Senator Clinton 50%, NEWT 43%!

Newt is not going to be the R nominee unless something seriously weird happens in the primaries.
Who would the lambast McCain? He wants to overturn roe vs Wade.
That should get all the cons votes, right ?
I agree, but who will? I heard them lambasting McCain on Conservative radio this AM.
I have no clue at this point. The R primaries are going to hold my interest for quite some time. Unlike the D primaries who have virtually crowned a certain family name for certain "victory".
Yeah kinda like the last 2 where we knew who would be the republican nominee.
But hey it is quite a while till the primaries.
I have no clue at this point. The R primaries are going to hold my interest for quite some time. Unlike the D primaries who have virtually crowned a certain family name for certain "victory".

that's probably a bit premature. Right now, its all name recognition.

Recall, that two years out from the 2004 primaries, Joe Lieberman held a commanding lead in the polls.
Of course Newt is not going to be the Nominee... but just throwing something out like ... "Newt was in on the ground floor of the neo movement." is retarded...with no substance what so ever ... proven by USC's response.
Of course Newt is not going to be the Nominee... but just throwing something out like ... "Newt was in on the ground floor of the neo movement." is retarded...with no substance what so ever ... proven by USC's response.
Well, actually, he was. Not the philosophical (sic) beginning jof th neo-con movement, of course, but the beginning of their path to power. The whole Contract on America corruption directly caused the neo-cons' ascendency.

Stupid is as stupid does, you might say.
Well, actually, he was. Not the philosophical (sic) beginning jof th neo-con movement, of course, but the beginning of their path to power. The whole Contract on America corruption directly caused the neo-cons' ascendency.

Stupid is as stupid does, you might say.
You mean that same contract that Clinton claims at least half of? Welfare reform, trumpeted by both the Rs and Clinton as their own, but only written in one contract that happened to be authored before it happened. You know, that kind of thing.
It was all in Newts books that people were buying to funnel money to him.
It was also clearly spelled out in the Contract with America... Taking credit for other's ideas is a political move, but when it is so easily shown to be such it falls flat.
Back on the polls thing, KY must be red as heck. According to a recent KY poll Bush just dropped to below a 50% approval rating here.
Darn one issue bible belters!
the legislature is also pushing thru a provision preventing any state affiliated entity (ie universities) from providing health insurance benefits to same sax partners.