'Send her back!' chant shows Trump's ugly plan to get reelected

It is essentially affirmation. Trump grew this hate movement and he may not be able to control it at the end. He made it Ok to be a racist in public and be aggressive about it. His hateful fans love the new freedoms.

There is no hate movement you whacked out jerk-off. I take offense every time a leftist proclaims I am a hate monger when nothing could be further from the truth. If you jerk-offs think you can alienate half the population with moronic bloviations like this, you won't be winning too many elections.

But alas, leftists have teeny tiny brains and lack the intelligence it would take to comprehend the OBVIOUS.
Trump basked in the roar of the haters at his speech. He stopped and let it build. He said nothing about it, which is approval. Then when he was heavily criticized, he lied about what he did and said. In typical Trump fashion,he slowly took away that phony disapproval and adopted it. Trump is a racist.
Trump basked in the roar of the haters at his speech. He stopped and let it build. He said nothing about it, which is approval. Then when he was heavily criticized, he lied about what he did and said. In typical Trump fashion,he slowly took away that phony disapproval and adopted it. Trump is a racist.

Oh, and it gets even better. Look at today's tweet from Der Fuehrer:


Then go look up Katie Hopkins. Suffice it to say that she has called for a "final solution" to the "Muslim problem." Oh, and a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice.

Trump has calculated that properly used bigotry and hate will gather enough rightwingers to give him an electoral college victory. He is playing the haters. They love it. The white nationalist vote will not give him more votes, but the right ones in the right places. Power of the minorities, not Democracy is what Trump wants. He does not want to face his crimes.
Leftist & their propaganda media are hoping voters will ignore the fact that those 4 leftist sluts have popularity ratings even in their own districts just slightly above that slimeball Mayor in NYC. Trump's popularity is 10 fold above any one of those bitches. Trump is winning another round against the forces of evil. He's successful again in framing the Democrat Party with the faces of the 4 gutter rat terrorist scumbag bitches. And just think the Obama DOJ & FBI & Intel agencies are on the eve of being indicted by Trump's & Bill Barr's DOJ.

Election 2020 seems to be shaping up to be a historic Trump landslide and millions of Democrat suicides!
Leftist & their propaganda media are hoping voters will ignore the fact that those 4 leftist sluts have popularity ratings even in their own districts just slightly above that slimeball Mayor in NYC. Trump's popularity is 10 fold above any one of those bitches. Trump is winning another round against the forces of evil. He's successful again in framing the Democrat Party with the faces of the 4 gutter rat terrorist scumbag bitches. And just think the Obama DOJ & FBI & Intel agencies are on the eve of being indicted by Trump's & Bill Barr's DOJ.

Election 2020 seems to be shaping up to be a historic Trump landslide and millions of Democrat suicides!

As big as the one you predicted in 2018 midterms?
Trump has calculated that properly used bigotry and hate will gather enough rightwingers to give him an electoral college victory. He is playing the haters. They love it. The white nationalist vote will not give him more votes, but the right ones in the right places. Power of the minorities, not Democracy is what Trump wants. He does not want to face his crimes.
They are reporting he could lose by 5 million votes and still win. It’s just not right.
They are reporting he could lose by 5 million votes and still win. It’s just not right.

Yea, fuck the EC and the rest of the country, right? CA should be able to decide who the next president will be, there is no need for the rest of the country to bother with this kind of stuff...
They are reporting he could lose by 5 million votes and still win.
It’s just not right.

There is no bloody way the framers of the constitution intended to create a system where one party was routinely losing the popular vote, but was still being given a stranglehold of power on the federal government.

Worth repeating: The Republican party has only won the national popular vote one single time, since the 1980s.
Yea, fuck the EC and the rest of the country, right? CA should be able to decide who the next president will be, there is no need for the rest of the country to bother with this kind of stuff...

Anyone can play that geography game.

70,000 people in three medium sized states should not decide for the nation who is president.

One American, one vote.

Small states already receive vastly disproportionate representation through the US Senate. I have no sympathy for people in cow country whining for even more disproportionate representation.
Yea, fuck the EC and the rest of the country, right? CA should be able to decide who the next president will be, there is no need for the rest of the country to bother with this kind of stuff...
One person, one vote, it’s the way it should be done. Why should a person in Wyoming’s vote be 3x more than my vote in Texas? How is that fair? Why are Texans, Californians and New Yorkers votes discounted?
One person, one vote, it’s the way it should be done. Why should a person in Wyoming’s vote be 3x more than my vote in Texas? How is that fair? Why are Texans, Californians and New Yorkers votes discounted?

Yea, fuck the EC and the rest of the country, right? CA should be able to decide who the next president will be, there is no need for the rest of the country to bother with this kind of stuff...
Yea, fuck the EC and the rest of the country, right? CA should be able to decide who the next president will be, there is no need for the rest of the country to bother with this kind of stuff...
Californians are citizens, why should their vote counts the same as a person Wyoming?
Californians are citizens, why should their vote counts the same as a person Wyoming?

Yea, fuck the EC and the rest of the country, right? CA should be able to decide who the next president will be, there is no need for the rest of the country to bother with this kind of stuff...
Yea, fuck the EC and the rest of the country, right? CA should be able to decide who the next president will be, there is no need for the rest of the country to bother with this kind of stuff...

In other words, he's got nothing, just keep repeating the same idiocy
Fuck the EC, let CA pick the president!

Stupid remark. We have an outdated and terrible system that allows a lesser vote getter to win. The right wanted it gone as much as the left and middle until they calculated it was to their benefit. Now it is a great system that is so patriotic and so good. Why should the person who gets the most votes win? That is just wrong. The hinterlands should pick.
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Stupid remark. We have an outdated and terrible system that allows a lesser vote getter to win. The right wanted it gone as much as the left and middle until they calculated it was to their benefit. Now it is a great system that is so patriotic and so good. Why should the person who gets the most vores win? That is just wrong. The hinterlands should pick.

Trump didn't get fewer votes. He received 304.

If you think the system is outdated, the founders that wrote it into the Constitution provided a method by which to change it. Instead of whining like a little bitch, I suggest you get started.