Sen Lindsay Graham Calls Trump A Race-Baiting Xenophobic Religious Bigot

Hello Bill,

That S/B a thread of it's own.

It is just incredible the sheer number of allegations against this president. This is far more than political opposition. This is what appears to be a solidly corrupt person who has achieved a level of immunity by becoming president. He better hope he can stay in office forever because the moment his executive privilege goes away, he is toast.

Yes, but he is also more vulnerable as well as he will receive much more scrutiny.. His taxes will be next..

I thought about it, but honestly didn't think it would get much air time.:dunno:
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Hello Cypress,

I think there are quotes somewhere in Lindy's past which can be reasonably interpreted that he is a Republican loyalist first, and an American second.

I wouldn't be surprised at all by that considering the complete reversal he has done vis-a-vis Trump.