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It's official, California has gone off the deep end. Jail time for plastic straws? Seriously?
Sending Waiters to Jail for Offering Plastic Straws
Sending Waiters to Jail for Offering Plastic Straws
Fake news.
There is never, ever, not-a-chance-in-hell, going to be a waiter sent to prison for offering a plastic straw.
And if the rightwing chooses not to believe me, I could bump this thread every couple months and ask for Trumpettes to point to an actual case were a waiter went to jail for offering straws.
A California legislator said such a law would cut down on plastic use. A politician said that. Not a law. not going to pass. Not going top be voted for and certainly not by the Dems. It is dumb and not a story at all. No law No penalties. Nothing..
What do you mean "certainly?" It may not be voted for by Dems, but it will only "certainly" not be voted for by Reps. This is part of your environmental creed.
No. You are wrong. Way off. Saving the environment is important. Some people go extreme. Trump is doing horribly the other way. But show me one liberal on this board that backs this law. I doubt you will not find one. So saying we all back this as absolute crap. As the right would say...a lie.
No. You are wrong. Way off. Saving the environment is important. Some people go extreme. Trump is doing horribly the other way. But show me one liberal on this board that backs this law. I doubt you will not find one. So saying we all back this as absolute crap. As the right would say...a lie.
I never said all libs would back such a draconian law. But can you show me one liberal who has condemned the Democrat who proposed this nonsense? Just one.
And FYI he did more than "suggest such a law", he proposed an actual bill.
Not all libs. near none Near Zero. he does not represent liberals. He represents himself. Do you think him super duper proposing the bill means it will get traction and get voted upon? Is that what you are saying? Or are you using a crazy bill to paint all liberals. If so, by now you should see what a huge fail that is. Any liberal responses backing this bill/?have you read one? Just one will do.
That's not the point, and no, it's an actual real news story. If you can refute it, please do. The point is, an actual leftist loon seriously proposed this. You don't have the intellectual honesty to simply say this is wrong? No, instead you attack the messenger with hyperventilating, hyperbolic nonsense.
Is there a single lib on this board who will call out one of their own when they propose radical nonsense like this? I haven't seen one, as demonstrated yet again by your response.
Not all libs. near none Near Zero. he does not represent liberals. He represents himself. Do you think him super duper proposing the bill means it will get traction and get voted upon? Is that what you are saying? Or are you using a crazy bill to paint all liberals. If so, by now you should see what a huge fail that is. Any liberal responses backing this bill/?have you read one? Just one will do.
Tennessee actually passed a bill not allowing the word "gay" to be used in schools up to 9th grade at all. Not proposed it, but passed it.
Rightys passed 14 anti Sharia Laws. really. Texas has a problem with Sharia Law? WTF. Passed not proposed.
This post is full of idiotic irony.
I don't think you have a firm grasp on the concept of "irony".
I haven't read any opposing this bill, including from you. Let alone admonishing the politician for even proposing it.
Well it isn't a slow news day ... so what's the real reason?
Yes I do.
It's asinine, and one of the stupidest things I've heard in awhile. It's fringe thinking, that is taking hold on both sides. If we don't stop these tug a wars, instead of focusing on real issues, the insanity will get worse on both sides. Trump is bringing about the fringe of the right. I'd simmer down, and get that infection out while you can, because the tables will likely turn, and the fringe of the left will start to effect this country. There I answered. Happy?