Senator Macaca can't catch a break


Will work for Scooby snacks
After pissing off his moderate constituency, now Senator Macaca has pissed off his neo-confederate base:

Now, Even Allen's Apologies Are Getting Him in Trouble

"Sons of Confederate Veterans Is the Most Recent Group Offended by Senator's Comments"

By Michael D. Shear
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 29, 2006; Page B01

RICHMOND, Sept. 28 -- Sen. George Allen can't seem to win: first, he apologizes for addressing an Indian American with a racial slur and acknowledges that many view the Confederate flag as a hate symbol. Now, the Sons of Confederate Veterans want him to apologize, too.

Allen has vehemently denied ever using the "N-word." He has apologized profusely for saying "macaca." And he has insisted that he has moved far beyond his youthful admiration of controversial symbols like the battle flag.

He's apologizing to others, certainly he should apologize to us as well," said B. Frank Earnest Sr., the Virginia commander of the confederate group at a news conference. "We're all aware, ourselves included, of the statements that got him into this. The infamous macaca statement. He's using our flag to wipe the muck from his shoes that he's now stepped in."
That muck should be wiped off with that flag... Whether they ever want to admit it that flag will forever associate with ethnic slavery symbolism. Lincoln made the war about slavery, it is what will be most remembered about that war.
Sometimes we have to just accept politicla realities even when they are unfair.

It sucks but I would urge Jainists to not use the symbol of their religion in public

If you don't know the Jainist symbol is a swastika. They had it first by about 2400 years but thats the way it goes.

You gotta retire the confederate flag too. Sorry Dixie.
I agree.

In the 21st century, the Confederate flag is simply too divisive.

Despite the best "intentions" of some white southerners who display it, it is seen largely as a symbol of slavery.
I agree.

In the 21st century, the Confederate flag is simply too divisive.

Despite the best "intentions" of some white southerners who display it, it is seen largely as a symbol of slavery.

It's just a symbol of rebellion, it doesn't mean the same thing to Allen. But he is in even more trouble down there in Virginny, now a woman, older and withered to a degree has come forward and she is telling a rather compelling story about Allen and a particular joke in which he used the "N" word numerous times. She doesn't look like someone with a grudge necessarily, she looks like an old grannny type.

I don't think he can continue if every other day someone else advances another racial incident that he participated in.

And he keeps denying that he ever said the word.
Hell the people of VA are still likely to send him to the Sennate...

And it would be less of a suprise to me if America sent him to the White House than when America sent Bush!
Despite the best "intentions" of some white southerners who display it, it is seen largely as a symbol of slavery.

Why is it seen this way? Is it because it actually is, or because some bunch of liberal pinheads were hypersensitive? Is it because the politically correct made it that way, or because some hate groups hijacked it? Does the confederate flag actually cause black people to have legitimate pain, or is it just an excuse for them to express resent for a past we can't change?

I have at least two ancestors, that I know of, who fought and died in the Civil War. They were hard working immigrants from Germany, who worked along side slaves in the cotton fields of the old south. They didn't give their lives in battle for slavery. My family has lived in the South since before America was a nation, and they never owned a single slave. In fact, my Grandmother and her brothers, worked the fields of a black sharecropper, who was given ten acres and a mule after the war. They didn't own any land, and had it not been for the work they found in the cotton field, they would have starved to death. Contrary to popular belief, this was the condition across most of the South, for years after the Civil War. Only 2% of the population of the South, even lived on a plantation.

My ancestors didn't believe in, or condone slavery. There isn't anyone still alive today, to set the record straight, and educate people about those times, so the PC crowd can paint whatever picture they want, and people believe it. When I hear people denigrate the confederate flag, and say it's symbolic of racism or slavery, it offends me deeply, because I know the truth, and your perception is borne of ignorance.

One of the most offensive and disrespectful things to ever happen to the Confederate flag, was the perverted hijacking of it, to use as a symbol for white supremacist groups. I know of no one, who's ancestors fought and died under that flag, who see it as a symbol of white supremacy, or racism, or slavery. For some of us, it is a symbol of honor and pride, and it represents the memory of those who died in battle, fighting a war for their independence, fighting for what they had. Granted, they lost... granted, the flag was later used to promote racism and white supremacy, but that doesn't change what the flag meant to those who fought and died under it.

Even in Japan, there are monuments and historic reverence for the men who gave their lives in WWII, and they were not stripped of all dignity because of the outcome of the war. We are respectful enough to allow people to honor their dead war veterans, regardless of who they are, without regard for the perceptions and feelings over what they fought for.

Senator Allen is not a racist, and never has been. His father coached football, and he grew up having close personal relationships with many black athletes who played for his father. Allen's first speech on the floor of Congress, was an appeal to his constituents to approve the nomination of the first black to the 4th circuit court of appeals. He has authored or co-authored numerous pieces of legislation to help the black community, not to mention 20 years of public service in the state of Virginia, without the first hint of having racist views. This is nothing but a sleazy dirty Democratic ploy, to destroy someone who threatens the liberal stranglehold on America. What is sad is, so many ignorant people will buy into it, and not vote for the guy, based on these false perceptions and misconceptions.
Despite the best "intentions" of some white southerners who display it, it is seen largely as a symbol of slavery.

Why is it seen this way? Is it because it actually is, or because some bunch of liberal pinheads were hypersensitive? Is it because the politically correct made it that way, or because some hate groups hijacked it? Does the confederate flag actually cause black people to have legitimate pain, or is it just an excuse for them to express resent for a past we can't change?

I have at least two ancestors, that I know of, who fought and died in the Civil War. They were hard working immigrants from Germany, who worked along side slaves in the cotton fields of the old south. They didn't give their lives in battle for slavery. My family has lived in the South since before America was a nation, and they never owned a single slave. In fact, my Grandmother and her brothers, worked the fields of a black sharecropper, who was given ten acres and a mule after the war. They didn't own any land, and had it not been for the work they found in the cotton field, they would have starved to death. Contrary to popular belief, this was the condition across most of the South, for years after the Civil War. Only 2% of the population of the South, even lived on a plantation.

My ancestors didn't believe in, or condone slavery. There isn't anyone still alive today, to set the record straight, and educate people about those times, so the PC crowd can paint whatever picture they want, and people believe it. When I hear people denigrate the confederate flag, and say it's symbolic of racism or slavery, it offends me deeply, because I know the truth, and your perception is borne of ignorance.

One of the most offensive and disrespectful things to ever happen to the Confederate flag, was the perverted hijacking of it, to use as a symbol for white supremacist groups. I know of no one, who's ancestors fought and died under that flag, who see it as a symbol of white supremacy, or racism, or slavery. For some of us, it is a symbol of honor and pride, and it represents the memory of those who died in battle, fighting a war for their independence, fighting for what they had. Granted, they lost... granted, the flag was later used to promote racism and white supremacy, but that doesn't change what the flag meant to those who fought and died under it.

Even in Japan, there are monuments and historic reverence for the men who gave their lives in WWII, and they were not stripped of all dignity because of the outcome of the war. We are respectful enough to allow people to honor their dead war veterans, regardless of who they are, without regard for the perceptions and feelings over what they fought for.

Senator Allen is not a racist, and never has been. His father coached football, and he grew up having close personal relationships with many black athletes who played for his father. Allen's first speech on the floor of Congress, was an appeal to his constituents to approve the nomination of the first black to the 4th circuit court of appeals. He has authored or co-authored numerous pieces of legislation to help the black community, not to mention 20 years of public service in the state of Virginia, without the first hint of having racist views. This is nothing but a sleazy dirty Democratic ploy, to destroy someone who threatens the liberal stranglehold on America. What is sad is, so many ignorant people will buy into it, and not vote for the guy, based on these false perceptions and misconceptions.


The flag is a symbol of whatever the viewer sees! To me it is the flag of a group of unpatirotic American traiders, who took up arms against the land that I love.
The flag is a symbol of whatever the viewer sees! To me it is the flag of a group of unpatirotic American traiders, who took up arms against the land that I love.

As I said, it is a view borne of ignorance.
This is what I've never understood about southerners and their fucking swastika, I mean rebel flag:

If you know it offends people so much, why not use another symbol to reflect your southern pride. Like, I don't know, a sticker that says, "southern pride". Or a picture of your states flag. There are many ways to express your pride in your origins, however you people know how civilized society views the flag yet you still still display that disgusting testament to slavery and a very ugly time in our nations history that you folks seem to want to cling to. I think you all just get off upsetting people and inciting discord.
The flag is a symbol of whatever the viewer sees! To me it is the flag of a group of unpatirotic American traiders, who took up arms against the land that I love.

As I said, it is a view borne of ignorance.
Whether or not it is a "view of ignorance" it is a political reality. It is foolish to continue proudly displaying a flag that so many believe to be the symbol of continued slavery. Lincoln ended up making that war about slavery, it will forever associate with it. Ethnic slavery is nothing to be proud of.
Dixie: "One of the most offensive and disrespectful things to ever happen to the Confederate flag, was the perverted hijacking of it, to use as a symbol for white supremacist groups."

Hence, the reason I am puzzled why you display the rebel Confederate flag in your avatar.
"Ethnic slavery is nothing to be proud of."

Unless you are a rebel flag waving southerner or an islamic fundamentalist in the Sudan. I often get the two confused.
The flag is a symbol of whatever the viewer sees! To me it is the flag of a group of unpatirotic American traiders, who took up arms against the land that I love.

As I said, it is a view borne of ignorance.

I guess I am not on ignore, another Dixie lie!
"She doesn't look like someone with a grudge necessarily, she looks like an old grannny type."

Ahh, but the fact that she has a "Yellow Dog Democrat" sticker on her car or that she volunteers weekly at the Democrat party headqarters (I think this is what they called it) will undoubtedly cause many to doubt her "reason" for coming forward at this time. We'll see. I alread said that if I lived out there I wouldn't vote for him.......but I don't live out there. It's going to be an interesting November.