Sen Lindsay Graham Calls Trump A Race-Baiting Xenophobic Religious Bigot


Diversity Makes Greatness
Lindsay Graham just doesn't even know who he is anymore....

"A day after Trump announced the "Muslim Ban" in 2015, Graham appeared on CNN's New Day.

“I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a moment. I don’t know who you are, and I don’t know why you like this guy," he began. "I think what you like about him is he appears to be strong and the rest of us are weak. He’s a very successful businessman and he’s going to make everything great.""

FLASHBACK: Graham says Trump is 'a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot'
Lindsay Graham just doesn't even know who he is anymore....

"A day after Trump announced the "Muslim Ban" in 2015, Graham appeared on CNN's New Day.

“I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a moment. I don’t know who you are, and I don’t know why you like this guy," he began. "I think what you like about him is he appears to be strong and the rest of us are weak. He’s a very successful businessman and he’s going to make everything great.""

FLASHBACK: Graham says Trump is 'a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot'

This was before Graham was neutered.
LOL< I was just going to post this, that second youtube, from the Guardian but went for a walk

Thnx for posting it.

I was going to go w/ the two faces of linsey graham......

Hi Bill,

LOL< I was just going to post this, that second youtube, from the Guardian but went for a walk

Thnx for posting it.

I was going to go w/ the two faces of linsey graham......


Colbert beat us both to it:

Lindsay Graham just doesn't even know who he is anymore....

"A day after Trump announced the "Muslim Ban" in 2015, Graham appeared on CNN's New Day.

“I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a moment. I don’t know who you are, and I don’t know why you like this guy," he began. "I think what you like about him is he appears to be strong and the rest of us are weak. He’s a very successful businessman and he’s going to make everything great.""

FLASHBACK: Graham says Trump is 'a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot'

Trump is a bully and a coward. His cultists are gullible and weak minded.

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LOL< I was just going to post this, that second youtube, from the Guardian but went for a walk

Thnx for posting it.

I was going to go w/ the two faces of linsey graham......


Lindsey will continue to get elected. The Democrats in SC know they can't put anyone against him that could come close to winning. That's why so many crossover and vote for him in the primaries. He's the closet thing to a Democrat they'll ever get in the office.
Lindsay Graham just doesn't even know who he is anymore....

"A day after Trump announced the "Muslim Ban" in 2015, Graham appeared on CNN's New Day.

“I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a moment. I don’t know who you are, and I don’t know why you like this guy," he began. "I think what you like about him is he appears to be strong and the rest of us are weak. He’s a very successful businessman and he’s going to make everything great.""

FLASHBACK: Graham says Trump is 'a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot'

He's "a very successful businessman" with multiple bankruptcies. Weird concept of "successful". But normal for Trump cultists.

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And he’s now .. history !!!

Can you imagine how history books will tell this horrible period of American politics? There will be shelves full of books on Trump and when America lost its way. Many more on Trump's insanity. They will investigate him and his people showing so many more crimes. JFK assassination books will be few in comparison.
Can you imagine how history books will tell this horrible period of American politics? There will be shelves full of books on Trump and when America lost its way. Many more on Trump's insanity. They will investigate him and his people showing so many more crimes. JFK assassination books will be few in comparison.

Only in your dreams ...
Or your nightmares. The Trump administration is the most inept and corrupt in American history.

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And yet ... doing a GREAT job !! Maybe you should ask Obama what he did other than add $10 TRILLION to our debt !
And yet ... doing a GREAT job !! Maybe you should ask Obama what he did other than add $10 TRILLION to our debt !
He dug us out of the usual GOP economic disaster and handed Trump a healthy economy. Trump is already on track to add quite a bit more than $10 trillion to the debt.

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Hello Bill,

He just got another class action law suit against him & the little darlings..

Trump Must Face Suit Over Alleged Multilevel Marketing Fraud

That S/B a thread of it's own.

It is just incredible the sheer number of allegations against this president. This is far more than political opposition. This is what appears to be a solidly corrupt person who has achieved a level of immunity by becoming president. He better hope he can stay in office forever because the moment his executive privilege goes away, he is toast.
Lindsay Graham just doesn't even know who he is anymore....

"A day after Trump announced the "Muslim Ban" in 2015, Graham appeared on CNN's New Day.

“I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a moment. I don’t know who you are, and I don’t know why you like this guy," he began. "I think what you like about him is he appears to be strong and the rest of us are weak. He’s a very successful businessman and he’s going to make everything great.""

FLASHBACK: Graham says Trump is 'a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot'

Graham was right the first time.
Lindsay Graham just doesn't even know who he is anymore....

"A day after Trump announced the "Muslim Ban" in 2015, Graham appeared on CNN's New Day.

“I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a moment. I don’t know who you are, and I don’t know why you like this guy," he began. "I think what you like about him is he appears to be strong and the rest of us are weak. He’s a very successful businessman and he’s going to make everything great.""

FLASHBACK: Graham says Trump is 'a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot'

I think there are quotes somewhere in Lindy's past which can be reasonably interpreted that he is a Republican loyalist first, and an American second.