Separate Elections, Too

Frankly, I do not trust McConnell or establishment Republicans:

With Sen. Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republicans in the 50-50 Senate voting against moving forward with the “For the People Act of 2021,” the Democrats’ plan to put elections under federal rather than state and local authority was shelved Tuesday. It was the proper ending for legislation that should have never been written.

Republicans have saved this country’s two-party political system. At least for now. The power-hungry Democrats won’t give up easily, though. They’ll redouble their efforts to set themselves up as an unchallengeable political force that rules rather than governs.

The Republic Is Preserved – But The Democrats Will Try Insurrection Again
I & I Editorial Board
June 23, 2021

Assuming Democrats can be stopped from rigging election, my suggestion is a better way to defeat the Democrat Party in every election:

So how about separating federal election ballots from state and local elections ballots.

In other words a separate federal ballot would be required listing only the names of candidates for federal offices —— presidents and members of Congress.

Separating elections by a year would simplify the process. Federal elections would be held in even numbered years, while statewide elections could be held in odd numbered years. The tab for both elections would also be separated. The feds pay for theirs, while state and local governments would pay for theirs.

At best, Democrats will win a dozen or so congressional seats in federal elections.

Democrats will do slightly better in hardcore parasite states and cities —— but not enough to prevent the Communist Party from being driven out of government in ten years.
We can require proof of citizenship for voter registration.

To Flash: Good thinking, but I doubt if the Supreme Court will allow it.

The Nifty Nine always find justification for doing everything Democrats want. Allowing illegal aliens to vote will be no different than sanctioning a stolen election:

The Supreme Court stood by for the most part and allowed the Left’s ongoing experiment in social control to proceed unimpeded. Ditto for the election-related challenges brought by President Donald Trump and Republicans, which seem more and more justified with each passing day as post-election audits and investigations continue.

The 'Conservative' Supreme Court's Love-Affair With Obamacare
By Matthew Vadum
June 23, 2021
The measure would have had no practical effect even if it had passed. Illegal immigrants — and indeed noncitizens as a whole — are not legally able to participate in federal elections.

Notice how leftists work... "not LEGALLY able to participate..." which in no way suggests that leftists will stop them from participating regardless.
The measure would have had no practical effect even if it had passed. Illegal immigrants — and indeed noncitizens as a whole — are not legally able to participate in federal elections.

Why bother, no matter what you point out, he isn’t going to accept it unless it validates his bloviating dissertation above