Senator Tom Colburn Telling It As it Really Is

I am amused by naive notions about how the REAL world works and efforts to pretend that anyone or any decisions can be perfect without mistake.

His post proves he’s well aware of ”of how the real world works” related to anything government, that’s exactly what he was describing.:cof1:

Even the best managed companies make many stupid mistakes much like the above example.

Then surely you’ll be posting an example of that on this thread, right?:rofl2::cof1:

It never occurs to you that the above example might have been someone trying to keep peacetime troops busy. DER

Apparently it’s never occurred to you that the time could have better been used for war training, huh?:dunno::rofl2::cof1:
That's all you've got or ever had, trash-mouth childish sandbox rhetoric.:rofl2::cof1:

Cry harder Alice.

His post proves he’s well aware of ”of how the real world works” related to anything government, that’s exactly what he was describing.:cof1:

Then surely you’ll be posting an example of that on this thread, right?:rofl2::cof1:

Apparently it’s never occurred to you that the time could have better been used for war training, huh?:dunno::rofl2::cof1:

More evidence that you're just.....

It is relevant because you make assumptions having been very far down in the food chain of decision making.

So how long were you in the service and was corporal your highest rank?

maybe in YOUR branch of service, an E4 is very far down in the food chain of your unit, but in the USMC, an E4 is of medium importance, especially where it concerns the barracks where E4s and E5s make most decisions of manpower.

the rest of your question is irrelevant