Schumer Calls for Amending First Amendment to Limit Political Speech
By Terence P. Jeffrey
July 31, 2019 | 4:27 AM EDT
By Terence P. Jeffrey
July 31, 2019 | 4:27 AM EDT
The truth is: Upchuck Schumer & Company are sick to death because freedom of speech on social media is weakening their grip on television’s control over political dialogue. Senator Vomit would better serve the country if he went after freedom of the press:
Notice that the press would still enjoy freedom of speech like the rest of us, but they would have to defend freedom of speech as a matter of self-interest instead of only defending their constitutional privilege while they feed the rest us to Socialist/Communist wolves.
Where would the welfare state be today without television? Indeed, every bit of Communist garbage —— every Democrat Party policy —— was dumped on this country by television. Print press never could have created the parasite class without television mouths selling every tax dollar Socialist program.
Parenthetically, yesterday I heard Bret Baier say something that gave me a laugh. I cannot find the video; so I have to paraphrase his comment. It went something like this:
When the campaign season starts in January.
Exactly what in hell does Baier think was going on since the first Democrat clown, John Delaney, announced his campaign in July 2017? And how much coverage did FOX give Sleepy Joe Biden’s campaign months before he announced he was running? And if Democrats are not campaigning in town halls around the country, what in hell are they doing on television?
It just occurred to me that maybe it ain’t campaigning when Democrats debate on television. In fact, it might not be campaigning when Democrat hopefuls pay television mouths to talk about them before and after a debate. One mention is worth a few grand when it comes back a hundredfold in the form of donations.
Bottom line: Television mouths opened the presidential campaign season less than a second after Donald Trump took the oath. From now on the campaign season will never end for one reason, Everybody gets rich on a four year presidential campaign season, while the suckers who donate to the wannabes get poorer.