Loves Me Some Souls
I remember the propaganda against the covid virus and vaccines. Perhaps you're talking about something else?
I remember the propaganda against the covid virus and vaccines. Perhaps you're talking about something else?
The government got caught paying media outlets to spread propaganda. Safe and effective. That's what's wrong.
No? This is what you said:
You made a claim that the vaccine being "safe and effective" is a propaganda.
It should be easily proven.
Prove it then.
Heh. Caught up with the Christmas spirit, huh? I am with you, bro.
I'm the Grinch.
Brush your teeth before you meet Cindy Lou.
Brush your teeth or get the fuck out of there!
You should be saying this to primavera.
Oh gosh I wouldn't want to know what that guy got in his mouth from all those Thai whores.
I haven't seen any evidence that "not many" regular people believed that, but perhaps we can agree that it's not the most important matter and certainly isn't the main subject of this thread.
That doesn't change the fact that thinking that slavery was ok was a logical failing of many people not so long ago. Since then, most people have come to see the truth.
Various people have claimed that they exist over the years. But simply claiming that something is true doesn't make it so.
Some articles you may find interesting:
Even the “Smallpox Vaccine Success Story” appears to be a total fabrication! |
Polio Vaccine Causing Polio Outbreaks in Africa, WHO Admits | Children's Health Defense
I am going to ask you this question: if it isn't the viruses that cause those diseases with symptoms, then what are the sources?
And how were those diseases spread not just locally but national wide and globally?
This is your opportunity to use science to present your evidence of those diseases being caused by internal and/or external factors other than pathogens.
How was a disease spread globally in 1918?
I'm guessing you mean that she is no longer licensed to practice allopathic medicine? If so, could you present an article which presents evidence that this is true?
has not held a practising certificate since May 2021. She does not currently practice
as a General Practitioner.
Oh, look. You built a strawman. Smallpox is NOT all diseases. Did you enjoy beating the stuffing out of that straw man you built?You already agreed that various diseases are caused by something other than a virus. That doesn't prove that all diseases aren't caused by a virus.
If you want to prove they aren't caused by a virus then you need to give evidence of another cause. Right now in the real world the majority of the evidence points to viruses existing and causing disease. You are making an extraordinary claim while providing zero evidence. You are simply doing the dance that every conspiracy nut does. You refuse to provide evidence in support of your claim, discount any evidence that disputes your claim and then demand that others provide a higher standard of evidence than you are willing to apply to yourself.That doesn't mean that diseases alleged to be caused by a biological virus are actually caused by a biological virus.
Look. The equivocation fallacy again. you seem to rely on that one a lot too.At the risk of devating somewhat from the point of this thread, I think it'd be good to try to establish some type of agreement as to what the 2 words that make up "conspiracy theory" mean. I think we could perhaps agree on the law definition of conspiracy for our purposes here. I think the Wikitionary definition serves our purposes here:
The act of two or more persons, called conspirators, working secretly to obtain some goal, usually understood with negative connotations.
ROFLMAO,. So you decide that it is an original argument to simply make up your own definitions of phrases based on parsing the words so you can avoid the actual meaning. You are acting as a troll at this point. You have no argument to make but only avoidance as long as you can.Source:
As to theory, there are numerous definitions as can be seen below:
As you can see, there are definitions for theory that run the gamut from definitions such as "A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena", all the way to assumptions and conjecture.
I came up with a definition a while back that I think takes these various definitions into account:
A theory is an educated guess, as far as one's education on the subject goes. Thus, their are good theories and bad ones. It all depends on the evidence they have in their favour.
When we put the words conspiracy and theory together, we get to the point where we should be able to see that there can be both well evidenced conspiracy theories, as well as poorly evidence conspiracy theories. I personally tend to shy away from ones that have little if any evidence. Now, hopefully we can get back to the -actual- point of this thread, which is discussion in the evidence, or lack thereof, of biological viruses.
The problem is you don't think.I think the truth is rather that it can't be done because biological viruses don't exist.
Explain why you think that. Once again, we see you present no actual argument that is supported by facts or logic. Demanding that a process be used that is not possible to be used is what you are proposing for determining if viruses exist. Why is my analogy poor since it uses the exact same idiotic premise you are requiring? Explain your thinking.I think that's a poor analogy.
Ah, here come the ad hominems. Well, you had a good run.
Either she is no longer licensed to practice medicine or she lied to the court in New Zealand.
It actually should be easy to prove, you only need to show actual evidence that diseases are caused by something other than a virus.
You already agreed that various diseases are caused by something other than a virus. That doesn't prove that all diseases aren't caused by a virus.
Oh, look. You built a strawman. Smallpox is NOT all diseases.
Did you enjoy beating the stuffing out of that straw man you built?
Now if you are able and want to prove you are a thinking human being and not a troll
And they presented a way that is impossible to occur because they asked for things that can't be done with a virus.
I think the truth is rather that it can't be done because biological viruses don't exist.
The problem is you don't think.