Senator George Clooney (D-Kentucky)?

Interesting that people would assume that an actor would be poor at this. Clooney may very well be quite a good candidate...
You're wrong Klattue. Clooney is legitimately smart, and informed. He speaks about Darfur and Sudan, more articulately and with more moral clarity than ANY politician in Washington.

And what the heck are you complaining about? The GOP routinely runs moronic movie stars and sports stars: Lynn Swann, Arnold Scharzennear, Ronald Reagan. Hell, they're talking about running John Elway in Colorado. And please, George W. Chimp?

Clooney is smarter than any of these dudes, by an order of magnitude. And from what I've seen, Clooney is smarter and more well-spoken than most current U.S. Senators.

You can't say that about GOP dunces like Arnold and John Elway.
Do you really assume that John Elway is a dunce? However, we did run Pete Coors rather than Bob Shafer... so... yup.
To be fair Damo, "dunce" is too harsh of a word for Elway: heck, the dude graduated from Stanford.

But, he pretty much talks like a jock when I've seen him interviewed. Not really stupid, but defineltly not the most articulate and engaging speaker I've ever seen.
To be fair Damo, "dunce" is too harsh of a word for Elway: heck, the dude graduated from Stanford.

But, he pretty much talks like a jock when I've seen him interviewed. Not really stupid, but defineltly not the most articulate and engaging speaker I've ever seen.

For me it is what they say, not how they say it. I definitely don't like most of "what" George Clooney says.
You're wrong Klattue. Clooney is legitimately smart, and informed. He speaks about Darfur and Sudan, more articulately and with more moral clarity than ANY politician in Washington.

And what the heck are you complaining about? The GOP routinely runs moronic movie stars and sports stars: Lynn Swann, Arnold Scharzennear, Ronald Reagan. Hell, they're talking about running John Elway in Colorado. And please, George W. Chimp?

Clooney is smarter than any of these dudes, by an order of magnitude. And from what I've seen, Clooney is smarter and more well-spoken than most current U.S. Senators.

You can't say that about GOP dunces like Arnold and John Elway.

Oh ok Cypress.. Im sure you know all about George Cloony ... because after all you and Darla are so well informed about all that Entertainment stuff ..., did you read Cloony's autobiography?

But take a flying shit naming Ronal Reagan in that group...because by doing so shows that you are an ill informed partisan hack.....

Your move ....
Oh ok Cypress.. Im sure you know all about George Cloony ... because after all you and Darla are so well informed about all that Entertainment stuff ..., did you read Cloony's autobiography?

But take a flying shit naming Ronal Reagan in that group...because by doing so shows that you are an ill informed partisan hack.....

Your move ....

What did Clooney's autobiography say? I must admit, I never read it. I can only judge the man, based on his interviews about Africa, Darfur, and Sudan. I've been impressed.

As for reagan - I voted for the dude twice. He had great charisma, and a solid, bedrock foundation of ideals. But, he WAS an actor, and no one is ever going to claim reagan was an intellect. Or, even a particularly articulate speaker when he didn't have a script in front of him.
What did Clooney's autobiography say? I must admit, I never read it. I can only judge the man, based on his interviews about Africa, Darfur, and Sudan. I've been impressed.

As for reagan - I voted for the dude twice. He had great charisma, and a solid, bedrock foundation of ideals. But, he WAS an actor, and no one is ever going to claim reagan was an intellect. Or, even a particularly articulate speaker when he didn't have a script in front of him.

Yes Reagan was an actor .... Im not going to deny nor debate that .... not a great fact of his 70+ movies he only made a few that stand out ..for me at least..
Kings Row, The Winning Team and Knute Rockne All American ....
But we are talking about a man who was a Journalist, Broadcastor, bit player on to leading man, and then served several years as President Of the Actors Guild .....before his foray into Politics where he then went on to become Gov. of California and eventually President. As you said ....bedrock foundation ....

As for Cloony...aside from a couple of Movies that I like of his; The Perfect Storm and Goodnight and Goodluck... I know nothing about him.., i was being sarcastic with the autobiography crack.
Maybe Cloony will be a successful Politician ... I dont know .... but I do know he should serve in some capacity before he ever thinks about the Presidency.... as should any actor....or for this matter..all who have an interest..... actors, athletes etc.... celebrity alone is not a qualifier for leadership.
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"but I do know he should serve in some capacity before he ever thinks about the Presidency.... as should any actor"

The thread is about him running for Senate, isn't it?

Actors are just like anyone else. The idea in American politics is to have citizens participate in public service, whether they are teachers, businessmen & women, shouldn't matter; the only real qualification you need is the strength of your convictions.
Yes Reagan was an actor .... Im not going to deny nor debate that .... not a great fact of his 70+ movies he only made a few that stand out ..for me at least..
Kings Row, The Winning Team and Knute Rockne All American ....
But we are talking about a man who was a Journalist, Broadcastor, bit player on to leading man, and then served several years as President Of the Actors Guild .....before his foray into Politics where he then went on to become Gov. of California and eventually President. As you said ....bedrock foundation ....

As for Cloony...aside from a couple of Movies that I like of his; The Perfect Storm and Goodnight and Goodluck... I know nothing about him.., i was being sarcastic with the autobiography crack.
Maybe Cloony will be a successful Politician ... I dont know .... but I do know he should serve in some capacity before he ever thinks about the Presidency.... as should any actor....or for this matter..all who have an interest..... actors, athletes etc.... celebrity alone is not a qualifier for leadership.

but I do know he should serve in some capacity before he ever thinks about the Presidency.

I was talking about Clooney being a senator, not President. And my comparison to reagan was more in the context of Ronnie running for governor of california.

Reagan had no political experience prior to running for governor of the nation's largest state. And Governor of Cal., is arguably a more important position, that a senator from kentucky.
but I do know he should serve in some capacity before he ever thinks about the Presidency.

I was talking about Clooney being a senator, not President. And my comparison to reagan was more in the context of Ronnie running for governor of california.

Reagan had no political experience prior to running for governor of the nation's largest state. And Governor of Cal., is arguably a more important position, that a senator from kentucky.

Right, right, that's one obvious point that he somehow missed.

The other one is I don't recall presenting myself as an "expert" on either "this entertainment shit" or on George Clooney.

Except to say that he certainly comes across as no one's idiot when talking, and also...I'd rate him sponge-worthy.
Right, right, that's one obvious point that he somehow missed.

The other one is I don't recall presenting myself as an "expert" on either "this entertainment shit" or on George Clooney.

Except to say that he certainly comes across as no one's idiot when talking, and also...I'd rate him sponge-worthy.

No I didnt miss the point.... I was just making a statement that if Cloony does have Presidential ambitions...he should first serve in some capacity...
Got it? If he does run for Senator...that would be a solid beginning to his Political Career....

What is it with you left wing zealots! Always looking for that little opening to prove what assholes you really are....
I try to be civilized.... but its hopless when you are dealing with hacks...
"No I didnt miss the point.... I was just making a statement that if Cloony does have Presidential ambitions...he should first serve in some capacity...
Got it? If he does run for Senator...that would be a solid beginning to his Political Career...." you were stating the obvious; just parroting the essential message of this thread, but with sarcasm & condescension.

Thanks for the input...nice job...
No I didnt miss the point.... I was just making a statement that if Cloony does have Presidential ambitions...he should first serve in some capacity...
Got it? If he does run for Senator...that would be a solid beginning to his Political Career....

What is it with you left wing zealots! Always looking for that little opening to prove what assholes you really are....
I try to be civilized.... but its hopless when you are dealing with hacks...

Since the thread is actually entitled "Senator George Clooney?" and is about a possible and very speculative Clooney run for SENATOR no one knows what in fuck you are babbling about, or why.