Of course not. My bet that Harris will be President.
How much?
Of course not. My bet that Harris will be President.
How much?
I hear what you are saying, however i created the site to hold conversations not to proudly feature the ban from thread modification. If folks want to start a new thread with a different ban list on the same subject we normally would allow it. Basically, you didn't want them in your thread and they aren't. The feature isn't designed, or wasn't added, to make folks shut up just because someone who starts a thread dislikes them.
Who is allowed to put the thread ban in place? The last two threads I've started have thread banned a poster, (admittedly a worthless poster that is banned from this thread) that I never initiated? I've never thread banned since I've been a member of this forum.
Only the OP can ban from the thread when it is built, the Moderators afterward. Also, if a user is banned from the forum itself they will automatically be added to every thread posted in that forum area.
Someone clue in this braying jackass: if it was such an inconsequential thing, then why do the wealthy pay heavy "donations" to their flunkies in the Congress to work like hell to make sure their tax rates are not rolled back to the FDR days? Is junior so adverse to actually paying less taxes if the wealthy pick up their end of the national coffers?
Amazing how this loud mouth clown reads in a WHOLE lot of stuff that AOC didn't say.
Some people just like to bitch and moan.
$20 donated to JPP in winner's name.
I didn't ask you, coward.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Someone clue in this braying jackass: if it was such an inconsequential thing, then why do the wealthy pay heavy "donations" to their flunkies in the Congress to work like hell to make sure their tax rates are not rolled back to the FDR days? Is junior so adverse to actually paying less taxes if the wealthy pick up their end of the national coffers?
Amazing how this loud mouth clown reads in a WHOLE lot of stuff that AOC didn't say.
Some people just like to bitch and moan.
What did he say that was incorrect about this ass-backwards corrupt system? And it only exist because it is enabled by the so-called representatives. And that is an undeniable fact!
It's not his criticism about the system....it's his lambasting AOC for advocating taxing the wealthy as if it's such a wimpy proposal. Like I said, if it's such a non-starter, then why do the wealthy pay their hacks and flacks in Congress NOT to raise their taxes?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
It's not his criticism about the system....it's his lambasting AOC for advocating taxing the wealthy as if it's such a wimpy proposal. Like I said, if it's such a non-starter, then why do the wealthy pay their hacks and flacks in Congress NOT to raise their taxes?
It is a wimpy proposal and he is actually lambasting the entire system. Her stunt was in fact ridiculous in the scheme of things, and very weak sauce considering the platform she came in claiming to be fighting for .
You and that loud mouth are STILL ducking the crucial question....if it's so lame then why do various PAC's and private donators consistently pad the campaign coffers of their political allies in Congress to make sure that the wealthy keep their various tax exempt status? Every so often it's a tooth & nail fight that spills onto the MSM.
First of all this "loudmouth" is a vey popular left wing comedian who also does political satire and commentary and donates proceeds from his podcast to needy causes. That being said, I read your question 3 times and you need to reword it as I have no idea what you are asking or how it relates to AOC.
First of all this "loudmouth" is a vey popular left wing comedian who also does political satire and commentary and donates proceeds from his podcast to needy causes. That being said, I read your question 3 times and you need to reword it as I have no idea what you are asking or how it relates to AOC.
I don't give a damn if he's a Pulitzer prize winner who was knighted by the Queen of England and started a Fresh Air Fund. He's bellowing all types of stuff as if it was EXACTLY what AOC is stating and EXACTLY how the situation is. That is NOT the case....he is WRONG.
Please don't stall, the question is quite simple....junior bellows that AOC's statement dress is lame, low level and damn near ineffectual to change the status quo. I submit: if that is indeed the case, then why do the very economic class that AOC's statement is aimed at spend an awful lot of money and time on the Congress to keep their various tax exemption and such the way they are? Why is this a consistent clash point in the House and Senate? Clearly, AOC has a point that is significant. Agree? If not, give reasons other than what junior is braying. Thanks.
And you totally missed the point. AOC's glorified message t-shirt of a dress was nothing more than a deflection away from the fact that she has joined the establishment and so insulting to folks with common sense. Nothing more than a freakin' tweet on the ass of a piece of fabric while the causes she ran on have long been ditched by her. And why are you so goddammed defensive? People who idolize politicians and so-called representatives are ridiculous. The millionaires and billionaires she was drinking champagne with thought it was adorable as they proceeded to continue screwing the unwashed masses. Her dress had zero affect and we don't need awareness raised by someone elected to implement action...not fashion statements. Internet influencers are dime a dozen!
Actually, that was a secondary (if not third point) that junior was raving about. His point: she's sold out because her protest was lame and ineffectual.
Baloney! I've explained twice now why that is just not so.
Let me put it this way......junior could have made an entire program on the real various ways AOC has sold out (comedian/commentator Jimmy Dore is VERY verbose and specific as to how and why). But junior used a poor platform to launch off of.
I'm not defensive....I'm just very adamant and engaged in not letting jokers just say whatever the hell they want because they have a core justifiable complaint.
Again, if her attention getter is so hypocritical, then why did it piss off so many people? She could care less about the attendees of that useless peacock show, it's the voters and her fellow politicians in the up coming elections she aimed at. And she got the message across. You and I talking about it is testament to that.
That's what junior is glossing over in his rant...why are you so god damned intent on defending every facet of it is beyond me.
AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was among the least effective members of the last Congress, according to a study from a nonpartisan group.
While AOC introduced 21 'substantive' bills to Congress, her legislation failed to progress any further, according to the Center for Effective Lawmaking - a joint project between Vanderbilt University and the University of Virginia.
None of the legislation received action in committees, floor votes, nor did any become law, according to the data collected from Congress.gov.
Ocasio-Cortez ranked 230th out of 240 Democrats across the country and was dead last among the 19 that are in the state of New York.
AOC has been the MOST ineffectual rep in Congress and it now has become clear why!
Cannot expect more from someone who thinks tweets and dress graffiti is being proactive.
I used to support her until she abandoned everything she promised to fight for while she was campaigning. AOC is FOS and I don't support gaslighters.