Can you prove that any microbe seen under an electron microscope is actually a biological virus?
Does that stand for Repeated Question, Already Answered? If so, could you at least link to your previous answer?
Argument of ignorance fallacy.
I'm guessing you are referring to the Argument from Ignorance fallacy. Quoting Wikipedia's introduction to it:
It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is false because it has not yet been proven true.
Not the argument from ignorance fallacy. Wikipedia is once again wrong. An argument from ignorance fallacy is a set error: ?!A

->!A(). It is the inverse of a compositional error.
Can you link to a source that defines an argument from ignorance fallacy the way you do?
You cannot use Wikipedia as a reference with me. It is too often incomplete, biased, or just plain wrong. They do not define logic or any axiom of logic.
Wikipedia is frequently my go to source, as it is frequently accepted in discussion circles as being a good starting point. Don't get me wrong, I have frequently disagreed with Wikipedia myself, and when that happens, I'll look for other sources, or sometimes the sources of Wikipedia itself, which don't always agree with the article itself. As I mentioned above, if you believe there is a better definition of an Argumenty from Ignorance on the internet, by all means link to it.
I have never claimed that I can prove that viruses don't exist.
Yes you did. Don't try to deny your own posts. ANYONE can go back and look for themselves.
They can, but that doesn't mean that your assertion is true. Being the author, I think more people would trust me on what I myself have said.
You and others here, however, have claimed that viruses do exist
They do.
Claiming they exist is not evidence that they exist.
and seem to be suggesting that this is true so long as I can't prove that they don't exist.
Word stuffing.
No, it's setting up what I say next...
Sounds like an Argument from Ignorance to me.
It's not. Wikipedia is wrong once again.
You may contend this to be the case, but you have yet to show evidence for this assertion.
Saying the virus exists doesn't make it so.
Viruses exist by definition.
I'm sure many religions would love it if they could just say that and everyone would therefore believe in their God.
I did some internet searches online to see if I could find a definition for your "Proof by identity". The closest thing I got was the blockchain consensus proof -of- identity:
It applies for cryptos, not for other concepts as far as I can tell. We're not talking about cryptos here.
As to Iain Davis' article, I think at this point it might be a good idea to quote some of it, as I think it can do a better job of explaining the flaws in the Cov 2 virus narrative than I can...
Cut and pasting is mindless. You have no mind of your own.
Believe it or not, it took me some effort to copy and paste here. Now, I can certainly agree that some copy and pastes are a waste of time, but I certainly don't agree with you in this case. Anyway, I see you've responded to the first part of my copy and paste, let's get to that...
The Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre published the first full SARS-CoV-2 genome (MN908947.1 ). This has been updated many times. However, MN908947.1 was the first genetic sequence describing the alleged COVID 19 etiologic agent (SARS-CoV-2).
They are not the only ones to sequence this virus.
Iain Davis never claims they are the only ones to claim they have sequenced the virus. He says they are the -first-, however, and that all subsequent alleged assemblies are based on it. He also makes it clear that the way in which it was allegedly assembled was essentially seeing a bunch of building blocks and having a computer figure out how to assemble it. I had also quoted that part, but will quote again as they used a term that you may not have been familiar with:
The WUHAN researchers stated that they had effectively pieced the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence together by matching fragments found in samples with other, previously discovered, genetic sequences. From the gathered material they found an 87.1% match with SARS coronavirus (SARS-Cov). They used de novo assembly and targeted PCR and found 29,891-base-pair which shared a 79.6% sequence match to SARS-CoV.
They had to use de novo assembly because they had no priori knowledge of the correct sequence or order of those fragments. Quite simply, the WHO’s statement that Chinese researchers isolated the virus on the 7th January is false.
COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud | Off Guardian
Note the bit about de novo assembly. Iain helpfully includes a link to what the term means.
All subsequent claims, tests, treatments, statistics, vaccine development and resultant policies are based upon this sequence.
Subsequent claims are based on politics, not any virus.
Tests are based in antibodies, not the virus itself, but the body's response to the presence of the virus.
Treatments from Pfizer and J&J cause covid19 infection. They do not prevent it. Each 'booster' shot does the same thing.
We actually agree here to some extent. Iain has simply come to the conclusion that evidence that the Cov 2 virus exists as anything other than a computer creating a model out of building blocks found in samples is lacking and has come to believe that the virus itself may not even exist. In essence, he came to the same conclusion that the group of doctors and other professionals came to in the 2 page statement I referenced in the opening post for this thread, but he generally confines himself to the Cov 2 virus.
If the tests for this novel virus don’t identify anything capable of causing illness in human beings, the whole COVID 19 narrative is nothing but a charade.
They do. From here, you are making a circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
I'm not the one claiming that viruses exist because they... exist? We'll see if you can better explain your "proof by identity" statement.
The WUHAN researchers stated that they had effectively pieced the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence together by matching fragments found in samples with other, previously discovered, genetic sequences. From the gathered material they found an 87.1% match with SARS coronavirus (SARS-Cov). They used de novo assembly and targeted PCR and found 29,891-base-pair which shared a 79.6% sequence match to SARS-CoV.
They had to use de novo assembly because they had no priori knowledge of the correct sequence or order of those fragments. Quite simply, the WHO’s statement that Chinese researchers isolated the virus on the 7th January is false.
So the WHO lied. What else is new?
We can certainly agree here

No, you cannot use the Guardian as a reference with me either. Same problem as Wikipedia.
I have on occassion used The Guardian as a source, but not this time. The article is from
Off Guardian. Here's the text on their about page:
OffGuardian was launched in February 2015 and takes its name from the fact its founders had all been censored on and/or banned from the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’ sections. Our editors & admins are based in the US, UK & Europe.
OffG is dedicated to open discourse and free expression, and will often host articles on both sides of any particular issue. Unless stated otherwise all opinions reflect the views of the author, not the site or its editors.
Well, since I don't believe a Cov 2 virus exists, I can certainly agree that it hasn't killed anyone.
It doesn't matter what you believe. The virus exists.
Now where would we be if we -both- said things like that

? In any case, this thread is dedicated to people expressing their opinion on whether or not Cov 2 virus, or any other alleged virus exists, so you're good on the first part. It's the second part, the evidence, that we need to focus on.
NONE of the viruses from the Covid/SARS series of viruses kill. This one seems mildest of all of them so far discovered.
As far as beliefs go, I prefer yours to most others- an alleged mild virus is certainly a lot closer to no virus at all then a deadly killer. Alright, I'll stop there for now, you get into another very large issue in the next part, think a new post would be good for that...