Senator George Clooney (D-Kentucky)?


Will work for Scooby snacks
stop drooling, girls

Bluegrass Politics: ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ As Our Next U.S. Senator?

By Mark Nickolas (LEO)

With the 2006 elections barely behind us and the 2007 races coming together, let’s jump ahead to 2008. While most Kentuckians in November 2008 will be focused on the election of our 44th president, soon-to-be Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) will seek his fifth term, and only an optimist could imagine McConnell back in the majority, as Republicans defend 21 of 33 Senate seats in 2008.

Democrats would love nothing more than to retaliate against Republicans after they knocked off then-Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) in 2004. But finding a viable Kentuckian with the stature and fund-raising ability to effectively challenge McConnell will be a tall order.

After surviving close elections in 1984 and ’90, McConnell put together a 12-point victory in 1996, then crushed Lois Combs Weinberg (D) by 30 points in 2002.

While there’s little doubt U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler (D) or Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson (D) could provide McConnell a top-shelf challenge, there’s little evidence either is interested. More likely, Democrats will hope a lesser-known challenger captures national attention and rides the wave to victory, as we saw this month when Jim Webb (D) knocked off Sen. George Allen (R-Va).

Well … there is one other possibility: Kentucky’s very own George Clooney.

Born in Lexington and raised in Northern Kentucky (note that McConnell is from Alabama), the two-time holder of the title “Sexiest Man Alive” (1997 and 2006) would present quite an opportunity for Democrats. Clooney, 45, is no stranger to politics; he even recently testified before the United Nations Security Council about his visit to Darfur, Sudan, where genocide is destroying the population. Clooney is as articulate as he is at ease when discussing issues like Iraq, North Korea, warrantless surveillance, domestic issues and why he’s a Democrat. He was even ahead of the curve this summer by calling for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) to run for president in 2008.

While certainly a fixture of American pop culture, Clooney never fails to discuss growing up in Augusta, where he played baseball (and even tried out for the Cincinnati Reds), and in a recent Larry King Live interview, he spoke of the back-breaking work of cutting tobacco as a kid.

Clooney has never been shy about expressing interest in politics, though without fail he’s self-deprecating about why he should not run for office. In this month’s Esquire, Clooney mused that the effects of watching his father lose his 2004 race for Congress in Northern Kentucky, and the compromising nature of politics, have caused him to rethink a run. But it’s that very sort of thoughtful assessment — rather than an unabashed desire to be elected to office — that makes Clooney so appealing.

Celebrity actors running for high office is nothing new, as we’ve seen with President Ronald Reagan, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Sen. Fred Thompson, Rep. Sonny Bono and many others. Even Gopher from “The Love Boat” (Fred Grandy) served four terms in Congress.

Run Clooney run..........and lose Clooney lose. Was just telling my wife how much I can't stand that guy last night.
There are probably enough female voters to elect him ;)
If ahnuld and a wrassler can become governors, then surely Clooney can become a senator.

Not pulling for the guy , just an analysis and hoping someone beats our 2 repub senators, or at least one of them.
yesterday i expressed my excitemanet when the dems gave us a moron instead or an idiot.........i guess i have to take that back now.
There are probably enough female voters to elect him ;)
If ahnuld and a wrassler can become governors, then surely Clooney can become a senator.

Not pulling for the guy , just an analysis and hoping someone beats our 2 repub senators, or at least one of them.
Ever since Ronald McPresident crossed over an acting resume has pulled weight in politics.

Hell, I'd rather Clooney in there than some idiots I could name.
of course you would. he may an idiot, but, as a democrat, at least he'd be YOUR idiot!
I have no idea whether he's an idiot or not. Just because he's an actor doesn't mean he's necessarily an idiot. It's not a good sign, granted, but it's hardly definitive.
yesterday i expressed my excitemanet when the dems gave us a moron instead or an idiot.........i guess i have to take that back now.

Have you ever heard Clooney talk about Darfur, Iraq, HIV-Aids, or foreign policy?

The dude is more informed, and articulate than half the U.S. senate.
I have no idea whether he's an idiot or not. Just because he's an actor doesn't mean he's necessarily an idiot. It's not a good sign, granted, but it's hardly definitive.

Well he was twice named Sexiest Man Alive... thats enough substance for most Democrats to vote for him.... it worked for JFK ...and Im sure it will work for him.
Have you ever heard Clooney talk about Darfur, Iraq, HIV-Aids, or foreign policy?

The dude is more informed, and articulate than half the U.S. senate.

Exactly. And, I only hear half of what he says, so think about how smart he really is.

The guy is gorgeous...but there is no sexy without smarts. Now, don't get me wrong, I of course don't mean to imply he's as smart as HipLew...
Well he was twice named Sexiest Man Alive... thats enough substance for most Democrats to vote for him.... it worked for JFK ...and Im sure it will work for him.'s too bad he didn't win the "who I want to have a beer with contest" two years running.

Then he could be president.

Oh well what can you do. I guess Republican standards are set impossibly high for some of us to meet.
Well he was twice named Sexiest Man Alive... thats enough substance for most Democrats to vote for him.... it worked for JFK ...and Im sure it will work for him.

You're wrong Klattue. Clooney is legitimately smart, and informed. He speaks about Darfur and Sudan, more articulately and with more moral clarity than ANY politician in Washington.

And what the heck are you complaining about? The GOP routinely runs moronic movie stars and sports stars: Lynn Swann, Arnold Scharzennear, Ronald Reagan. Hell, they're talking about running John Elway in Colorado. And please, George W. Chimp?

Clooney is smarter than any of these dudes, by an order of magnitude. And from what I've seen, Clooney is smarter and more well-spoken than most current U.S. Senators.

You can't say that about GOP dunces like Arnold and John Elway.
Cypress, for how many years have I been telling you this?

When a Republican does it, that's different!

Now, stop being silly and wasting Klaatu's time with your nonsense. He knows when a Repubican does it, then that's different! You're not going to fool him with your factual stuff.
Cypress, for how many years have I been telling you this?

When a Republican does it, that's different!

Now, stop being silly and wasting Klaatu's time with your nonsense. He knows when a Repubican does it, then that's different! You're not going to fool him with your factual stuff.

Cypress, for how many years have I been telling you this?

When a Republican does it, that's different!

I'm so ashamed! How could I ignore your sage wisdom!
