She's an idiot.

She's been a centrist her whole political career.

Harris is a far-Left radical Progressive. She always has been and is now. She was widely rated the most liberal member of the Senate, even further to the Left than Bernie Sanders.
What makes Harris a leftist? Oh, she is a Democrat...
She is an undereducated moron who thinks her Climate religion is thettled thienth, and she is nothing but stupidly WOKE.

Why don't you leftist pukes in general demand that Harris debate someone like me on Global Warming? Tell her I'll buy her a pizza if she does.
What makes Harris a leftist? Oh, she is a Democrat...

Joined bipartisan bills the least often compared to Senate Democrats

Ranked most politically left compared to Senate Democrats

Wrote the fewest laws compared to Senate Sophomores

Got their bills out of committee the least often compared to Senate Sophomores (tied with 1 other)​

Held the fewest committee positions compared to Senate Sophomores(tied with 1 other)​

Was 2nd most absent in votes compared to All Senators

Harris missed 55.1% of votes (397 of 720 votes) in the 116th Congress

Got bipartisan cosponsors on the 2nd fewest bills compared to Senate Democrats (tied with 1 other)​
