Sfreak, you'll love this: Paris Hilton taken back to jail, screaming and crying

I don't feel sorry for her - not one iota. She's a racist snob who deserves to get taken down a notch or two. And for everyone that feels sorry for her, rest assured, when she's out of prison, she'll return to her carefree luxurious lifestyle and the memory will eventually fade and hopefully replaced with a respect for authority and the law and other people in general. Anyway, if I'm not mistaken she got caught twice and blamed it on someone else. It sounds like you took responsibility and hadn't endangered the life of people.
I don't feel sorry for her - not one iota. She's a racist snob who deserves to get taken down a notch or two. And for everyone that feels sorry for her, rest assured, when she's out of prison, she'll return to her carefree luxurious lifestyle and the memory will eventually fade and hopefully replaced with a respect for authority and the law and other people in general. Anyway, if I'm not mistaken she got caught twice and blamed it on someone else. It sounds like you took responsibility and hadn't endangered the life of people.

Tiana, what makes you say she is racist? I haven't heard anything about that and I'm curious.

I'd love to imagine that this experience is going to open her mind up to all of the people who are unjustly imprisoned and what it might be like for them, and change her so that she uses her money and fame to be an activist for poor people in jail. But I doubt it.
I'd just be happy if the experience makes her realize that she can't be out there endangering stragers' families with her 2000 pound weapon.
Tiana, what makes you say she is racist? I haven't heard anything about that and I'm curious.

I'd love to imagine that this experience is going to open her mind up to all of the people who are unjustly imprisoned and what it might be like for them, and change her so that she uses her money and fame to be an activist for poor people in jail. But I doubt it.

LOL, Paris an activist? I'll believe it when I see it.

There's footage of her (you can probably youtube it) of her dancing in some club calling someone a N-r and a f-t. And there was something else too I can't remember, if I do, I'll let you know.
LOL, Paris an activist? I'll believe it when I see it.

There's footage of her (you can probably youtube it) of her dancing in some club calling someone a N-r and a f-t. And there was something else too I can't remember, if I do, I'll let you know.

I don't know what the f-t could mean, but the n-r I get. I didn't know that, never heard about it. Thanks.
Well, if anything, maybe it has opened Robdawg's eyes? lol

robdawg seems to think that fast food joints should serve you beer in cups to go. He will learn the hard way if by no other way. I just hope no one dies in Dawgs learning process.
I'd just be happy if the experience makes her realize that she can't be out there endangering stragers' families with her 2000 pound weapon.

I really have no sympathy for her especially since she obviously can afford to have someone drive her around during her suspension.
I really have no sympathy for her especially since she obviously can afford to have someone drive her around during her suspension.

Well that's the amazing part to me. How stupid can one person be? Even before her suspension, whenever she was out drinking she should have had a driver. I never understand how these rich people get nabbed for dui's. It's just so stupid.
I suspect she does not want others to know what else besides alcohol she is ingesting....
Mommy might find out....
ironically I think I have more sympathy for her on her initial DUI, she was at a .08 BAL. Which isn't terribly drunk and I could see someone having one or two drinks, feel fine and get behind the wheel & think nothing of it. Especially considering she weighs like like 60 lbs, that could have been one drink. But getting caught twice driving on a suspended license when you can clearly have someone drive you around, means you think you're above the law.
ironically I think I have more sympathy for her on her initial DUI, she was at a .08 BAL. Which isn't terribly drunk and I could see someone having one or two drinks, feel fine and get behind the wheel & think nothing of it. Especially considering she weighs like like 60 lbs, that could have been one drink. But getting caught twice driving on a suspended license when you can clearly have someone drive you around, means you think you're above the law.

Yep and people like her are unless they are stupid enough to keep jabbing the law with a sharp stick.
I had heard rumors that Pareass was smart, I think this busts that myth.
Yep and people like her are unless they are stupid enough to keep jabbing the law with a sharp stick.
I had heard rumors that Pareass was smart, I think this busts that myth.

LOL. I've heard that too. It may be true, I mean, I don't know her, but she can't be too smart if she gets caught twice in one month on a suspended licensce when she can opt to have a driver. I'd actually call that dumb.
Well that's the amazing part to me. How stupid can one person be? Even before her suspension, whenever she was out drinking she should have had a driver. I never understand how these rich people get nabbed for dui's. It's just so stupid.

i know look at me, i don't have a driver and i dont' get dui's and i drive drunk all the time.
i know look at me, i don't have a driver and i dont' get dui's and i drive drunk all the time.

LOL! Hey stranger! Where ya' been?

A friend of mine had a party a few weeks ago and she had a breathalyzer. I had maybe 3 or 4 drinks in 4 hours and it still registered me at a 1.4 for over an hour. I didn't feel all that drunk to be honest, and that was twice the legal limit. I have a feeling being on the cusp at .08 is difficult to gage if you've only had one drink and no machine of your own.