Senator Clinton 50%, NEWT 43%!

Well, actually, he was. Not the philosophical (sic) beginning jof th neo-con movement, of course, but the beginning of their path to power. The whole Contract on America corruption directly caused the neo-cons' ascendency.

Stupid is as stupid does, you might say.

This doesnt make any sense, it is simply a partisan response. Because Newt led a group the Republicans to victory in '94 it makes HIM responsible for the Neo Con movement, and it also makes the Contract on America corrupt? Total crock...
As Damo said...many of the initiatives that were outlined in that contract passed under the signature of a Democrat President. Newts group was in 6 years before Bush and Rove rolled around.
This doesnt make any sense, it is simply a partisan response. Because Newt led a group the Republicans to victory in '94 it makes HIM responsible for the Neo Con movement, and it also makes the Contract on America corrupt? Total crock...
As Damo said...many of the initiatives that were outlined in that contract passed under the signature of a Democrat President. Newts group was in 6 years before Bush and Rove rolled around.

Newts group was in long before 6 yrs before BushII.
clowntoon should get 80% against neut. she's going down in least braaaaack HUSSEIN osama will just be relegated to the token spot formerly reserved for al sharpdressedmanton and jesse jerkson.
Well, actually, he was. Not the philosophical (sic) beginning jof th neo-con movement, of course, but the beginning of their path to power. The whole Contract on America corruption directly caused the neo-cons' ascendency.

Stupid is as stupid does, you might say.

Pretty much. I wouldn't say Newt was a charter member of PNAC or the neocons. Rather, he was a useful mouthpiece for them. I can' think of any other analyst on Fox News who spent more time parroting simple-minded talking points supporting the war on Iraq, or fearmongering about a "world war three" against "islamo-fascism", than Newt.