Sending Humans to Mars is impossible for the Foreseeable Future

My guess is because its closer to Jupiter, which emits massive amounts of radiation. If you drive through the middle-of-nowhere in Texas, and have your radio on the right FM frequencies, you can hear creepy sounds curtosy of that radiation reaching Earth...

UH-Those are called tele-evangelists.
My guess is because its closer to Jupiter, which emits massive amounts of radiation. If you drive through the middle-of-nowhere in Texas, and have your radio on the right FM frequencies, you can hear creepy sounds curtosy of that radiation reaching Earth...

I doubt Jupiter sends out as much radiation as the sun and cosmic waves. But it would definitely just be one extra source adding to the bombardment.
Yeah, but we're closer to the Sun. Of course, we have an atmosphere to held shield us from bitchin' harmful waves of energy...

We need to put a lot more effort into our space program. The moon for example, I feel is a crucial stage in the survival of our species.
We can build a space station and then move it.

After we send the space station out farther into the solar system, we start on the next space station. Not only will this give us an excellent system of stations for future missions and rescues, it allows us to use what we learned building the 1st station to build a better one.
Can't we just use Tim Robbins as a guinea pig? That way, if we succeeds in his mission to Mars we reap the benefits, and if he dies, its not loss.

After all, everything worked out for the mission in the movie... :)