Serious Question

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No. But her mom talked about me a lot apparently. I didn't know she existed and I first I didn't care, but then she kept writing and I stupidly thought, well, what if she were my daughter.

I am 99 percent sure she is not mine. And she has never claimed to be mine. And hasn't asked for money. So I am like what the fook!

Wasn't your wife from Canada?
The fuck is it to you and I didn't say first wife, asshole. I liked you once, fuck you now.

Why are getting so butthurt, just asked a simple question? You've only ever mentioned your Canadian wife on here previously. As they say in Merry Olde England, wind yer neck in son!!
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Surrogate dad?

What is wrong with you? Hypothetically I need another kid, who is an adult, so fucking what if I want to help this person related to my past? She knows her mom is not a good person, her father is a massive loser and she comes to me for help.

Am I a loser if I want to help her? Am I loser of I don't want to help her? Should I just ignore her and maybe she becomes a poor loser without anyone helping her?

AGAIN, she has NOT ASKED FOR MONEY, just ADVICE given my education and profession.

If it goes beyond that, I should be concerned.

But at this very point, am I doing wrong!!?

well she may get the wrong idea of you. it's really weird, you have nothing to do with her.

why help her as opposed to anyone else, just because she's the daughter of your ex wife? You didn't raise her, you never knew her, she's not your kid. She has no more relation or purpose to you than my college girlfriends kid.

If you just want to help a stranger for no reason other than the goodness and kindness of your heart, sure, go for it. But you wouldn't be doing it to any random woman, and I just don't see how her being the daughter of your ex wife has much to do with you

Also I would normally not be butting in to such a personal thing going on in someones life, but your thread directly solicited peoples opinions on the matter, so that's what mine is.
well she may get the wrong idea of you. it's really weird, you have nothing to do with her.

why help her as opposed to anyone else, just because she's the daughter of your ex wife? You didn't raise her, you never knew her, she's not your kid. She has no more relation or purpose to you than my college girlfriends kid.

If you just want to help a stranger for no reason other than the goodness and kindness of your heart, sure, go for it. But you wouldn't be doing it to any random woman, and I just don't see how her being the daughter of your ex wife has much to do with you

Also I would normally not be butting in to such a personal thing going on in someones life, but your thread directly solicited peoples opinions on the matter, so that's what mine is.

Fair point. It is a stupid fantasy on my part. She isn't my daughter and she is using that to likely (I don't know) take advantage of me.

I've thought about it and I'm done with it.

Please close thread.
Please don't fuck this thread up with hate on Yurt, I have a serious question and want to remain anonymous, IOW, not talk to family about it. Thank you in advance.

My ex wife's daughter (not mine) contacted me some time ago. I asked why are you contacting me, I don't understand. She said her mom still talks about me and she wanted to get to know me. So I started chatting with her on Facebook.

Her situation is bleak. She has never asked for help or money. I stupidly said I might be able to help with college....

Not a contract, but WTF am I thinking!? Should I even be talking with her?

And yes, she is over 18, 21 I think.

I don't see any problem with talking to her at all,you're both adults.
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