Senator Macaca can't catch a break

Ahh, but the fact that she has a "Yellow Dog Democrat" sticker on her car or that she volunteers weekly at the Democrat party headqarters (I think this is what they called it) will undoubtedly cause many to doubt her "reason" for coming forward at this time. We'll see. I alread said that if I lived out there I wouldn't vote for him.......but I don't live out there. It's going to be an interesting November.

as a member of our party, surely you know our party's name is the Democratic Party.

Not the Democrat Party.

No one ever calls the republican party, the "republic" party
as a member of our party, surely you know our party's name is the Democratic Party.

Not the Democrat Party.

No one ever calls the republican party, the "republic" party
Pretending that you don't know that most people have shortened it for quite some time is pretense to make a "point" that he isn't "democratic" enough? What is the point of this post?
as a member of our party, surely you know our party's name is the Democratic Party.

Not the Democrat Party.

No one ever calls the republican party, the "republic" party

You are right Cypress. It was an oversight on my part, typing as if I were talking instead of paying attention to the proper name. My point was in no way a "dig" against the democratic party though, I was just pointing out how a lot of people will perceive the action taken.
You are right Cypress. It was an oversight on my part, typing as if I were talking instead of paying attention to the proper name. My point was in no way a "dig" against the democratic party though, I was just pointing out how a lot of people will perceive the action taken.

I was just giving you a hard time.

"Democrat" Party is simply an invention of the wingnutters, and intentionally propgated by Limbaugh, Hannity and Glenn Beck.

No credible person in the mainstream media or Television use that "abbreviation"
I've heard it quite often. Outside of Fox News... In fact on Fox, the vast majority of the time they don't. At least from what I have seen. It is the everyday people that do it, and not just Rush listeners either.
I've heard it quite often. Outside of Fox News... In fact on Fox, the vast majority of the time they don't. At least from what I have seen. It is the everyday people that do it, and not just Rush listeners either.

and not just Rush listeners either.

LOL Sure it is. They've been trained like parrots, by the rightwing machine. Rightwing bloggers too.

And you run in republican circles. Of course it seems like everday people use it to you.

Now, if you really think "Democrat" is an acceptable and widely-used substitute for the word "Democratic" I'm sure you can point me to other examples where you've used it.

As in Bush is establishing a democrat (not democratic) government in iraq.

Or, the United States is a democrat (not democratic) Republic.
and not just Rush listeners either.

LOL Sure it is. They've been trained like parrots, by the rightwing machine. Rightwing bloggers too.

And you run in republican circles. Of course it seems like everday people use it to you.

Now, if you really think "Democrat" is an acceptable and widely-used substitute for the word "Democratic" I'm sure you can point me to other examples where you've used it.

As in Bush is establishing a democrat (not democratic) government in iraq.

Or, the United States is a democrat (not democratic) Republic.
Not in those instances. I sit among 7 Democrats at work whom I have corrected when they called it the Democrat Party.

It is Democrat Party that seems to be widely used. I am not saying that people regularly say Democrat in all instances where Democratic should be used, just in that one instance.
This is what I've never understood about southerners and their fucking swastika, I mean rebel flag:

If you know it offends people so much, why not use another symbol to reflect your southern pride. Like, I don't know, a sticker that says, "southern pride". Or a picture of your states flag. There are many ways to express your pride in your origins, however you people know how civilized society views the flag yet you still still display that disgusting testament to slavery and a very ugly time in our nations history that you folks seem to want to cling to. I think you all just get off upsetting people and inciting discord.

You must not have read my post, I never said a word about "southern pride". I had relatives who fought and died under that flag, and it wasn't a testament to slavery any more than it's a symbol of slavery. Those are misconceptions you've learned, and the KKK didn't help matters, but the Confederate Stars and Bars, and my avitar flag, the Navy Jack, were war flags of people who died in battle.

I agree that the Civil War was an ugly time in our history, but I think that makes it all that more important we preserve the history in an honorable way, and not try to ban it or lock it away from sight. Damo thinks we should just accept the hijacking of the symbol for what it was made out to be, and forget about the truth, and what the flag meant to those who died under it, I don't think we should have to do that.

Again, let me point out, over 100,000 young American men in the South, gave their lives fighting in a war, under that flag. In a certain sense, they are fallen American Veterans. This is double the number that died in Vietnam, and about 1/4 the number that died in WWII. Regardless of what your history books taught you about the Civil War, these men were not slave owners, and likely, never even knew a slave owner, unless they had worked for one. Only 2% of the Southern population lived on a plantation or owned slaves. Just as it is today, the wealthy slave owners didn't serve on the front lines of battle in the Civil War.

To have reverence for the men who died under the flags of the Confederacy, is an honorable thing to do, and indeed, we allow the Japanese to have their war museums, we allow the Vietnamese to honor their fallen war dead... hell, John Kerry has his picture up in their memorial! Even when we disagree with the enemies of our nation, we have enough dignity and human respect to allow them to honor their dead soldiers. To me, the Confederate commemoration should be viewed the same way.
so confederate war museums are no less legit than John Kerry being honored in a Vietnamese museum - FOR HIS EFFORTS AT NORMALIZING RELATIONS with the country of Vietnam?

Why then, did you castigate Kerry for that during the campaign?
I've heard it quite often. Outside of Fox News... In fact on Fox, the vast majority of the time they don't. At least from what I have seen. It is the everyday people that do it, and not just Rush listeners either.
I have never heard it in real life. In fact, this forum is the only place I've ever even seen it: I said "outside of Fox News" simply to be annoying.

I think you're imagining things, Damo. It's a purely JPP phenomenon as far as I can tell. :rolleyes:
LOL. Not really. It doesn't really matter all that much though. All the false outrage over "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" is rather entertaining.
I am not outraged, I just think the intentional mispronouncment makes certian individuals appear unintelegent!
LOL. Not really. It doesn't really matter all that much though. All the false outrage over "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" is rather entertaining.

We hear it, we say it, and to most people it is not that big of a deal. The only place I have ever been corrected about it is on this forum and on FP (by desh) but that is not to say that some genuinely don't like it when the real name of the party is not given/used. Heck, my dad gets upset if someone spells his last name with two "L's" instead of one. I will try (as I have ever since desh's correction) to type it correctly from now on but I may slip up now and then because of habit.

Back to the democrat/republican discussion of position in congress, I am ready for a house cleaning of the whole lot of them. I can think of about 4 that I would keep on hand. If I had a lot of voting power it would be a bad, bad year for incumbents.