent President. Yes, it would be very nice.
Ahahaha, love this!

What if it was the good Lord who caused her marital strife, has anyone thought of that angle?

Nope. Whenever anything good happens...say, you miss a car accident by "this much", or, your favorite team wins the world series, that's God's doing, and so you have to "Thank God."

When something bad happens...your husband cheats, or a child starves to death, God is not to blame.

God has an even better PR team than Bush does.
But the repubs fashiopned their plan around this concept.
Everything good that happens republicans are responsible for. Everything bad is the Demoncrats faults (aka liberals).

Looks like they don't have the system down as pat as the church does though ;)
But the repubs fashiopned their plan around this concept.
Everything good that happens republicans are responsible for. Everything bad is the Demoncrats faults (aka liberals).

Looks like they don't have the system down as pat as the church does though ;)

Exactly usc!