APP - Shameless, swaggering and STILL lying: Alastair Campbell 'stands by every word' of 45

Yes there was a time when we got along well enough, I changed when I saw how you and yours chose to use alleged personal problems of various posters as ammo. Liz with her alcohol dependency, Shoot with his divorce, Zoom with his medical problems and Zappa with his weight to name but a few.

Stow it Prendergasp! You have no stinking room to talk. The problem you have is you hit and then shriek and cry "FOUL" when we hit back as hard and many times harder.

You can't be the supposed ball buster and the weak-kneed, limp-wristed pansy all at the same time.

Find a square and land on it!

You drew and draw blood too. You just like the colour of ours better than yours.
Yes there was a time when we got along well enough, I changed when I saw how you and yours chose to use alleged personal problems of various posters as ammo. Liz with her alcohol dependency, Shoot with his divorce, Zoom with his medical problems and Zappa with his weight to name but a few.

OMG...blah blah blah. How stupid is this? My children were attacked, my husband was attacked, my personal info was posted, I was trolled ceaslessly with filth by the demented duo and so were those posters who were on my side of the political spectrum. You and low participated in all kinds of personal fucking attacks as well Tom...that's what the whole damned thing devolved into to for everyone!

As Loyal pointed out, we were just better at dishing it up then you were...and we have always been better at taking it then you and your whiney assed pals! Liz's bed was made by her long before you or I even knew her. She made it a point to contact me on IM in an attempt to get me involved her crap, she earned the scorn she waa fucking waa. Everyone devolved Tom...everyone either comes to understand ain't no fucking need to take it personal, or they stop posting... sheesh!:gives:
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