Sex Before Marriage in the US

Hey Care! Whats up? How's the house?

I am just going nuts....that's all....

We have no phone connected to the house because the wires from the tele poll under the ground to the house were rotted and when we went to replace them they ended up breaking so we need to pay boo coo bucks to have them dig up the yard and relay new conduit and wire.... unless we succumb to having the wires come to the roof of the house and we think that would just ruin the charm of this cottage....

no cable available....

no satelite tv hook up until January 7th, and that is if all goes as planned...and man oh man, broadcast tv is very limited in good stinks to say it politely....

no broadband available in my area either, no dsl and no cable internet.... :(

Aol 9.0 seems to move fairly fast thow, so I guess I am okay with it....

The house is so beautiful and cute, I just can't stand it! :)

But it is a wreck, not completely mudded and sanded and painted before we moved in with the furniture....we lost about 300 sq feet of space between the last home and this cute little thing so boxes and crud that I should have discarded are all over the place....I have been unpacking for a week now and I only have half done....thought I was finished with the kitchen yesterday and matt found two more kitchen boxes in the upstairs bedroom..... :( the dust here from the construction finishes is unbearable....I have been vacuming at least 10 times a day as I move and empty boxes to get up the dust and painter's coverings that were still on the floor....

Still have not found Christmas to set up nor do I have the assembly to put it....ANYWHERE, at this point....matt is really depressed about not having Christmas up....poor thing...not one present is bought, not one card was sent... :(

The telephone line I am using now is some emergency line that is set up at the telephone poll that we have 3- 50 ft inside type telephone cords connected together and run to the house so we can use it...

When it rains, I am sure they will short out! lol

Oh and we have not been getting our mail because we were suppose to register with the post office and did not know it and then yesterday the mail lady came by and told us that the mailbox in front of the house won't cut it and that we need to move it to the main street and put it on our property there.... which is about 400 feet away.....can't imagine me walking out to get it if there is 2 feet of snow on the ground....but outside of the norm....just a few days of bad weather, the weather here has been very has been running about 15 degrees ABOVE normal they say....

Who knows what our property taxes are being used for....when you can't even get your mail delivered to your house or the road plowed for snow???? lol

But all of this aside...WE LOVE IT....we really love it here and can see ourselves owning this home is just a couple of miles from the shore and the is just beautiful and very laid back!

even when we are old, we will live in florida with my sister in the winter and live up here in the summer....(if all goes as planned!)

Merry Christmas Tiana!

And Merry Christmas to all!

use a cell phone.

Can't afford a cell phone....believe it or not....and can't afford individual health insurance either...just got two quotes for near $27,000 A YEAR for just matt and me....with a $500 deductible...Aetna, and Blue cross blue shield.... what a crock of crap on that....geeeeeesus jimminee cricket!

Matt does not have a job and neither do I yet.....but we own this house outright, yet with nothing left over but the shouting!

It is time to hunker down and spend NOTHING.....till the jobs come!

Good luck Care.
Home free and clear is a very good thing :)

Use some vinyl eleicrical tape and tape up the connections on your phone cords real tight, should keep the water out. And put the connection points up on a rock or something to keep them out of puddles.
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