Senate gym is open too - what Tekky didn't tell you

Do you want me to post the thread name that "can't be changed?" 'Cause it WAS, and I stopped dropping LSD 30 years ago.. no more hallucinations..

Then tell me if a rule was broken, or if having MODS is even worth the effort.

I "get it" if you didn't "see it", my bad for not being more specific on the report.

Explains a hellavalot. The things you learn about people on an Internet forum...losers, drug addicts...and worst of all, dimwit Democrats!!!
I didn't see the original title, but someone - months ago - said the thread title can be changed by the initial poster if no one else has posted yet.

And mods are barely worth the effort here, although at least they banned 007 and DamnYankee. But took ages of nastiness for that to happen.

I don't know how anyone can get banned on a forum that permits the vulgar dialogue that erupts from dimwits like Evince. You have to try real hard.
Explains a hellavalot. The things you learn about people on an Internet forum...losers, drug addicts...and worst of all, dimwit Democrats!!!

..listen to Jimi and wish you were there....

it gets old living in a decade where shit like lady gaga and pitbull are at the top of the music charts, what I would give to be able to live in this generation and experience this festival with real people and real music

It doesn't get any better then this, I defy anyone to show me better guitar work, better Latin beat, better congas, anything recorded in the last 20 years that doesn't make you want to stomp around, and get your groove on.

Carlos Santana (lead guitar), Mitch Mitchell (percussion), Rod Harper (drums), David Brown (bass guitar) and Gregg Rolie (lead vocals, Hammond Organ B3).
The greatest guitar technical perfectionist of all-time was Hendrix.
he was a guitar god, I wouldn't call, him technical, but ya' I can see that too. His hands were huge - wrapped the fret work, around the neck.

Strangled it .Made love to it, It came alive in his hands.

I still like Carlos though, more accurate - but he played with a pic, at least as far as I know. I had tickets for Hendrix, in '69, I didn't go.. some teenage crap came up.

Always kicked myself for that.
Now, back to the subject at hand - Tekkygals' deliberate dishonesty...

Seems that when she posted her Boehner hit piece she "forgot" to include the fact that the Senate gym stayed open, too.

Now, why was that?
other Vbulletin formats don't let you change the thread title -this must be an older version.

You stepped over any line of decency, if I were a MOD I'd have banned your ass -i'm not -you got away with it.

Congratulations, you're a lucky asshole, but still an asshole

You can change the title until somebody else posts in the thread.
he was a guitar god, I wouldn't call, him technical, but ya' I can see that too. His hands were huge - wrapped the fret work, around the neck.

Strangled it .Made love to it, It came alive in his hands.

I still like Carlos though, more accurate - but he played with a pic, at least as far as I know. I had tickets for Hendrix, in '69, I didn't go.. some teenage crap came up.

Always kicked myself for that.

Saw Hendrix at the Isle of Wight in 1970, he died shortly after. I love Santana as well, I am trying to learn Black Magic Woman at the moment.
Do you want me to post the thread name that "can't be changed?" 'Cause it WAS, and I stopped dropping LSD 30 years ago.. no more hallucinations..

No need. Nobody is doubting you. He said "likely it was another mod" who changed it.

Now here's a little papercup of Jell-o, a nice little plastic spoon, and oh look, Spongebob is on.
Saw Hendrix at the Isle of Wight in 1970, he died shortly after. I love Santana as well, I am trying to learn Black Magic Woman at the moment.
ah. you play? So cool. There must be some clips floating around of Hendrix at Wight festival. Have to look.

A bit early to crank it up just now. The Woodstock soundtrack is decent - the Santana clip I posted is "HQ" (play it), and decent frequency response,and signal/noise ratio.

Part of the Woodstock performance Jimi has a fat doobie hangin' out his mouth and his eyes are in the back of his head kinna thing.

What an amazing virtuoso, I don't know just how johnny b goode he became, but he is generally credited as the best rock guitarist ever.

Big field there, but he was unique, Robin Trower prolly comes closest.

ah. you play? So cool. There must be some clips floating around of Hendrix at Wight festival. Have to look.

A bit early to crank it up just now. The Woodstock soundtrack is decent - the Santana clip I posted is "HQ" (play it), and decent frequency response,and signal/noise ratio.

Part of the Woodstock performance Jimi has a fat doobie hangin' out his mouth and his eyes are in the back of his head kinna thing.

What an amazing virtuoso, I don't know just how johnny b goode he became, but he is generally credited as the best rock guitarist ever.

Big field there, but he was unique, Robin Trower prolly comes closest.

I do, but I am disgusted at myself that I ought to be a lot better by now.
Their 'nastiness' had nothing to do with their bannings. If it did, Desh would have been gone years ago, along with several other posters (and possibly myself).

Good point, I should have expanded my answer to say "took ages of nastiness and then they weren't even banned for the nastiness, but for other stuff".
Here's more info the disingenuous Tekky "forgot" when she posted her smear thread last night:

The facilities are not staffed but were kept operational to accommodate lawmakers who live in their offices while Congress is in session.

The health and fitness facilities for members of Congress are run and managed by the Architect of the Capitol. The decision to keep the gyms open was made by the Architect of the Capitol.