Sen. Rick Scott Tells Communists And Socialists To Stay Out Of Florida

Every country has ELEMENTS of socialism within their government, yes.

Socialism just means the 'government takes your money (you cannot refuse) and decides on your behalf, and that of all citizens what is best and needed for them in terms of Service, Manufacturing, other'.

That is not how economics describes socialism. Economics is more complex than your explanation.

That elements of government are not socialism in your definition?
Imagine this! AND, he doesn't know what socialism is...shall we tell him what programs Americans have enjoyed for decades that are "socialist"?
Police, Fire departments, public schools, infrastructure: roads, bridges, libraries, etc.

Few on the right do, but it is a good buzzword, like Commie, Woke, and Deep State, gets them all excited even though they can’t define any of them
That is not how economics describes socialism. Economics is more complex than your explanation.

That elements of government are not socialism in your definition?

What you are talking about is the ABSOLUTE or EXTREME definition which simply never exists.

There is no such thing as ABSOLUTE, 'Capitalist', 'Democratic', 'Free Market', "Socialist' or ANY OTHER system people may live under.

They all would fail the true "economic definition' test as they all have some elements of other systems.

Republiclowns know that as they decry ELEMENTS only within america as Socialist while there are clearly other elements that are Capitalist and others that fit other labels.

So once we except REALITY and that all societies will have a mix of these elements then it becomes a game of checking boxes, and deciding which elements we want in each box.

That is how you define democracy. This collective decision on which what will fit in to each box and be delivered by which ELEMENT.

What Republi'cans' are now doing is saying 'everything i disagree with is wrong and bad and socialist' and everything i agree with 'is good and right and not socialist'.

So you can have two different Republi'cans' who might disagree on certain elements from 'Policing' to 'Firefighters', to 'Teachers' to etc, etc, etc, on which ones are OK for the gov't to forcibly take your money and provide service for, and they each call the other 'Socialist' because of the area they disagree on. But as long as they agree they say 'that is not socialist because we agree'.

It is a stupid way to think and to view things but then they are republi'cans'. So stupid is just their thing.
Every country has ELEMENTS of socialism within their government, yes.

Socialism just means the 'government takes your money (you cannot refuse) and decides on your behalf, and that of all citizens what is best and needed for them in terms of Service, Manufacturing, other'.

A purely free market or a libertarian fantasy land will let all citizens individually decide on those things and pay for the things they want and those they do not. An OPT OUT is possible.

So the question is not 'if America is on the socialist spectrum' but 'where it sits on the socialist spectrum'.

If is certainly less on the socialist spectrum then Canada, but more on the socialist spectrum than Afghanistan or what Libertarians would define as their ideal.

America has been part socialistic since the 19th Century, if not earlier, all this sophomoric discussion on whether the the US is socialist or capitalist is irrelevant, every economy in the world, including the US, is mixed, containing degrees of both elements
That is a lie as many libertarians and Sovereign citizens will tell you.

They do not want all the government services you want just as you do not want all the services a leftists want.

And there is NO WAY to opt out of paying your taxes, so that is money is forcibly taken, and used for services whether Tinkerpeach or the Libertarian or Sovereign citizen, wants it or not, and you will go jail if you do not pay your taxes.

So no, there is no difference and once again you are being stupid. You think 'the things i want paid for gov't are the things everyone else wants and agrees with and thus it is ok'.

The is very typically republclown thinking where they cannot separate their own opinions from those of others.

But please tell me how you 'agreed' to pay for some services but you did not agree to pay for the 'ones' you disagree with and would call socialist?

Of course everything the government uses taxes for is not agreed upon which is why we have a system to vote in representatives who support your view.

This is how our system works, you can challenge it and change it if you desire.

If you want to pay no taxes then you are free to move to a secluded island somewhere but if you want the benefits of living in a society it is understood that you must contribute to it, usually in the form of taxes.
Of course everything the government uses taxes for is not agreed upon which is why we have a system to vote in representatives who support your view.

This is how our system works, you can challenge it and change it if you desire.

If you want to pay no taxes then you are free to move to a secluded island somewhere but if you want the benefits of living in a society it is understood that you must contribute to it, usually in the form of taxes.


We willingly allow these socialist examples and for government to forcibly take our money (taxes we will go to jail if we do not pay) and to distribute based on what the citizens want (democrat vote).

But what republi'cans' say, as you see above is :

- Policing delivered by gov't is ok to deliver... because i like it... thus NOT socialist and not wrong
- FireFighting delivered by gov't is ok to deliver... because i like it... thus NOT socialist and not wrong
- Teachers delivered by gov't is not ok to deliver ..because i do not like it ... thus IS socialist and wrong

You cannot say teaching is wrong is 'because it is socialist', as if you are against 'socialism' and THAT IS WHY it is wrong when you accept Policing and Firefighting and the things you like despite them ALSO being socialist.

You have defeated your own argument that 'socialism is wrong and bad' if you gladly accept them as long as you like them.
What you are talking about is the ABSOLUTE or EXTREME definition which simply never exists.

There is no such thing as ABSOLUTE, 'Capitalist', 'Democratic', 'Free Market', "Socialist' or ANY OTHER system people may live under.

They all would fail the true "economic definition' test as they all have some elements of other systems.

Republiclowns know that as they decry ELEMENTS only within america as Socialist while there are clearly other elements that are Capitalist and others that fit other labels.

So once we except REALITY and that all societies will have a mix of these elements then it becomes a game of checking boxes, and deciding which elements we want in each box.

That is how you define democracy. This collective decision on which what will fit in to each box and be delivered by which ELEMENT.

What Republi'cans' are now doing is saying 'everything i disagree with is wrong and bad and socialist' and everything i agree with 'is good and right and not socialist'.

So you can have two different Republi'cans' who might disagree on certain elements from 'Policing' to 'Firefighters', to 'Teachers' to etc, etc, etc, on which ones are OK for the gov't to forcibly take your money and provide service for, and they each call the other 'Socialist' because of the area they disagree on. But as long as they agree they say 'that is not socialist because we agree'.

It is a stupid way to think and to view things but then they are republi'cans'. So stupid is just their thing.

To be socialist does not require "extreme" socialism. It could have just a few elements that are socialist. In almost all countries the police, fire, schools, etc. are performed by the government. That does not make them socialist because socialism is the government control of the means of production and distribution (oil, gas, shipping). A government could have a few of these or many.

Democracy is a political system. Socialism is an economic system. Economics seeks to categorize different economic systems by their characteristics. If police, fire, etc. are socialism that makes all governments socialism which destroys any attempt to distinguish between different systems.

We have quit using the accepted meaning of socialism to anything Republicans dislike (social programs) Those social programs the Democrats like are called socialist if they don't mind that term or reject is as being socialist if they are afraid that term will cause opposition to that program. Social programs are not socialism and Finland and other countries with expansive social welfare systems reject the socialist label because they are largely capitalist.
To be socialist does not require "extreme" socialism. It could have just a few elements that are socialist. In almost all countries the police, fire, schools, etc. are performed by the government. That does not make them socialist because socialism is the government control of the means of production and distribution (oil, gas, shipping). A government could have a few of these or many.

Democracy is a political system. Socialism is an economic system. Economics seeks to categorize different economic systems by their characteristics. If police, fire, etc. are socialism that makes all governments socialism which destroys any attempt to distinguish between different systems.

We have quit using the accepted meaning of socialism to anything Republicans dislike (social programs) Those social programs the Democrats like are called socialist if they don't mind that term or reject is as being socialist if they are afraid that term will cause opposition to that program. Social programs are not socialism and Finland and other countries with expansive social welfare systems reject the socialist label because they are largely capitalist.

Yes Democracy or Theocracy or Dictatorship is the top level of how the gov't is formed.

But all of those top level forms of government have ELEMENTS of 'Corporatism' and elements of 'Socialism' and elements of 'Free Markets' and other elements operating within them.

I think it is pointless to say nothing is 'Free market' or nothing is 'Corporatism' or nothing is 'Socialism' if it is not absolutely ALL one or the other.

Whenever you have gov't assuming for the citizens the 'means of production' or the 'means of service delivery' by forcibly taking their money, and then providing them back that 'Good' or 'Service'... 'FOR THEIR OWN GOOD WHETHER THEY AGREE OR NOT', that is a core element of socialism.

It is government saying 'we do not trust you to spend your money in a good and coordinated way to get the needed 'good or service' IN THESE CORE AREAS and as such we will simply take your money from and determine for you from this list which goods and services you require'.

That is in total opposition to a free market model.

I would add their is no pure form of Democracy or Theocracy,e tc either, and it is also wrong to say 'America is not a democracy' because you can point out it is not a pure democracy. Same for socialist aspects. Pointing out that is not pure, is not a good way to say it does not exist or is not happening.
Do these terrible people have to be registered as Communists or Socialists? How could you tell without that?
Scott was the head of a medical company that was nailed for the biggest cheating of Medicare funds in history. Yet the ln people in Florida thought he should be running the state, perhaps like a business.
I am a democratic socialist, lower case letters, and I'm staying out of Florida of my own volition,

not because an idiot like Scott or DeSantis asked me.

Whatever is going around down there,
I don't want to get any of it on me.
I am a democratic socialist, lower case letters, and I'm staying out of Florida of my own volition,

not because an idiot like Scott or DeSantis asked me.

Whatever is going around down there,
I don't want to get any of it on me.

I am sure Florida is relieved.