Senate Advances $29B in Taxes for Oil Companies


Villified User
Senate Advances $29B in Taxes for Oil Companies

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

WASHINGTON — A proposal to hit oil companies with $29 billion in new taxes advanced in the Senate on Tuesday, targeting the money to energy conservation, wind turbines, electric hybrid cars and clean coal technology.

The massive tax package, double what Democrats had talked about as recently as last week, is "designed to promote clean and sustainable energy," said Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Finance Committee that approved the measure by a 15-5 vote.

It will be added to energy legislation being considered by the full Senate.

Senators acknowledged that oil companies would to howl over the new taxes.

But Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said, "We have entered a new era in energy markets ...(that) requires a dramatic shift away from tax incentives for oil and gas production" and toward support for other energy sources and efficiency.,2933,284553,00.html
there's been tabloid garbage legistlation attacking oil in the past it just gets more press now that dems are in charge. It will not pass.
If there was a way I'd be you both lunch on it.:clink:
Umm read the article Gashopper, Repubs are on the wagon as well now. It will happen in some form.

Big oil will be come more evil than Wally world in the next few years.

It will become the 5000 lb gorilla that most all will love to hate.
Umm read the article Gashopper, Repubs are on the wagon as well now. It will happen in some form.

Big oil will be come more evil than Wally world in the next few years.

It will become the 5000 lb gorilla that most all will love to hate.

LOL. Wally World.
I can't remember repubs actually voting against big oil, one of the few smart things they have done.
There will most certainly be Jimmy Carter style gas lines as I don't think the gov can smoothly manage the transition away from gas.
Just look at how few stations have ethanoal E85 pumps with all the billions of subsidies.
Just look at how few stations have ethanoal E85 pumps with all the billions of subsidies.

Yep that is in the bill as well, considering your job you might actually want to research this a bit instead of depending on your degree.
I'll get back to your post when we see the gasoline price rising due to lack of supply and remind you what I said.
ROTFLMAO, I told you years ago about the prices and such and you just dissed me, saying it was too cheap anyway.
Spinning it back at me will not stick.
It is too cheap, nowhere did I say it wasn't. What I said is the anti oil congress comes lack of future investment followed by supply shortage.
None ever mentioned by you as it's way over your country bumpkin head.
It is too cheap, nowhere did I say it wasn't. What I said is the anti oil congress comes lack of future investment followed by supply shortage.
None ever mentioned by you as it's way over your country bumpkin head.

Just what I have been saying for the past few years. the oil companies have not been investing in the future, only buying other companies which expands no infrastructure for our country.
Lately they have been buying up ethanol and such.

Overy my country bumpkin head ? Well I expect no more intelligent statement from an elitist prick.
a broken clock is right twice a day and that's more than you UScountrybumpkin.
You've been saying for years and have been wrong for years because they have been investing billions in additional capacity.
don't take my word go read an oil company's annual report for the first time in your life and you can talk at above a trailor park level for once on the subject.:tongout:
I have a great life, you might have too if you wouldn't have consistantly rejected college and education.
Your a bitter old fool glass is half empty guy, I'm a glass is 90% full optimist.
It's not about greed, it's about ease for the EDUCATED CLASS!!!
I have a great life, you might have too if you wouldn't have consistantly rejected college and education.
Your a bitter old fool glass is half empty guy, I'm a glass is 90% full optimist.
It's not about greed, it's about ease for the EDUCATED CLASS!!!

usc appears to be living in "ease".

Maybe you are the one who is jealous because he is retiring very shortly, and with a shitload of cash on hand. That would explain your posts to and about him, which are meanspirited and sometimes outright cruel.

You look like a prick again Top!
Duhla, I expect as much from you being the sensitive twit that you are.
I posted facts and shove his head up his trailor trash bung whole, and he ran and hid.
I have nothing to be jealous of I've had 3 guy's worth luck and good things happen for me. How bout you chime in on the facts instead of which panzy turbolib you think is more sensitive.
I had work to do spinner. but I am departing Friday for Irving for a week to train my replacement.

After next week I will do very little that I don't want to do.
I have paid off my farm, have Zero debt and a pocket full of money and more coming soon.
My market playing has been dissappointing though, I am down to only 85% gains for the first half of this year....

retirement is already getting stressful though. Decide to put in a pool or not.....I think not as I don't want to have to keep the sucker maintained.

Darla, go easy on spinner he is a prick and just can't help it. Pity him.
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