'Send her back!' chant shows Trump's ugly plan to get reelected


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Washington (CNN)In a moment of unrestrained demagoguery, President Donald Trump presided Wednesday over a crowd chanting "Send her back! Send her back!" about an American Muslim congresswoman who he targeted with racist attacks.

The scenes at a North Carolina rally provided an ugly overture to a 2020 election campaign already soaked in hate. They exemplified the tribal politics and white nationalism that Trump is making clear he plans to ride to reelection, no matter their impact on America's fragile societal harmony.

The chants of "Send her back!" referred to Somalia-born, American citizen Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, one of four minority lawmakers attacked by Trump over the weekend. The invective from the crowd replaced the "Lock her up!" and "Build the wall!" chants of Trump's first campaign with a jarring racial refrain that the commander-in-chief, speaking from behind a podium bearing the symbolic presidential seal, made no effort to stop.



The notion that anybody wants Omar sent back because of her race instead of her America hating politics is absolutely crazy. Like nobody has noticed how she hates Jews and the American Constitution, lol... nobody gives a shit where she came from, or what race she might be. Send her back, send her to hell, send her back to her brother husband, I don't care where. Just get that pos out of here.
Yep, in leftist dumbfuck land, it's okay to be an America hating Muslim Islamic Fascista. But don't you dare have orange looking hair!!!! :laugh:
wow you are really in the poop shoot line to putins fake news ass

you bite EVERY turd shot your way

The notion that anybody wants Omar sent back because of her race instead of her America hating politics is absolutely batshit crazy. Like nobody has noticed how she hates Jews and the American Constitution, lol... nobody gives a shit where she came from, or what race she might be. Send her back, send her to hell, send her back to her brother husband, I don't care where. Just get that pos out of here.
those who refused to stand against Hitler helped Hitler gain power

lets remember the lies your party told about a pizza place made some insane idiot try to Rush the place with guns

Yes trumpy idiots think she should be sent back to a place that is NOT her country because they don't like what she says
The chants of "Send her back!" referred to Somalia-born, American citizen Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, one of four minority lawmakers attacked by Trump over the weekend.

I have a few vivid memories of my father, my aunt, my cousins being harangued to speak proper English, "go back to where you came from", or some permutation of those xenophobic affronts to the validity of their citizenship.

And exactly 100 percent of the time those rubes where toothless hillbillies, rednecks, white trash - aka, the sociological equivalent of Trump's base.
I have a few vivid memories of my father, my aunt, my cousins being harangued to speak proper English, "go back to where you came from", or some permutation of those xenophobic affronts to the validity of their citizenship.

And exactly 100 percent of the time those rubes where toothless hillbillies, rednecks, white trash - aka, the sociological equivalent of Trump's base.

The notion that anybody wants Omar sent back because of her race instead of her America hating politics is absolutely batshit crazy. Like nobody has noticed how she hates Jews and the American Constitution, lol... nobody gives a shit where she came from, or what race she might be. Send her back, send her to hell, send her back to her brother husband, I don't care where. Just get that pos out of here.
I have a few vivid memories of my father, my aunt, my cousins being harangued to speak proper English, "go back to where you came from", or some permutation of those xenophobic affronts to the validity of their citizenship.

And exactly 100 percent of the time those rubes where toothless hillbillies, rednecks, white trash - aka, the sociological equivalent of Trump's base.

The notion that Trump's comments were not about Omar's hate for holocaust survivors and hate for America is fake news. Nobody gives a shit what race she is, or where she came from.
The notion that Trump's comments were not about Omar's hate for holocaust survivors and hate for America is fake news. Nobody gives a shit what race she is, or where she came from.

Trump does, lying babbler.

“So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,

Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can't leave fast enough,"
The notion that anybody wants Omar sent back because of her race instead of her America hating politics is absolutely crazy. Like nobody has noticed how she hates Jews and the American Constitution, lol... nobody gives a shit where she came from, or what race she might be. Send her back, send her to hell, send her back to her brother husband, I don't care where. Just get that pos out of here.

How you look yourself in the mirror and like what you see is beyond my ken. Suffice it to say that you are full of shit. Trump specifically targeted four women -- three of whom are native-born U.S. citizens, and one a naturalized citizen -- because of their color and that they are outspoken against him. He has likewise targeted white women and men for the same reason. But he never once told Biden, Warren, Sanders, etc. to "go back where you came from."

I know that racists have a hard time admitting when their leader gets caught out, but there you go. Personally I'm glad to see you all out from hiding under your white sheets. Your toadstool just revealed you all for what you are.
The notion that anybody wants Omar sent back because of her race instead of her America hating politics is absolutely crazy. Like nobody has noticed how she hates Jews and the American Constitution, lol... nobody gives a shit where she came from, or what race she might be. Send her back, send her to hell, send her back to her brother husband, I don't care where. Just get that pos out of here.

Bullshit, if Omar's name was Grete and her family was from Norway Trump would have never told her to go back to where she came nor would the lemmings be shouting "send her back
I have a few vivid memories of my father, my aunt, my cousins being harangued to speak proper English, "go back to where you came from", or some permutation of those xenophobic affronts to the validity of their citizenship.
And exactly 100 percent of the time those rubes where toothless hillbillies, rednecks, white trash - aka, the sociological equivalent of Trump's base.

STFU you white trash lying leftist buffoon. You should be locked up in a padded cell as well.
Hello signalmankenneth,

Washington (CNN)In a moment of unrestrained demagoguery, President Donald Trump presided Wednesday over a crowd chanting "Send her back! Send her back!" about an American Muslim congresswoman who he targeted with racist attacks.

The scenes at a North Carolina rally provided an ugly overture to a 2020 election campaign already soaked in hate. They exemplified the tribal politics and white nationalism that Trump is making clear he plans to ride to reelection, no matter their impact on America's fragile societal harmony.

The chants of "Send her back!" referred to Somalia-born, American citizen Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, one of four minority lawmakers attacked by Trump over the weekend. The invective from the crowd replaced the "Lock her up!" and "Build the wall!" chants of Trump's first campaign with a jarring racial refrain that the commander-in-chief, speaking from behind a podium bearing the symbolic presidential seal, made no effort to stop.



Pure hatred run amok.

They're really out of control ugly now.

These are the steps to fascism.